The Evil King and Medical Goddess Wife: Whose Hand Covers the World

Chapter 963: , Daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law

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963, daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law

Gu Qianxue wasn't talking nonsense. Li Wang's thoughts, she hadn't figured it out yet, and didn't know what medicine was sold in her gourd.

Do you really like her, force her to be devoted to her room with moral kidnapping, or use her as a shield for other purposes.

If it is Gu Qianxue in the past, it is considered the first.

However, with the development of one thing, Qianxue felt that he could not use normal thinking to measure these ancients with a brain capacity of ten, so he did not dare to assert.

Yan Zisong nodded after listening.

"Do you understand?" Qian Xue asked in surprise.

Yan Zisong nodded, "Yeah."

"But I didn't say anything." Qian Xue said.

Yan Zisong looked innocent. "Eh? How do I think the master has made it clear?"

"..." Gu Qianxue covered her face painfully and couldn't play with this group of ancients. Although the technology is not well developed, this group of people's brains are very easy to use.

"Oh right, do you have a family?" Qian Xue asked.

Yan Zisong replied with a smile, "There are no concubines but no wife."

Qian Xue felt disgusted, "Can't you marry a wife and live a good life? What do you do with so many women?"

Yan Zisong was helpless, "The lord of the county was wronged, and all the mothers under him were married. You see, I'm too busy to sleep, how can I have time to talk and fall in love." Then, his eyes rolled, " My best hope is to meet a woman like the lord. Once the husband is closed, if the lord is there, I'm not afraid to find a few more women in the house when I go home."

Gu Qianxue smiled suddenly and said, "This is no problem, you go to Li Wang to talk about it, if he is willing to fulfill you, I will go back with you, and I am guaranteeing that your backyard is quiet and quiet. Watchdogs must be public if they exist."

Yan Zisong's face changed, "Don't dare! I want to live a few more days underneath, but don't dare to win love to His Royal Highness King Lee, I win love, Wang Li will take my head... No, it won The head of my whole family."

"How can you say such an exaggeration? He is just a strong foreign player, you can really try it." Gu Qianxue sincerely encouraged.

Yan Zisong only felt that Gu Qianxue had dug a big pit in front of him, waiting for him to jump.

"No, no, the prince and the lord of the county are immortal beauties. I, mortals and others, can't be dismantled.

"Boring." Qian Xue gave a few white eyes.

The two chatted freely about some of them, most of them were business anecdotes, and then Yan Zisong was called away by the people around for a while, and did not return until the shooting began.

I don’t know if it is because there are few people who want to buy goods today, or they are all greeted by Yan Zisong. People who look up to Qian Qianxue rarely bid with them on the second floor. Although there are people on the first floor lobby, they have little economic power.

In the end, Gu Qianxue bought seven women for 70,000 silvers, Huanfei Yanshen, who was born in an official family, and was knowledgeable and talented.

Seventy-two thousand, it just happened to spend all the money she made for Pei's diagnosis, touching the empty purse, Gu Qianxue wanted to cry in the house, heart, Gong Lingyun, Gong Lingtao, you see her purse bleeding For the sake of her, let’s break the boy, let her feel less guilty.

The next day.

Yongxian Palace.

Ying Weiyi came early in the morning and brought the most popular desserts outside the palace.

"The concubine pleases the mother concubine." Ying Weiyi's consistent Qingling Ruoju, every move is a model of talent.

"You enter the palace as soon as you enter the palace, and you bring dim sum. It is rare for you to be filial piety." Fei Qin is also in a good mood.

"Go back to the concubine, used it." Ying Weiyi said.

The two entered the room and chatted a few words before turning to the topic.

"The proposal of the concubine made the concubine to conquer, thinking that the prince was too busy to do business and then neglected men and women. At this time, a few concubines should be accepted for the prince, so that the prince can feel the warmth of the family and slowly accept the wife and concubine. "It's all right," Ying Weiyi said, "but the concubine believes that it's not suitable to ask Bing to be a woman for the time being. After all, the prince's heart is not determined.

Qin Fei nodded, "Indeed, Weiyi thoughtfully, did you have the right person?"

"Yes," Ying Weiyi replied that she was neither humble nor unhurried. "Actually, the identity of the man, the concubine also knows, is the heir to Wantong Villa, Wanyi Yunfei girl."

"She?" Qin Fei immediately frowned upon Wan Yunyun's name, "Ignorant and frivolous." The impression on him was extremely bad.

Ying Weiyi laughed inwardly because Wan Wan Yunfei was ignorant and frivolous, so she could let go of her mind, "Don’t worry about it, listen to Wei Yi to analyze it for you. Although Wan Wan’s girl was born in a rough and rough place, Wan Wan’s family It is still spread throughout the Nanyue Kingdom, which is a great help for the prince! In addition, the Wantong family was destroyed, and all the family property was the girl Wan Wan, but the girl Wan Wan was obsessed with the prince. Isn’t the estate of the villa all owned by the prince?"

After hearing this, Princess Qin suddenly realized, "Wei Yi, you are right, this Wan Yunfei should indeed enter the palace."

Concubine Qin was happy, and the conversation between her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was warm and harmonious, and the time for the happy event was fixed, just five days later.

Just as the two had a heated conversation, a court lady came to the door and said that Princess Li was coming.

The mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law were stunned.

Ying Weiyi felt disgusted at the bottom of her heart, but did not show it.

Qin Fei was also dissatisfied. Although she was also grateful to Gu Qianxue, nothing was as important as her son’s lifelong event.

Because Gu Qianxue refused to round the house, Princess Qin complained a lot about it.

But no matter how many complaints, you can't hold the side daughter-in-law to chat happily, throw the daughter-in-law outside, there are many eyes and ears in the palace, fearing that they will be laughed at and taken care of.

"Is Qian Xue coming? Let her in." Qin Fei smiled enthusiastically and got up to meet herself.

Ying Weiyi also accompanied with a faint smile, got up and greeted, cold light in his eyes.

She would like to see what kind of moth Gu Qianxue can play.

After a short while, Gu Qianxue entered, and this time he also brought the first smoke.

Missing pieces, Chu Yan holds many scrolls in his hands.

"Qian Xue has seen the concubine of the concubine Qin, and the concubine of the concubine Qin is auspicious." Without saying anything, the first-seeing ceremony was just like when he was in Li Wangfu.

Qin Fei froze in place.

Ying Weiyi laughed secretly in her heart. Gu Qianxue hasn't changed her mind until now. Does it mean that she hasn't recognized the identity of the Princess? I don’t admit that it’s best to wait until the patience of the prince and concubine is worn away, that is, Gu Qianxue’s death.

"Eh? Concubine Ying is also there. Concubine Ying is really filial, much more filial than my entire daughter-in-law, and I will often come to accompany the concubine Qin in the future." Gu Qianxue smiled and smiled.

Ying Weiyi's smile also froze on his face, unable to tell for a while, whether it was sincere or ironic.

Gu Qianxue opened the door and pointed at the mountain, "I am thinking of a concubine of the concubine Qin. I want to accept a few concubines for the prince. The prince realized the gentleness of the gentle township, and slowly accepted the women in the royal palace. Isn't the problem of heirs solved? "

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