Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the evil king princess: doctor hand cover the sky!

962, Yan Zisong's way

Paolou is very west of the city, very concealed, looking at the facade, I thought it was a little bit of jewelry shop.

Paolou is not accessible to anyone, it is either rich or expensive.

In order not to attract attention, both Gu Qianxue and Chu Yan were wearing a veil and wearing tulle on their heads, leaving only one pair of eyes outside.

But even so, Gu Qianxue's deep outline has clear eyes, still attracting more glances.

A guard at the door stopped Gu Qianxue and others, "Identity."

Qianxue took out the token of the county master from his arms, and the guard was taken aback when he saw it.

"Exactly." Qian Xue said.

"It turned out that there were VIPs, and the little ones were neglected and invited a large number of princesses and princesses. Wait a minute, and the little ones will immediately find the shopkeeper." It's a bit of a panic after being a big man.

Princess Li is nothing, and King Li is terrible.

"No, this princess has heard that there are treasures in Pavilion, so come and see." Qian Xue laughed.

The guard looks strange, treasure? Pinloulou sells women. These women are either bought back by the upstarts to taste the taste of Miss Guan's family, or bought back to train to be a thin horse, not to mention the price is so expensive, what does Princess Li come to do, do you buy it back to be a maid? Shouldn’t I buy a maid?

Soon, the shopkeeper at the pinnacle floor came to be a tall and thin middle-aged man, looking in his early forties, wearing a navy blue silk gown, not like a savvy shopkeeper, but like a genius with a wind and snow chanting poetry.

"Princess Li is driving, there is a far-reaching welcome, under the surname Song, who is the shopkeeper of the pinnacles, I have seen the princess Li."

Qianxue said, "Don't be too polite with Song's shopkeeper. I'm considered traveling as a private identity. The Princess's identity doesn't want to be disclosed."

The treasurer of Song immediately understood, "Yes, the county master is at ease." The title has been changed.

Behind Song's shopkeeper is a young man, tall and slender, with fair skin, beautiful cheeks smiling faintly, and wearing a purple dress.

No one else is Yan Zisong.

Yan Zisong and Gu Qianxue are old friends and even partners, since there hasn't been so much rudeness. "What kind of wind is blowing today, and the master of the county is also blowing." Renluo joked.

Gu Qianxue rolled his eyes. "It's true that there is Yan Gongzi everywhere, and the capital can't fit you anymore."

"Don't, the county leader's speech is too heavy. Yan Mou honestly is a small business." Yan Zisong hypocritically said.

When the shopkeeper Song saw Yan Zisong and Gu Qianxue were familiar, they also laughed, "Brother Yan is too humble, who in the entire capital does not know that Brother Yan is a rookie, but today knows that Brother Yan and the leader of Qianxue County also know each other. what."

"Where is my life?" Yan Zisong arched.

Yes, it is indeed a good life. If it is not a good life, why would you accidentally buy Anonymous House? How to get the monopoly right of Guosefang, how to open a lady class in Qianxue County?

Yan Zisong said to Gu Qianxue, "The master of the county came by coincidence, and it will be opened in half an hour. Today's goods are excellent. It can be said that the audience is full. There is no place in the elegant room. The good position of the hall may not be crowded out. If the governor does not dislike it, how about going to my room?"

Qianxue rolled his eyes, "Is it fake, funny?"

The two of them were in the elegant room of Baizhen Building every time they discussed.

The shopkeeper saw that Yan Zisong had contracted to entertain Princess Li. He let out a sigh of relief. He didn't say that he would be busy immediately.

If another person offends, he will give some gifts, and a good accompany will not pass away.

Li Wang... He didn't dare to think about it. He only hoped that he would stay away from Li Wang in this life.

In this way, the treasurer fled after gratitude and gratitude, and Gu Qianxue and his party followed Yan Zisong into the second floor elegant room.

The interior decoration of the Pavilion Building is extremely luxurious, and it also carries a book of gas. It is not like a restaurant like Baizhen Building with worldly customs.

Calligraphy and paintings hang on the white walls. Although they are not famous, they are also unique.

The content of the painting is nothing more than a beauty, a ring-shaped fat and thin, or if the willow branches are delicate and tender, or like a sunrise full of vitality.

"Sovereign, please here." Yan Zisong made a please gesture.

Gu Qianxue entered.

Along the way, Gu Qianxue attracted many people's attention, because there were very few women in this pavilion, even though he covered his face with a veil, but from the slim shape and fine clothing, it can be seen that this is a beauty.

Half an hour before leaving the sale, Gu Qianxue chatted with Yan Zisong.

"Yang Gongzi, you are not doing business at home, what are you doing here? You are not busy enough?" Gu Qianxue wasn't talking nonsense. Yan Zisong's good business is partly because of his shrewdness, and another reason is his hard work.

Yan Zisong sleeps in bed for up to two hours a day, which is four hours, and sometimes even stays out of bed overnight, but spends more time resting in the carriage.

Yan Zisong was lying on the railing, looking at the increasingly lively downstairs hall, and smiled, "This is also part of my business. I came to Beijing to live in a strange place. Although some people recommended to expand the social circle, but a foreigner wants to fight It’s okay to enter that circle without making any effort. I don’t have time for eating, drinking, and playing. I can still spend the time spent on it.” He said, reaching for the other elegant rooms on the second floor, “I know most of the people here.”

Gu Qianxue glanced and said, "Buy, buy, and buy can also build a relationship?"

"There is a saying that you don't know each other," Yan Zisong explained patiently. "Or, after seeing a certain goods, I compete with one person. I break the price and let the other party take the picture. I have to be alone and don't say anything else. There must be a meal. Sometimes I am in a good mood, I just shoot it down, and send it over after it is shot, it is also humane."

Gu Qianxue shook his head with a smile, "You have a way."

Yan Zisong shrugged, "There is no way, there are ways for small people, but what do you do for the master? Although these goods can sing and dance, they are really good at being maid."

"Can you be more respectful, these girls are in the middle of the house, but they are also human beings, don't bite a piece of goods." Gu Qianxue stared at him.

"Yes, yes, yes, the villain is wrong." Yan Zisong hurriedly said.

"I'll see if there are any good girls who will serve as concubines for the prince." As he said, he looked at the other elegant rooms to see if he had any familiar faces.

"What? What are you talking about?" Yan Zisong was surprised.

"Buying a concubine for the prince, what's so strange?" Gu Qianxue said slowly, "Although Li Wang doesn't worry about the lack of women, the first concubines who entered the palace were afraid of tragedy. Miss, I'm afraid of offending people."

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