The Evil King and Medical Goddess Wife: Whose Hand Covers the World

Chapter 932: , If it is free, both can be thrown

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932, if it is free, both can throw

The two immediately replied obediently, "Go back to my sister and read."

Qian Xue was very satisfied.

The two of them hurriedly shook their heads, "Fear not, my sister is our role model and our hero."

Regardless of whether the two little girls are flattering or sincere, Gu Qianxue is only true.

Why let the two of them see the history of the struggle is to let them both have the spirit of struggle.

If there is no spirit of resistance, how can she be her dogleg and let her go?

Thinking, Gu Qianxue smiled like a grandma wolf, "If your sister says you want to be free, can you help?"

Gu Qianling and Gu Qianzi looked at each other and had to say that since the aunts left them, this sister has become their umbrella, and they have a lot of delicious and delicious food. They also encourage them to study and so on. "Help!" .

Gu Qianzi hurriedly said, "Help, Qianzi will also help!"

"Yes, my sister didn't hurt you in vain, rest assured, and then follow your sister, eat spicy and spicy, and live the days you really want." Gu Qianxue had no time to pull anything else. The voice commanded the two.

In the afternoon, the joyous cheers in the capital had subsided, and Chu Yan told the Dark Guardian and Jiading Guardian again and again. This was when Shang Shufu went to the factory in Beijing suburbs to check the progress of the new mask liquid factory.

Just before Chu Yan left, Gu Qianling and Gu Qianzi brought two maids to accompany Gu Qianxue.

Yulian and Yucui saw that their sisters whispered, and it was not easy to eavesdrop, so they retreated.

"Sister, here we come." As soon as he entered the room, Gu Qianling looked serious. Gu Qianzi went to close the door, and the two maids stood by the door.

"Good sister, the two of you will be my sisters in the future." Qian Xue said happily, but then remembered that they were half-sisters, and logically also sisters, and hurriedly added a sentence, "sister sister."

The two were very happy to see their sister valued themselves so much.

It took Gu Qianling a lot of effort to untie the rope on Gu Qianxue's body, and it was enough time for a cup of tea.

Not to mention that the technique of the first smoke string is very tricky, only that Gu Qianling is just an ordinary backyard girl. At this time, his hands are cold and cold, and he is trembling.

Qianxue did not urge, quietly untied.

After unraveling, Gu Qianling secretly pointed at one of the maids, and Qian Xue nodded.

"Qi'er, come here." Gu Qianling said.

The girl named Qi'er is similar to Gu Qianxue with dark skin.

As soon as he approached, Gu Qianxue ran a knife on the acupuncture point behind his head, and poor Qi'er shot you softly, and he was paralyzed.

The other maid was startled, just about to shout, but Gu Qianzi covered her mouth, "Shut up, be careful to sell you." As the master, there are always ways to threaten people.

Qi'er was specially selected by Gu Qianling to be Qian Xue's stand-in, strictly selected according to the requirements of taking care of Qian Xue.

Gu Qianxue was not idle, and with the help of Qianling, he changed clothes with Qi'er, and found out the black ash and grease that were easy to use before, and painted all the clothes that were exposed outside the black.

On the other side, Gu Qianzi and another maidservant **** the real Qier, loosened her hair, and placed it on the bed, facing the bed and covering the quilt.

After everything was properly packed, they became two masters and two slaves, except that one of the girls was a fake.

The four of them went out of the room, and Yulian and Yucui were outside the door. "Miss Two, Miss Three, are you going away so soon?"

Gu Qianling jumped out of his throat with one heart, "Yeah, my sister said she fell asleep when she was tired, and we couldn't bear to bother."

Yulian and Yucui were clear.

During these three days, Gu Qianxue slept irregularly. Almost eight of the twelve hours of the day were sleeping, and his temper was particularly bad. If he was disturbed while sleeping, he would violently curse and lose his temper for a long time. Yulian and Yucui did not dare to enter easily. They could only wait until the county master summoned them.

All this is a bureau.

For Gu Qianxue, who was able to be a traitor in Shangming and engaged in incognito business, it was a piece of cake.

Yulian and Yucui couldn't even dream of it. Their hardworking precautions fell into the trap of people for so long.

"Miss Two and Miss Three walked slowly, the slave-servant would not be far away." Yulian Yucui said, after all, she still looked at Qianxue County Master.

"No need to send it, take care of your sister." Gu Qianzi said.

Subsequently, the two took the "two" maids to calmly go out to listen to Xueyuan.

When he really went out to listen to the Snow Yard, Gu Qianling exhaled fiercely, "Frightened me, scared me."

Gu Qianzi is not much better.

But the most frightened one was the real maid. After all, the masters and masters did the wrong thing, and the people who did the wrong thing now were tragic. At this time, they cried silently.

The maid with a dark expression on her face, dark skin, and her head bowed all the time at the moment, raised her delicate cheeks at the next moment, and her eyes were shining brightly.

Gu Qianling and Gu Qianzi froze for a while, and to be honest, "stimulation."

Qianxue took the three people to the back door, "Then do you have any plans to stay in the future, or follow me."

The three of them wanted to cry without tears, Gu Qianzi said, "Of course, I followed my sister, we dare not stay." It was really a thief ship.

Qianxue laughed, "Have you brought Yinzi? But it's okay if you don't bring it, your sister can earn it. When the time comes, I will take you to tour the great rivers and mountains. We are going to see the snow in the north, the lake in the south, the mountains in the west, and the sea in the east. Definitely keep you in this life."

When Gu Qianxue said this, the three of them had expectations.

The four went out of the harem smoothly. Although Gu Qianling and Gu Qianzi were the ladies of the family, Gu Qianxue had won the opportunity for freedom for the two very early, allowing them to occasionally go out for more insight.

It can be said that the journey was smooth, and he fled from Gu Shangshufu smoothly. He also hired a carriage at the post to prepare to leave the city.

Today, because the prince is married, the city ban is very short, and the city gates are not closed until midnight. They have plenty of time.

Who knows, the carriage had just walked into the city and had not left the city, only to hear a sound from the top of the carriage, as if something had broken down, followed by the driver's exclamation.

Gu Qianxue shouted badly and came to the window to jump out.

However, the carriage window is very different from the modern car window. Two small windows with large slaps fly out of a bird, and jump out of no way.

The carriage stopped suddenly and the door was pulled open.

This person is not a person, it is the first smoke.

Today's first smoke is not only cold but also furious, "Is the lord of the county worthy of slavery?"

Qianxue burst into flames, "Oh, the person who is the most unqualified to say this is you, the sky can be learned, I can say you are your own, how about you? Even if you are forced to marry me, are you worthy of me?"

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