The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 99 Prey Flower

The advent of the Ice Age caused a mass extinction of species. Zhang Fan only survived by chance and conquered the continent.

And this kind of predatory flower has become history forever. Zhang Fan probably was eaten by the ice giant squid.

Thanks to Zhang Fan, this predatory flower can see the light of day again.

I chose a relatively open place, buried the seeds of the predatory flower, and then waited.

What Zhang Fan hates the most is waiting. His own carpet is so fast. It can be laid out in no time, and he doesn’t have to worry about it.

After waiting for a few days, the predatory flower began to sprout. It looked a bit like a Venus flytrap with a big mouth. However, during the day, under the sunlight, the predatory flower would close its mouth and only open it at night. Open.

This may be caused by the environment in the north. When the daylight hours are long, it can replenish its own energy through photosynthesis, but when winter comes, it needs to rely on prey to obtain energy.

The predatory flower has turned into a small predatory flower, but Zhang Fan couldn't wait any longer, so he decided to test the waters with this little guy first.

Under the control of his own thoughts, the roots of the predatory flower were all broken, and then he saw the predatory flower begin to lean forward.

Just when Zhang Fan thought it was about to fall, a broken root quickly hit the ground in front of it.

Then I saw two root systems starting to move left and right, and in a flash they ran into the dense forest.

Zhang Fan quickly adjusted his perspective to the predatory flower.

In addition to the earthworm vultures, there are also some creatures similar to fruit flies in the dense forest. They feed on tree pulp and are also the main prey of other creatures.

After the predatory flower accidentally entered the dense forest, the small insects were very curious.

Driven by this curiosity, it flew around the head of the predatory flower.

Gaia used to be a flying insect. It understood the meaning of flying, and now Zhang Fan also understood it.

The overall meaning is to ask and drive away, but most still express curiosity.

Zhang Fan didn't care about them, and controlled the predatory flower to run towards the depths of the jungle with its head held high.

Some who were seriously curious fell into the mouth of the predatory flowers. The number was not large and they were barely passable.

After passing a jungle and coming to a relatively open area, the predatory flower stopped.

No matter how Zhang Fan tried to drive it away, it just refused to move.

Then, the predatory flower dug its feet into the soil, growing longer and longer, and began to absorb the surrounding water and nutrients.

Zhang Fan knew that this kind of running could not exist forever. In any case, the predatory flower was just a plant, and it was only through the bubbles and sensory hairs at the bottom that it formed the running appearance.

Once the material loss in the body begins to be serious, the predatory flower will stop and take root again no matter what.

"Well, this place is good and quite safe." Zhang Fan looked around and felt that this open space was quite suitable as a construction site for the Air Force Tower.

Zhang Fan decided to occupy this place first and then slowly make plans.

Why can't animals be hatched from plants? And what about animals that can hatch into plants?

This has to consider a one-way issue. During his time in the Northern Territory, Zhang Fan made research reports on some special animals and plants in the Northern Territory.

He found that animals had chromosomes that replicated chlorophyll in their genes, but plants could not peel off their cell walls.

So this means that worms can only hatch plant seeds, but plants cannot hatch creatures such as worker bees and worker shrimps.

In addition, you may ask here, why can't worms directly become worker bees? This is a systemic problem within the Zerg, and a level system has been determined.

High-level organisms can synthesize low-level organisms in their bodies, just like insect sharks hatch worms, but low-level organisms cannot hatch successfully unless they have rich nutritional supplements like larvae.

According to the current level of the entire Zerg race, the highest level is Zhang Fan, the master. There is no doubt about this, followed by the two-headed Zerg.

Then there are the lords, thunder beasts, and commanders of each unit.

Further down are all kinds of creatures, and larvae are still one level below this level.

Not to mention this early worm, as well as some plants.

This situation is irreversible, which also adds a lot of trouble to Zhang Fan's conquest of this island.

After the predatory flower took root, Zhang Fan began to synthesize seeds in its body. It could only be the seeds of the predatory flower, and other seeds could not be synthesized.

Time passed day by day, and under Zhang Fan's hard work, the predatory flower grew vigorously.

Before the enemy woke up, the predatory flower had already occupied this open space. At this moment, Zhang Fan wanted to shout: "Take a look, take a look, don't miss it when you pass by!"

Just think about this shameful thing in your heart. Plants cannot speak.

Then Zhang Fan began to prepare for another expansion operation.

At the master's command, the roots of the predatory flower began to crackle, like the sound of countless branches being broken.

These predatory flowers with broken roots began to flee towards a place crazily, disturbing a large number of island creatures wherever they passed.

They have never seen such a strange plant that can actually run!

Facing unknown things, no matter how strong or weak the creatures on the island are, their first thought is to escape.

This comes from the instinct of living things. When facing something you have never seen before, you will feel fear. Only after you have come into contact with it and understand it do you know: "Oh, so that's what happened."

This is just like the heliocentric theory proposed by Copernicus. It was people's fear of the unknown that burned him to death.

It's like Zero said, don't contact the unknown, it's a very dangerous thing.

However, Zhang Fan does not think this is a bad thing, but can promote progress. If the unknown is not explored, how should the Zerg develop?

It is impossible for me to stay on this planet forever. Then there is no way to talk about true immortality. The world has a lifespan.

Going a step further, back to the perspective of the predatory flower, those small creatures were unable to dodge and were swallowed by the predatory flower, which made the creatures on the island even more frightened.

Moreover, the bigger the creature is, the faster it can run. The most daring is the eagle vulture with its adventurous spirit.

But compared to predatory flowers, these guys are a bit too small and don't pose much of a threat.

So, in this inexplicable atmosphere, Zhang Fan spread his army of predatory flowers to every corner of the island.

The plants on the coast did not stop their reproduction. Although it was a little slow, they moved at least five meters in a month.

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