Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the evil king princess: doctor hand cover the sky!

993, remember me?

The two stared at each other for three seconds.

Under the eyes of everyone, three seconds is enough to attract attention.

Everyone followed Gu Wangxue's eyes and looked at Gu Qianxue. Qianxue was shocked, and quickly lowered his head.

Hanging his head, Gu Qianxue surged apologetic, because she saw disappointment in Li Wang's eyes, she wouldn't misunderstand, that look was disappointment.

But what is he disappointed? Disappointed that his wife ran to the famous Sword Mountain Villa to participate in the sword-making convention in search of another man?

However, the two are no longer possible, and she has already explained.

There was a lot of talk around.

"Miss Zhao is so amazing that even Her Royal Highness King Li of Nanyue Kingdom can't look down on it, tweeting."

"So, the drunkard's intention is not in the bar. I was wondering before. What kind of girl participated in the sword-making convention. It took a long time. It turned out that the sword-making convention was used as a springboard to attract the attention of all countries. Ha ha."

"I heard that Ms. Zhao is from Nanyue Kingdom. She might have received news that Liyue Wang of Nanyue Kingdom came, so she tried to do everything she could. Seeing the scene just now, Liwang is afraid to notice her?"

"Hey, it's a pity, I thought that Miss Zhao was a heroine in the female middle school, and I thought about meeting at the end of the meeting."

"Acquaintance? Haha, people are about to enter the palace. Can you see your little swordsmith?"

For a time, there was a lot of disagreement. Chu Yan gave a cold glare in the direction of the loudest voice. Those people were calmed by Chu Yan's murderous air, and his voice was a little quieter.

After a while, they discussed it again.

"I heard that the four young masters of the Oriental family really like Ms. Zhao, and she also participated in the sword-making convention for Ms. Zhao as her assistant.

"Four young masters? Are you talking about Dongjun Junhua? Three years ago, Dongjun Junhua made the sword world with a famous sword, but I didn't expect that the hero would be sad for the beauty."

Chu Yan silently pulled out the hidden weapon, but was stopped by Gu Qianxue.

Qianxue is so powerful that Qianxue can hear it, and Qianxue can hear it; some are even worse, Qianxue can also hear it.

She shook her head, "Be restless."

"This group of people is terrible!" Chu Yan gritted his teeth.

Qian Xueyan smiled, "People have strengths, or long tongues or strong strength. It is also a personal choice for them to abandon their strength and seek their tongue. We cannot stop it."

Gu Qianxue's voice was not small, everyone around him heard it, and immediately shut up with some shame, and some anger was about to happen, but no one dared to act lightly.

This is the famous Sword Mountain Villa, but it is the wilderness. You have to see if it is a place.

Soon, the crowd who had just discussed it subsided, but everyone was waiting to see Zhao Xiaohan's joke.

"At the beginning of man, nature is evil."

Qianxue's high platform ahead, a faint word.

Chu Yan also nodded in agreement.

As the people on the stage spoke, the following contestants would not dare to say more, concentrate on the ceremony.

This session of the sword-making conference was presided over by Sun Dongfang Junxu, the head of the famous Jianshanzhuang master, first invited several martial arts Taibei Beidou to offer congratulations, announced the entry list, introduced the VIPs who watched the game, and finally explained in detail The theme and judgment criteria of this sword-casting conference.

The judging standard of this conference is-steel! blade! Strong!

Cutting iron like mud, stronger and stronger!

The following people are talking.

Unlike everyone's shock, Gu Qianxue had long known the judging criteria and had to say that it was still comfortable to walk through the back door no matter how ancient or modern it was.

Immediately after the sacrifice began, there were gods and goddesses dancing blessing dances, followed by the worship of Dongshen, the founder of the famous sword villa.

When all the ceremonies are over, it is already an hour.

Everyone was invited to the dinner, which was the banquet before the sword-making convention.

The banquet is located in the Qunxiong Hall.

The halls are huge, three feet tall, and cover an area of ​​several thousand square meters, which is comparable to that of the Qianxi Hall where Nanyue Guo specializes in banquets.

In the center of the upper position, sit the elders of the Eastern family, on the left side of the VIP seat are the princes and envoys of various countries, and on the right are the people of the eastern family.

It has to be said that Ding Shi, the Oriental family, is thriving.

Below are the people who participated in the Sword Forging Conference.

And these people are also ranked.

Close to the central rostrum were the players who had participated in previous sword-making conventions, and then newcomers, and Gu Qianxue with the first smoke was sitting at the bottom of the crowd, even approaching the gate, if not required to participate The personnel must sit in the front row, Gu Qianxue really wants to find the corner of the back row to sit down, not to attract attention, especially not to someone.

Don’t look at the large group hall, but because of its unique architectural style, the entire hall has a sound effect. Maybe the people above can’t hear what the people below say, but the people below can hear the people above.

If the people on the stage did not deliberately lower the tone, the following people can hear clearly.

After the singing and dancing, the maidservants pour in and serve delicious food.

After a while, the small table in front of Gu Qianxue was already full.

Gu Qianxue dragged Chu Yan down to eat violently, and the two were out of tune with the welcoming and lively banquet.

"Miss Zhao, can you still get used to today's meals?"

A gentle and gentle young man's voice came from Gu Qianxue's head, Qian Xue raised his head, as expected, it was Dongfang Junhua.

Beside Dongfang Junhua, Junan followed.

Gu Qianxue looked carefully at the rostrum, and saw Li Wangzheng and the prince on the side who didn’t know which country whispered, as if he didn’t see her, then he was relieved, “The cottage’s meal is delicious, but you two are still fast Go back to the position, this is not good."

"Nothing is bad." Dongfang Junhua smiled and asked her maid to add a table next to Gu Qianxue, and then sat down next to her. Soon, the maid gave a table of dishes.

Gu Qianxue regretted that she should not sit by the door. If there is an adjacent table, wouldn’t Dongfang Junhua have a chance to insert it?

Seeing Dongfang Junhua sinking deeper and deeper, Gu Qianxue had miserable words, and she leaned back slightly. Dongfang Junhua only felt a young girl's fragrance hit her, her heart was beating hard, and the whole person was about to move.

"Son Huan, there are some things that I must tell you clearly." Qian Xue whispered.

the other side.

"Chu Yan, give me some time, I have something to tell you." Jun An's voice was firm.

Chu Yan suddenly had a bad hunch, "I have something to say here."

"Not here, don't you think Miss Zhao is going to explain my fourth brother?"


Chu Yan knew that the county master was afraid to confess to Dongfang Junhua, and she was indeed embarrassed to stay.

Thinking for a moment, the first smoke got up and went outside.

Junan saw it, overjoyed, and hurried out.

On the rostrum, Li Wang saw Gu Qianxue and Dongfang Junhua almost leaning against each other. Under the pure black dark pattern brocade, the muscles were tight and the forehead was swollen.

"Inviting bees to attract butterflies."

Four words, almost squeezed out of the teeth.

"His Royal Highness, do you remember me?" Suddenly a crisp and sweet female voice came from behind him.

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