Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the evil king princess: doctor hand cover the sky!

956, this king is so lustful?

"Yu Cui went to see how far it was." Qian Xue said anxiously.

It’s ridiculous to think about it. In modern times, I have never played the speed of life and death.

Yu Cui leaned his head out of the car window, "It's almost catching up with us, and... there are two feet away..."

The two feet of Nanyue Kingdom are six meters in modern times.

"Chu Yan..." Gu Qianxue just asked for something, but he heard Yu Cui speak again.

"Sovereign, the prince's carriage seems to have slowed down, and our distance has spread."

Qian Xue puzzled, "Why?"

Outside the carriage, the first smoke lane, "Sovereign, Li Wang's carriage is in front."

A thousand snow is clear.

Although she didn't want to see Li Wang, she was better than Prince Li.

Li Wangchun's black Qianjin car stopped at a street intersection. When Gu Qianxue's carriage approached, he slowed down, and finally stopped not far from the Qianjin car.

Junan stepped forward and did not perform his official duties. He first greeted his sweetheart diligently, "Miss Smoke Girl."

Chu Yan turned her head around, not even looking at Junan at a glance.

Junan broke his heart into eight petals, and it hurts. "The subordinate has seen the princess and the queen, please."

Gu Qianxue nodded, "You are in the car." After Yulian Yucui's instructions, she got out of the car.

"The first smoke girl, otherwise you will also pass together?" Jun An fart.

The first smoke was ignored.

Junan added a sentence, "It doesn't matter if Chu Yanqi doesn't want to go, I help Chu Yan protect the princess."

Chu Yan was shocked, patrolling to escape Junan, but forgot his duties.

Without a word, he turned over and got out of bed, accompanied Gu Qianxue to the direction of Qianjin car.

The monk of Junan Zhang Er was puzzled and wondered why the attitude of the first smoke girl became so fast and followed her.

Qianxue slowed down. When Chu Yan stepped forward, he whispered, "Your heart is too ruthless? Brother Jun is so infatuated, how can you frequently give someone a face?"

Chu Yan lowered his eyes and said, "I just don't want to give him a chance."

"Why? Brother Jun, although his martial arts are a little worse and a little more arrogant, but he is also a famous person. If you really become, you will also be young grandma." Qianxue quipped.

Chu Yan raised his eyes and looked at Gu Qianxue quietly, "Don't the master forget, can the slave-maid not have children?"

Gu Qianxue instantly got stuck.

Women's infertility is a big deal, not to mention the important ancient heirs, it is modern, and it is also rejected by others.

There are still few families who really want Dink, and many in-vitro babies can't solve infertility, often ending in divorce.

Gu Qianxue wanted to say something comforting, but he didn't know what to say. At this time, this scene said something, but it was like a cool word. "Don't worry, I will start treating you tonight. If you get sick, you will be cured." Most of these words are comforting Chu Yan.

Chu Yan smiled, "It can't be cured."

During his speech, he had arrived at the Qianjin car.

Gu Qianxue got in the car and was still thinking when entering the car. Junan must be cured. Junan is a very good destination.

In the carriage, Li Wang closed his eyes and nourished his mind. Although a pair of sword eyebrows slowly loosened, there was a slight wrinkle between the eyebrows. The 22-year-old is a young man. It is reasonable to say that the skin condition should not have wrinkles. This wrinkle is probably due to its frequent Frowning.

When Gu Qianxue entered the car, Li Wang slowly released his brow, "You detoxified Pei's?"

"Yeah, so?" Qian Xue replied casually.

Li Wang's lips evoked a bit of playfulness, "unexpectedly by this king."

"In your eyes, I am the person who must pay attention, right?" Qian Xue raised her eyebrows.

"Yes." Li Wang said bluntly.

Gu Qianxue was too lazy to explain to him what the doctor’s parents’ heart was, what he didn’t forget, his medical vows, and what he hung out of the world.

"You need money?" Li Wang looked inquiringly.

"You don't need your money." Qianxue passed without hesitation.

"..." Li Wang also felt hostility.

"Master, where are we going?" Junan's polite voice came from outside the carriage.

"Go back to the palace, where would you go without returning to the palace?" Gu Qianxue didn't have a good air.

Originally Li Wang also wanted to take advantage of the autumn scenery to walk around with Qian Xue, but did not expect to be rejected before speaking.

Outside the carriage, Junan knew the master's plan, so even if Gu Qianxue said he wanted to go back, he didn't catch the car as soon as possible, and wanted to wait for his master to speak.

Early smoke coldly said, "Isn't it going to catch the car? Then I'll come." As he said, he would **** the reins.

What more can Junan say? The princess didn't appreciate it. He didn't want the prince to stick cold ass, and he didn't even offend the first smoke girl for the prince to stick cold ass.

Thinking about it, he hurried back to Li Wangfu.

Qianjin car is extremely stable, even when climbing from the dirt road to the stone road, it is stable and comfortable.

Gu Qianxue was sitting not far from the door, staring at the door, while Li Wang was watching her.

"Gu Qianxue?" Li Wang called softly.

Gu Qianxue ignored.

"Qianxue?" Li Wang's voice lightened a bit, but he was careful.

It was still the silence in the carriage that came back to him.

"Shall we talk about it?" Li Wangdao said.

Gu Qianxue didn't answer, just opened the door instantly, "Stop, I want to go down."

This was on the street, because Gu Qianxue's appearance caused a lot of sensation on the street.

Not only because of its appearance, but also the golden car.

The people in the capital know all the goods. At first, they didn't know who the car belonged to. Later, they spread the word slowly. When they saw the black car, they didn't talk about giving way first, because the owner was Li Wang.

Gu Qianxue was stunned, and quickly returned.

"We have nothing to talk about, you walk your Yangguan Road, I cross my single-tree bridge, I don't forget how I married you, to tell you the truth, I'm looking for Su Gongzi, leave me, I leave you alone How about it, you can treat Ying Weiyi as a concubine, or you can find another woman with a family background that can support your career, and it has nothing to do with me. If someone asks, you say I am dead, sick, It can be burned or killed in a car accident. I cooperate with you to play the golden silkworm shell."

Gu Qianxue's "death" stung Li Wang.

"Shut up! No more deaths in the future!" Li Wang roared.

Gu Qianxue shrugged indifferently, "Okay, let's share our lives peacefully, and naturally we won't mention being so unhappy. Although I am not afraid of death, it is better to live."

Li Wang's heavy gasping came from the carriage, and he was gasped.

Gu Qianxue found conscience and laughed, “Don’t be angry, can our husband and wife be friends? I really did not fulfill the princess’ duty, but I gave the authority to manage the royal palace to Ying Weiyi, and encouraged you to talk with Ying Weiyi. Feelings, I have tried my best."

After a long pause, Gu Qianxue said, "Otherwise, I will give you a few more concubines, okay?"


Naturally bad!

"In your eyes, this King is so lustful?" Li Wang was angry.

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