Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the evil king princess: doctor hand cover the sky!

957, emotional second

Gu Qianxue shrugged, "What do you think?"

"Huh?" Li Wang was smirked. "If this Wang is lascivious, will he still touch a woman today?"

It’s okay not to mention this, but Gu Qianxue fired when I mentioned this, “You’re so kind to say you didn’t touch a woman? You didn’t know what you did to me before? The large crowd forced me to be on your lap, do you know? The civil, military and military officials still think I am a slut? Damn, you are wronged, I don’t feel wronged? Say you are not horny, wasn’t you the one who tore my clothes and hugged me to sleep before, was it a ghost?"

Because Gu Qianxue's voice is too loud, even the soundproofed Qianjin car can still be heard outside.

If in the past, Junan would only sniff at hearing it, but since Kaiqiao has a woman she likes, the situation is very different.

Hearing Gu Qianxue tearing her clothes and hugging her when she slept, Junan couldn't help but think of the scene where the smoke girl undressed and fragrant.

Ever since that night, Jun An has been sleeping in bed every night for a while, wondering what would happen if he asked for that night...

Chu Yan glanced at Jun An, and he could guess what he was like from YY from his thoughts, and coughed twice as a reminder.

Junan heard a slight cough from Chu Yan and immediately turned his face flushed as if he had been caught.

Gu Qianxue heard Chu Yan's light cough and realized that she was too loud.

In fact, Chu Yan and Jun An practiced martial arts, while standing people could barely hear, but could not hear clearly, and pedestrians outside the car could not hear.

Gu Qianxue hurriedly shut up.

Wang Li thought of the good old days, and smiled bitterly, "In the beginning, this king really thought that he would marry you smoothly, so he ruined your reputation for some purpose. Now when I think about my own ridiculousness, I naively thought that this world You can’t do things by yourself, thinking that ruining your reputation is as long as you marry you and take responsibility for you."

"Aren't you married now?" Gu Qianxue sneered.

"I thought about it, only marry you." Li Wang Shen Sheng.

Qian Xue was stunned, marrying her alone, what does it mean?

As far as she knows Li Wang, Li Wang never lied, at least to her, because he didn't bother to lie because of these little things.

Did he really just want to be monogamous with her?

At the bottom of my heart, the crusted wound cracked again, tearing the pain.

Yeah, why did things evolve like this? If he went back to the beginning, he only married her, and she liked him too, so the two would fight and scold, and be with Meimei all their lives, how good?

Pity... pity...

"Qianxue, the king promised you..."

Li Wang’s words were not finished, but Gu Qianxue interrupted, “Don’t say anything, don’t say anything, useless! I have my Su Lingxiao, you have your Ying Weiyi, no matter what happened in the past, you and me In the end, the two are destined. If you know the result, don't bother."

Wang Li said, "But Ling Xiao has left, let alone you, no one can find him." Su Lingxiao's ability, he couldn't know more.

Gu Qianxue raised her eyebrows and betrayed, "Well, even if I don't consider Su Gongzi, even if I'm a loser, what should Ying Weiyi do?" He looked at it with a sneer. "Somehow do you go back now and put her off?"


The car was suddenly quiet.

Gu Qianxue smiled, and the wound in his heart hurt even more.

See? Still reluctant, Gee, how good should the concubine be? Beautiful, dignified, and talented. She writes poems more fluently than she recites 300 poems of Tang Dynasty. She occasionally plays a piano and dances.

What does she have? In addition to medical records, it seems that there are no other advantages.

...Oh yes, my face is still pretty good.

Why did you cross into a woman? If she crosses into a man, she would also like to try the beautiful life of three wives and four concubines, taking the kidney and not the heart.

For a long while, Li Wang sighed and lowered his voice, "Qianxue, it is sooner or later, but not now."

Gu Qianxue was taken aback, suddenly looked up at Li Wang, but saw Li Wang's face rigorous.

"I didn't understand what you said." Her voice trembled slightly.

King Li still lowered his voice and stared at her eyes with a pair of black jade eyes, "These words should not have told you, but the prince's power is too great, whether the Pei family supports the father or the prince, it will never Supporting the king, sailing against the current will not retreat. Now there is no room for the king to retreat. If the father and emperor die, in the present situation, the king is afraid that he will not be able to end, and now there are only two ways to go, one is to enter. One is retreat. If you enter, you need to be supported by your family. If you retreat, you have to leave now."

Gu Qianxue was even more surprised. She hadn't thought Li Wang could tell her this.

She is not a fool, and she can naturally see the situation. The hateful emperor, who obviously dared not fight against the prince, but dragged Li Wang to the front as a shield, the relationship between the two was not good, so in this way, I am afraid that it will be tit-for-tat.

Unsuccessful will become a benevolence, this is what Li Wang is facing.

If you "retreat", you can only go now, until the emperor really crashes, I am afraid it will be too late.

However, if King Li is going now, what should Princess Qin do? What about the emperor?

She had a hunch that if there was no King Li, the emperor would be in danger.

However, if you choose "Jin", the Zhao family that she represents is "Wu", and the Ying family that Ying Weiyi represents is "Wen". One article and one Wu is the strong backer of Li Wang, and many people choose to support it. King Li, standing in the camp of King Li.

However, can I really stop Ying Weiyi?

Gu Qianxue does not believe it!

Even if King Li succeeds, he will kill the donkey when he ascends to the throne? Just cross the river and demolish the bridge? Just drive the daughter of the hero out of the palace? Taking care of Qian Xue's understanding of ancient Chinese history, not only can't expel Ying Weiyi, but also have to marry more official daughters to get everyone's support.

On this point, there is no way to avoid it. There are many Ming monarchs in Chinese history. Is Tang Taizong powerful? Is Emperor Kangxi powerful? In the same way, in order to stabilize the power of marrying the daughter of the power minister, every time there is an important matter to entrust the power minister, he must first go to the harem to favor the daughter of the power minister.

To put it another way, these emperors were also forced to "sell their bodies" and "sell their bodies" for their best efforts.

Everyone has seven emotions and six desires, and so does the emperor. The emperor must have a woman she likes or a woman she doesn’t like. In the face of some women whose fathers have the power to dislike it, the emperor has the luck of cheering and laughing. It’s sad to think about it. .

This is why Gu Qianxue did not want to enter the palace.

She did not want to be a victim of imperial power.

Thinking, Gu Qianxue lowered his eyes, "Sorry, I still prefer Su Gongzi some more." The best way is to simply refuse him.

But I saw that Li Wang's expression was frozen, and his throat knot moved up and down nervously.

"Then the king is the second, is it okay?" Li Wang's voice revealed a kind of bleakness, a kind of confused helplessness, "You can like Ling Xiao, and the second is like the king, can't it?"

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