The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 98 Conquest

Zhang Fan heard that this idea was good. Although Gaia is usually a bit naughty, it is still quite useful in terms of small ideas. Well, let's leave it for now and wait for it to make a mistake next time.

Zhang Fan said: "Your method is feasible, we can try it, but it's a little troublesome to create a host on this island."

Gaia said mysteriously with an expression as if she knew everything, "Dad, I've thought about it a long time ago, you see."

Zhang Fan saw the picture in Gaia's mind.

The Air Force Tower looks like a large mushroom, with a huge umbrella-shaped flat roof on top, a round pillar under the flat roof, and eight hanging transportation tubes.

There is also a huge platform at the bottom, which can store a large amount of materials, and a basement must be built further down.

Then Zhang Fan saw the internal construction of the Air Force Tower from the side anatomy diagram.

Inside the cylinder are nests of different sizes and styles. These nests can allow flying dragons to rest inside. Of course, the larger nests are prepared for the host.

In addition, one function of those transport tubes is to transport nutrients, and the other function is to transport self-exploding mosquitoes.

According to Gaia, the accumulated resources within the mother nest are now overwhelmed and must be reduced.

Therefore, the gunpowder and other materials necessary for self-exploding mosquitoes were moved to the Air Force Tower.

Transport nutrients not only to the air force tower, but also to prepare food for the creatures in the nest.

When the nutrients reach the top, they are transported to each nest through thin tubes.

If it is in a combat state and all flying creatures in the air force tower are out, it will start to create self-destructing mosquitoes.

That's right, the hatching rights of the self-detonating mosquitoes are also given to the Air Force Tower. They will hatch in the insect nests underground. This is to prevent accidents from happening and prevent the self-destroying mosquitoes from accidentally blowing up the Air Force Tower.

After the self-blasting mosquitoes complete hatching, they will enter the flat roof through those transport tubes, and then fly out from the flat roof.

Some people may ask, why not just fly out from the ground? If it flies out from the ground, it will inevitably cause damage to the carpet and other nutrients.

Therefore, self-exploding mosquitoes can only fly out from the flat top, thus forming a perfect closure.

Although the Air Force Tower is said to be a building, it is more like a plant without any reference. Gaia dug it out bit by bit from Zhang Fan's information.

Zhang Fan once again carefully read Gaia's report and said, "The air force tower you designed looks bigger than the Brood's Nest."

Gaia said confidently: "That's for sure, Dad, think about it, the number of our compatriots is increasing now, we must separate the nests, and the bigger the better."

After a pause, Gaia continued: "Actually, I am still doing some transformation here. I want to build a brood nest for evolution. Let me tell you, dad."

Zhang Fan saw that Gaia was about to continue his long speech, and quickly waved his hand and said: "Okay, okay, I understand, let's complete it step by step. You must know that one bite cannot make you fat. Let's complete the construction of the air force tower first, and then there will be more at Adam's place." The incubation project inside the body, plus the bits and pieces, is too busy, do you understand?"

When Gaia thought about it, there was nothing to be busy with. They were all ordinary things. Of course, it just thought about it in its mind and didn't dare to show it. In the end, it just said: "Oh, okay, Dad, I understand. Then I’ll get busy.”

Zhang Fan waved his hand, indicating that Gaia could leave. Suddenly he seemed to remember something and said, "Gaia, wait, we have digressed, come back."

Zhang Fan's roar shouted Gaia back, and then he heard Zhang Fan say: "You've been talking for a long time and you only talked about the Air Force Tower. You haven't said how to incubate the host in this place."

Gaia was about to speak when she was interrupted by Adam who had been thinking. Adam said: "Master, Adam has a suggestion that I don't know if you can adopt."

Why! You see, Adam is getting better and better at talking now. Zhang Fan nodded with satisfaction and said, "Adam, tell me."

Adam also said: "Master, Adam is presumptuous. You can conquer the nameless island first, and then use the concentrated strength of the entire island to build a pseudo air force tower."

Gaia asked in confusion: "What is the fake air force tower?"

Adam said: "Master, the pseudo air force tower that Adam mentioned was based on Gaia. Gaia is very thoughtful and Adam fully agrees with its idea."

Gaia raised her head proudly and said, "Humph, I guess you know the truth."

Adam ignored Gaia and continued: "Master, you should be able to make your own plants on that unnamed island. You can completely build them from local plants. The basic structure can remain unchanged. If you encounter genetic problems, Adam You can help the master solve it."

Zhang Fan thought for a moment and said, "Well, your idea should be feasible. Okay, wait until I conquer that island. You can go down."

After the two brainworms were busy with their own affairs, Zhang Fan fell into depression again. He hadn't told the brainworms yet how slow plant growth was.

Calling them over again was a bit fussy, so Zhang Fan decided that it would be better to solve this problem himself.

At present, carnivorous plants only occupy a corner of the unnamed island.

If you start an attack based on plants, you must enter the dense forest. Now Zhang Fan knows nothing except some flying insects in the dense forest.

In addition, the patrolling insect sharks also reported back good news. They had discovered another island, and they were waiting to be conquered.

Zhang Fan now has several movable plants on hand, but if the lethality is not enough, it won't work.

After much deliberation, I finally decided that it’s you, Predator Flower!

The predatory flower is also a plant that Zhang Fan found in the north. When he first saw it, he thought it came from some cartoon.

Only after catching it did I realize that it was an authentic plant.

This predatory flower moves very fast, no slower than a worker bee, and its two legs are its roots.

These roots can quickly absorb the surrounding water and various resources, making it a predator from the time it is a seed.

After absorbing the resources, the Predator Flower will open its large sack, which contains layers of sticky silk like a spider web.

After being stimulated, the predatory flower will instantly disconnect its roots, and then run quickly on the remaining roots. Some bugs that accidentally enter its mouth along the way will continue to charge it.

There were very few such plants in the north, and Zhang Fan discovered them accidentally. Before he could study them thoroughly, the Ice Age came.

So what? No one reads it. I am also very helpless. Can you please add a book list?

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