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933, funeral wedding

"The slave-servant can learn from the dead, and the slave-servant is better for the master," Chu Yan's voice was mixed with anger. "The slave-servant did not want to see the master's widowed day."

"Even if you don't marry Su Gongzi, there are too many others who can marry. At first smoke, you turn your head to look at the street. There are no three-legged toads, and there are many men with two legs. Just pull one." Gu Qianxue also It's naive to talk to Chuyan about maritalism.

In modern times, it is considered neuropathy to say that you will not marry for life, let alone Nanyue Kingdom

"But the master of the county marries Li Wang, but it is the most suitable way. The master's prediction has never made mistakes." Another reason why Chu Yan insisted was also Su Lingxiao's letter.

Qianxue was almost crazy, "This Su Lingxiao is so mad, how can he be so pitted?"

It is a pity that Gu Qianxue only shouted this sentence, and was **** again by the first smoke in the next moment. The driver turned the head of the car and went directly to Gu Shangshufu.

Gu Qianling and Gu Qianzi shivered and shivered in the corner together with the girl, because the whole car was murderous.

Not only the first smoke, but also Gu Qianxue.

In this way, Gu Qianxue was caught back again.

A familiar scene, a familiar scene.

Gu Qianxue was thrown on the bed like a dumpling again.

Chu Yan was really angry. She stood quietly by the bed like a piece of air-cooling ice. "In the eyes of the county master, the slave-maid likes to do business, right?"

"This..." Qian Xue naturally knew that it was for her that Chu Yan got out early and returned late, and she also knew that Chu Yan was most afraid of trouble and could solve things with force, and would never take a lot of work. "I know you are all for me, but I really can't just marry myself out so unclearly."

Chu Yan also knew that she was wronged and sighed, "One day, the master will know the master's good, and from today, the slave-servant will not go anywhere, just looking at you here."

Gu Qianxue looked up to the sky, how about a good protagonist aura? Say good cheat? Why came to her, there was nothing, she refused!

However, what about dissatisfaction?

In the face of cruel reality, I have to convince!

For the next seven days, Chu Yan really stood in front of Gu Qianxue inseparably. He slept and slept on the ground. This is nothing. The most terrifying thing is that no matter how Gu Qianxue wears his mouth, the first smoke will not emit. A word.

This feeling is like a heavy punch on the space memory cotton, and there is no response.

By the fifth day, Gu Qianxue did not want to speak anymore.

In this way, the peaceful seven days spent, after the Enron County Master, Qianxue County Master would also be embarrassing.

Before dawn, someone like a dumpling in his sleep felt that someone had untied the rope on her body, "The first smoke, you guys finally found out with a conscience?" said in a confused voice. When you open your eyes, the crowded scene will be She was terrified.

I saw that the spacious room was full of people, whether it was a little maid with a bun or a wrinkled maid, her face was full of smiles, and she was wearing red clothes, which made her so hot Eyes hurt.

what's the situation?

Gu Qianxue was stiff in bed, his eyes were dull, his tongue was dry, his brain stopped. Isn't it... so soon to get married? Did she marry so unclearly? Who will explain to her, what the **** is this?

Even the cold first smoke, today also put on a red dress.

"Congratulations to the master, today is your day of great joy, please also freshen up, and have some ceremonies." Chu Yandao.

Qian Xue just wanted to talk, but she choked for a long while. "Wait, even today is my death, what are you doing in red? Do you want to marry Li Wangfu together to be a concubine for Gong Lingtuo? You can’t do it, Junan will be hanged in Li Wang Mansion."

In a word Lei flipped the house.

A grandmother shouted, "Bah, bah, bad is not a good spirit! Your lord, today is your happy day, don't say frustration, you will touch the mold."

Gu Qianxue glared, "Oh, mold? Marrying that guy is the biggest mold in my life." As he said, he looked at the people around him with his eyes, thinking about his chances of escaping.

Chu Yan took a panoramic view of everything, and said coldly, "Please also ask the master to take back the heart of the escape from marriage, otherwise the slave-servant will just tie you and help you into the cave."

Gu Qianxue wanted to speak a few words, but he knew too much about Chu Yan as a man. He could make it when he said it, and he must not be surprised until there was no perfect solution.

There is also a grandma said, "Go back to the lord of the county, this is the case. The people in our room are your bridesmaids and are here to serve you in the royal palace."

A few young maids blushed with shame. If they could really serve Li Wang as a concubine, then they would fly to the branches and become phoenixes.

Gu Qianxue rolled his eyes, and there was an urge to faint.

God...why did things get to this point...

The ceremonial grandma came from the palace, and instantly opened the door, shouting, "Your group of lazy slaves, Jiji is here soon, why haven't you prepared for the county master? Don't look at you as a Shushufu, if you lose Mistakes and mistakes made by his own emperor."

Upon hearing the emperor's condemnation, the people did not dare to let go, and quickly started a twelve-point spirit.

The curtain was slammed to isolate the others, except for Gu Qianxue, who had only the first smoke on the bed. "Sister, please change your clothes." He said politely in his mouth, but was not polite in his hand. After a few clicks, he cleaned Gu Qianxue and put on a pure red coat.

Gu Qianxue said, "Don't say it, I'll do it myself!" Until now, if I didn't fully grasp the point of unresponsive resistance, I would be asking for trouble.

Gu Qianxue has always been a man of understanding, since he can bend and stretch his husband.

In addition to the fiery red lining, many layers were worn inside and outside, adding up to a total of nine layers, which means that the white head grows old and the nine or nine are unified. Fortunately, this is the cool autumn weather. If it is summer, I really don't know how to boil.

The fiery red wedding dress is painted with gold wire to outline various signs and patterns. In the process of dressing, there are also a lot of auspicious words from the mother. Such as a layer of clothing, two love each other, a golden boy and a girl; a two-layer clothing, a case of eyebrows, a husband and a woman, etc., all the way to the nine-layer clothing, white-headed old, children and grandchildren.

Gu Qianxue listened to Grandma's words, only to feel that it was getting colder and couldn't help getting goose bumps.

Grandma asked, "Sister, are you cold?"

Qian Xuepi smiled but didn't smile, "When I think about living with that guy, I feel like I'm in an ice cave.

The faces of the grandmothers and the maids changed drastically, and they quickly raised the volume and said some auspicious words. They suppressed Gu Qianxue's voice and could not be heard by the grandmother in the palace.

Qian Xue saw that they were trembling, so it was not good to embarrass them anymore. Why bother with the same people in the world?

The people are really helpless-can marry into the royal family, but the supreme glory, the endless wealth, the master of the county is so good that it seems to be like going to hell.

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