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978, boast Haikou's own circle

Junan didn't know what medicine Gu Qianxue's gourd sold. Looking at Chu Yan's face, although he didn't express contempt, he despised it.

In Jun'an's opinion, even if Gu Qianxue is capable of medical skills, he can't be a generalist in everything? If a teenage girl can win the sword-making convention, then the famous sword mountain village has been conscientiously studying sword-making for hundreds of years, wouldn't it be a house?

The team re-started, including Yulian and Yucui, and everyone under Junan's guidance moved towards the mine.

The reason why the famous sword mountain villas are first-class is not only because of the pursuit of technology, but also that the mountains around the mountain villages are rich in iron ore. This iron ore is completely different from other local iron mines. Hard, more pure.

Along the way, Jun An explained the process of casting swords for Gu Qianxue.

Although it is a cast sword, it is not actually a cast. The more appropriate word should be forging.

There is an essential difference between casting and forging. The former is to melt the material, and then put it into the grinding tool to cool and form; the latter needs to be forged to knock out the impurities in the pig iron to change its performance, while the latter is not so much iron. It's better to say steel.

The mountain at Mingjian Mountain produces an ore called gold iron. According to Jun An's description, Gu Qianxue guessed that the gold iron was actually iron ore.

In the first step, the gold iron is selected, and then melted and cast into pieces of ironmaking of various sizes, which is also pig iron. Because it contains many impurities, its performance is extremely poor, soft and hard.

If you want to change its performance, you have to go through the fire and repeated forging.

The second step is forging. There are two types of forging, one is ordinary forging and the other is folding forging.

Because pig iron contains impurities and the temperature reaches a certain high temperature, it is cracking, so the furnace fire must be kept at a fixed temperature so that the pig iron will not crack and have soft characteristics. In ancient times without a thermometer, controlling the temperature became It has become the housekeeping skill of a blacksmith or swordsmith.

Another skill of blacksmiths and swordsmiths is the ability to make iron.

When the block of iron-making is burnt through, it is taken out and placed on the anvil to be hammered repeatedly, and each face of the iron block must be hammered. The most important and the most difficult is that during the hammering process, it is necessary to The strength is even and the attachment is full. Make the iron block fully squeezed.

The process of backlogging is like wringing water out of a towel. Through this special squeezing, various impurities contained in the pig iron are gradually discharged, and its performance is essentially changed. Eventually, the pig iron becomes a forgeable sword. Steel.

This is the so-called "hundreds of steel".

After "ordinary forging" ends, enter the second process "folding forging".

Forge the burned material into long strips, cut it with a special iron knife at the position where it needs to be folded, and then hammer and fold it. Then put the folded material in the fire to burn it to soften it, and then continue to hammer, so that the folded parts are completely tightly adhered together. This process is called "welding".

The third step is to make a sword shape. As the name implies, the steel rods that are bonded together are extended to reach the required sword length. Then hit the shape of the sword.

This process is not too difficult but very skillful, because the length and style of the sword are unified. The hand-knock-in style is entirely based on the grip of the hand and the feeling of the soul.

In the later stage, there are processes such as quenching, cold forging, and shaping, and even some people will also carry out tempering.

After that, it was sharpened to sharpen it.

From the famous sword mountain village to the mine, the carriage traveled for two hours, and Junan said two hours in detail. Gu Qianxue was dizzy and dizzy. How could she know forging as a medical doctor? Now it's just forcing the duck on the shelf.

The mine is right in front of you, but the horse is still some distance away from the dead horse.

Jun An asked, "What should I say, is there anything I don't understand?"

Gu Qianxue took a deep breath, "No, it's hard for the Eastern Master, I want to be quiet." Immediately, I closed my eyes.

Jun An happened to be dry-mouthed. When Gu Qianxue didn't want to listen, he closed his mouth and looked at Chu Yan with his eyes shut.

Chu Yan hung his head, ignoring Junan in the slightest.

So, what is Gu Qianxue thinking?

At this time, Gu Qianxue's clothes were almost soaked with cold sweat. She found herself extremely ridiculous. When she agreed to bet on the old lady last night, she still thought she was using cast iron which was a little better than bronze ware. But now it seems that wrought iron has been used in this era!

Wrought iron is steel!

She suddenly remembered that when she read a book in modern times, she mentioned that the Chinese forging process had reached its peak in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, and the later improvements were only improvements in materials and details. As far as the process is concerned, there is no room for improvement.

Then what should she do?

13 has been installed, Haikou has been exaggerated, the bet has been placed, do you really want to stay for ten years?

It's shameful when the girl is shameful, but it's a shame to lose.

Gu Qianxue shook his head fiercely, reached out and rubbed his temples. The more anxious the key was, the calmer he was.

manganese! She now bets all manganese on him!

Manganese is a good thing, just added manganese has better durability and hardness.

And many iron-rich mines also have manganese ore, which is her only hope.

Gu Qianxue does not strike iron, nor does he estimate the temperature. Even if it does, it cannot be improved in terms of technology. What can be improved now is the material.

The three people in the carriage didn't speak and went all the way to the mine.

How the mine is not tired, but Gu Qianxue was shocked again and came out in cold sweat, but this time it was a surprise, because she discovered the manganese mine!

There are many ways to explore minerals, and the most traditional and lowest-level method is to directly look for signs of ore, that is, to discover outcrops of manganese ore.

Manganese ore as a layered manganese ore outcrop is the most important direct prospecting indicator. Layered secondary manganese oxide outcrop is usually found on the surface. The ore is mainly composed of hard manganese ore, soft manganese ore, metamanganate ore, with obvious The secondary organization structure is often mixed with a large amount of siliceous and muddy materials, and the texture is sparse. The boundaries of the top and bottom of the ore layer are relatively clear. The arrangement of the ore remains intermittent bedding and the layer is stable. Based on these characteristics, it can be determined that this is Residual manganese ore outcrop.

Junan immediately summoned miners to mine. The surface of the manganese ore has more impurities and lower purity. The deeper the surface, the higher the purity of the ore.

Fortunately, there is a miner who actually owns manganese ore. The mine was originally produced when mining iron ore. According to common sense, non-gold iron is directly backfilled into the waste mine hole. However, because the shape of this manganese ore looks very much like a A goshawk, and the manganese ore is black, was left by the miners as a craft.

And thanks to Gu Qianxue's discovery, he immediately warned miners that they could no longer keep manganese ore private. Manganese ore would be toxic if inhaled for a long period of time, which is why the famous Jianshanzhuang ordered the miners to refill manganese ore in abandoned mines.

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