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994, unilateral gamble

Li Wang turned his head and saw a pretty woman in a light red silk jacket standing behind him. The woman was tall, with long limbs and fair facial features.

She has a pair of Liumei Fengyan, but such a pair of picturesque eyes does not appear to be her delicate, do not have a kind of heroic spirit.

The bridge of the nose is tall, dyed with vermilion lips and dignified atmosphere, the whole person is charming but not charming, lively and refreshing.

Seeing that Li Wang did not answer, the woman was not ashamed and annoyed, and reported her name generously, "I am Dongfang Jun'er, Dongfang Junan's sister."

The ranking of the Eastern family is based on gender, that is, women and women, men and men, so Dongfang Jun'er is not included in the ranking of the five brothers.

Dongfang Jun'er is the twin sister of Dongfang Junhua and the only daughter of Dongfang Yongchang and Mu Shi.

Three years ago, Dongfang Jun'er was nineteen years old, and he was at the age of talking about marriage. His pretty appearance and straightforward personality, coupled with the famous Jianshanzhuang as a backing, there were many people who came to the door to raise relatives, but Dongfang Jun'er did not like it. People, until Li Wang appeared.

Dongfang Jun'er is proud and has hinted to King Li many times, but King Li only failed to see it.

"Your Highness Li, do you still remember our bet three years ago?" Dongfang Jun'er asked again.

This time, Li Wang finally said, "It's your unilateral gamble, nothing to do with this king."

People around are puzzled, what exactly is a gamble.

Under the stage, Gu Qianxue approached Dongfang Junhua and lowered his voice. "Junhua son, first of all I have to apologize to you. Some words I should have made clear earlier, but I did not know how to speak, so it caused your misunderstanding."

Being so close is because I don't want outsiders to hear it.

Dongfang Junhua has foreseen what he wants to say, "Since you don't know how to speak, don't speak, try this dish."

Qian Xue smiled bitterly, "If you don't speak, you will never have to face it. There will be a lot of troubles and worries in the world. Are you right? Mr. Junhua, I will face it sooner or later."

"..." Dongfang Junhua's eyes flashed. "Girl Zhao please say."

"I vaguely know the thoughts of Junhua son, but I have someone I like." Gu Qianxue said, "I'm sorry."

"Who do you like?"


"Girl Zhao is not convenient to say?"

If another person asked this question, Gu Qianxue responded directly with "inconvenience", but she was so troublesome for her to participate in the sword casting conference, she couldn't do anything about it. "

"The winner in the sword-making convention can get a rare sword, or ask the famous sword villa to do one thing. I think that Miss Zhao is afraid of the latter." Dongfang Junhua said.

"Yes, I want to ask the famous sword villa to use its force all over the world to help me find a person, this person is my sweetheart." Gu Qianxue simply pushed the mess on Su Lingxiao's head.

Although Donghua Junhua had expected this, he actually took a deep breath in pain when he heard it, "Since it is Miss Zhao's sweetheart, why didn't you stay with Mrs. Zhao's company, but you need to attend the sword-making convention and look for it? He still Man? Why do you like such an irresponsible man?" He didn't have any interest in the man's name, and his voice became more and more excited.

"Junhua son, you calm down first," Gu Qianxue quickly said, because the excited voice of Dongfang Junhua has caused the eyes of the people around him, "Things are not as simple as you think, in fact, he is sick, very sick, He believes that he is hopeless to recover, fearing that it will delay me, so he escapes. But how can I live in peace when he is gone? Even, I sit restlessly, whether it is responsibility or feelings, I will find him! Accompany him! Take care of him He! I believe that Junhua son can understand, if Junhua son's sweetheart is seriously ill..."

"No, you are very healthy and will not be seriously ill!" Dongfang Junhua interrupted anxiously. "I didn't expect Miss Zhao to be so affectionate, I like Miss Zhao more."

"..." Gu Qianxue was about to cry without tears, feeling like he had lifted a stone and hit his foot.

"Miss Zhao, I have a question for you. Seeing that I am sincere to you, please tell me the truth, can you?" Dongfang Junhua asked.

"Good." In fact, Gu Qianxue didn't want to deceive Dongfang Junhua.

"Can your sweetheart's illness be cured?"

"This one……"

Gu Qianxue lowered his head and contradicted himself.

How to answer?

Say it can be cured? But I just promised to tell the truth.

Say it can't be cured? She has a hunch that Dongfangjunhua will not give up, but even if Su Gongzi has three lengths and two shorts, she and Dongfangjunhua are impossible. She still has...

Gu Qianxue thought for a moment and subconsciously looked in the direction of Li Wang on the stage, and once again met Li Wang.

But I saw a young woman in a pale red dress standing next to Li Wang. Because the distance was too far, she could not see the woman's appearance, but when she saw that figure, she should also be a beauty.

Even if there were beautiful people beside him, Li Wang's attention was still on Gu Qianxue.

His eagle eyes narrowed, and his sharp eyes even traversed the entire front hall, directing at Gu Qianxue.

The look was angry and questioning.

Eastern Junhua said, "Miss Zhao?"

Gu Qianxue quickly withdrew her gaze, and a heart thumped, why she felt guilty. But thinking about it, she felt that she should not be guilty.

She had nothing to do with him for a long time. She also said clearly before. Why did he stare at her with that kind of catching eyes?

"I'm afraid it's difficult to cure." Because of his upset, Gu Qianxue accidentally told the truth.

Dongfang Junhua was overjoyed. Although he was in danger, he couldn't help but be happy, "Miss Zhao, I'm waiting for you."

"..." Gu Qianxue scratched his hair irritably. What should I do? Su Lingxiao, Su Lingxiao, do you have any heart disease?

Dongfang Jun'er found that Li Wang's eyes had been on Gu Qianxue who was near the door. He was very angry and couldn't help raising the volume too high. "Shouldn't His Royal Highness say a word about his bets? , Turned over and didn't recognize the account?"

There was a sound on the high platform, and because Dongfang Juner deliberately raised the volume, the attention of the entire lobby was instantly attracted by him, and he looked at the rostrum together.

Gu Qianxue and Dongfang Junhua could not help but look away.

There was a lot of discussion, what did Miss Dongfang and Li Wang bet about? What is the gamble?

Li Wang's cold face is still the same, but everyone can see that Li Wang is in a bad mood. "Ben Wang said again, that the betting is your own unilateral, has nothing to do with this king.

"But you're acquiesced!" Dongfang Jun'er shouted, "I said, we will meet again. If I'm not married, you marry me! If you don't refute, you agree!"

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