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979, there is pride in martial arts?

On the way back, Gu Qianxue was holding the big manganese ore like a baby, of course, a piece of cloth was wrapped outside.

The first smoke said, "Miss still give the manganese ore to the slave maid to hold it, don't you say the manganese ore is poisonous?"

Qianxue shook his hand, "It's toxic to get in contact with manganese ore for a long time, but it's okay for a while, and besides, even if it's really toxic, even if I do things one by one, I'm holding it, how can I let the innocent Are you poisoned?"

Junan rolled his eyes, "Is it okay to hang it outside the car? Is it necessary to hold it?"

"That will not work, what if it falls?" Gu Qianxue said anxiously.

Jun An sneered, "You didn't hear the miners say? It's all backfilled in the waste mine cave, and you can have as many as you want."

"You can't hydrolyze your thirst. You know how to fart," Gu Qianxue said, "I don't want to be reconciled."

Junan was afraid all of a sudden, and broke his face. "Don't, grandma, I'm wrong? I can do what I say to you now. I've participated in the sword casting conference. What else do you want?"

Qian Xue pursed her lips and smiled, "I will not talk back to me in the future." It feels good to threaten people.

Junan glanced at Chu Yan with nostalgia, then nodded grievously, "Got it."

Qian Xue was even darker and couldn't help looking at Chu Yan, but found that Chu Yan, who lowered his head, frowned deeper.

Qianxue sighed silently. The more Jun An showed concern for the first smoke, the more the first smoke struggled. Although she felt distressed at the first smoke, the Phoenix Nirvana did not want the first smoke to go through a painful life.

Junan Road, "Miss Zhao, how do you use this manganese mine?"

Qianxue Road, "Add to iron ore."

Junan nodded, "How much."

Qianxue replied, "I don't know."


Gu Qianxue really didn't know, thinking about it, "Add 3%, I'll fix it then."

Jun An shrugged, "You are a swordsmith, I am only an assistant, what do you say, what I do."

Along the way, I returned to the famous Jianshanzhuang.

When returning to Mingjian Mountain Villa, Gu Qianxue was surprised to find that the main gate of Mingjian Mountain Villa was overcrowded, the wide square was filled with carriages, and various people stood at the gate.

Some are dressed in plain clothes, a pair of craftsmen are dressed, some are luxuriously dressed, like a martial arts family.

"Why do you say that?" Qianxue asked.

Jun An replied, "Naturally came to participate in the sword-making convention. Starting today, the participants arrived one after another, and the sword-making conference officially began seven days later."

Qian Xue suddenly became nervous, "Okay, I know."

The front door was full of people, and the team went to the back door.

"What arrangements can Miss Zhao have during this time?" Jun An asked.

Qian Xuedao, "Yes, first of all help me find some casting books, without the cheats from your family, as long as the ordinary craftsmen books are good. Secondly, we look for opportunities to open the furnace once, although you know the skill of casting swords, but after all Did not really get started."

To Gu Qianxue's surprise, Jun An didn't express disdain, but he was rare and serious. "Well, I will arrange this."

Qianxue's appreciation of Jun'an was a bit more.

After returning to the guest room, everyone immediately returned to the room to bathe and change their clothes. After all, the mine was in a bad environment. After walking around, they brought back with dirt.

Gu Qianxue and Chu Yan had just finished packing, but they heard the famous Jianshanzhuang girl from the door coming, "Miss Zhao, Chu Yan girl, our old lady pleases."

Suddenly, the two men stepped forward and pushed open the door. When they saw the lady next to the old lady, "Girl please come in."

The maid shook her head outside the door. "The old lady is still waiting for me to answer the question. I won't go in. If Zhao Zhao and Chu Yanqi have finished cleaning up, just pass by, old lady waiting."

"Okay, trouble girl." Qianxue smiled, and the first smoke was stuffing the girl with broken silver.

The two did not dare to neglect and called Yulian Yucui, and the four rushed to the old lady's yard.

The courtyard of the old lady of the East, Leng's sect, is solemn. There is no softness of the female residence and no serenity of the elderly. There is no flowers or grass in the yard. The broad central marble floor is surrounded by a weapon rack, not a martial arts field. what?

Qian Xue and others were surprised.

It is said that Gu Qianxue was here. Leng and Mu came out of the house surrounded by maidservants. Mu was still gentle and gentle, but the old lady Leng was very happy.

Leng's hand reached for the first smoke. "Are you the woman An Er likes?"

Chu Yan frowned slightly, and said, "It's the wrong son of Dongfang."

Leng's and Mu's were stunned. They had heard that Dongfang Junan liked a maidservant, so they weren't very happy. Although they didn't care about their origins, but the lady with the national fragrance didn't like it, but she liked the humble maidservant. The Oriental lady still doubts whether her child is blind.

But since they liked it, they tried to accept it. The two discussed for a long time and decided that if Chuyan really had a place worthy of Junan, they would agree.

Who would have thought that this maid was even more arrogant than the young lady and looked down upon her own children.

Gu Qianxue also felt embarrassed and hurriedly said, "Old lady and wife, please forgive me, Chu Yan has always resisted this matter, for fear of being misunderstood by outsiders for his rights and wealth. Chu Yan, the girl, is stubborn and stubborn." At an angle that the two couldn't see, they pinched Chu Yan's waist and didn't feel soft.

Chu Yan frowned, but said nothing.

Only Leng's and Mu's complexions eased.

Leng Shi said, "You don't understand the rules of the rivers and lakes. Our people are not the right ones. It's just a bad boy. As long as you love each other seriously, we will support you as elders. We will never look down on you. You rest assured."

I have to say that Gu Qianxue was taken aback. She thought that the ancients were all pee-like, but the Oriental family in the famous Jianshanzhuang existed like a stream.

Such enlightened family members, not to mention the ancient feudal and feudal world, are rare in modern times.

Chu Yan's heart snapped hard, and his body shook three times, struggling.

Leng's smiled, "Listen An'er said, you have worked hard in the first smoke, and you can even win An'er?"

At the beginning of the smoke, "an individual can win him."

"..." If it wasn't for everyone's eyes, Gu Qianxue really wanted to fly up and kick his cigarette butt. Hitting people does not hit faces, let alone hitting them in front of parents, if she is an old lady or a wife, she will definitely turn her face.

Mu's face was not good, but Leng's smiled, "This girl is upright, I like the old one," he said, taking off his robe to reveal his practice clothes. "However, you must remember that arrogance is useless. The important thing is to be proud. Try it yourself. Your proud is real, or it has nothing to do with it."

Chu Yan snorted softly, "Since this is the case, Chu Yan was offended today, old lady, please."

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