The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 131 Origin Galaxy

Zhang Fan started to return home. After solving the satellite's gravity, the black crystal started spinning again and headed towards the alien star.

The strong friction burned Leviathan's appearance red.

At this time, Leviathan had entered a dormant state. This was not Zhang Fan's doing, but Leviathan's body function that caused him to sleep on his own.

Zhang Fan took over Leviathan's body and began to descend very quickly, reaching the speed of sound in one fell swoop.

Under this situation, Zhang Fan continued to adjust Leviathan's body, and the copper worms were overwhelmed, starting fission and stopping fission.

The brain worms observed through the telescope worm and found that the Leviathan had landed in the opposite direction, and its speed continued to weaken.

While Zhang Fan was adjusting his body, he was still observing the environment below. He wanted to choose to land in the sea, which would cause the least harm to Leviathan's body.

"Right there, 15 degrees north latitude, 8 degrees east longitude." Zhang Fan aimed at the location, turned off fission again, and then laid Leviathan's body flat, like a parachute.

"There are still 3,000 meters above the ground, so that's about it." After calculating the landing height, Zhang Fan stimulated the flesh wings on both sides of Leviathan.

This kind of meat wing is useless in normal times, that is, it only appears when landing.

The wings were opened, and the strong wind made a hunting sound on them. Zhang Fan was afraid that these fleshy wings would not be able to hold on.

The wingspan reaches nearly one thousand meters, and the deceleration effect is very good as Zhang Fan imagined.

"It's still almost a thousand meters from the ground. Have Adam, Gaia, and Maya finished counting them?" Zhang Fan asked from the air.

After receiving feedback from the brainworms, Zhang Fan began to fold the two flesh wings, and Leviathan's speed suddenly increased.

At the last moment, Zhang Fan hurriedly pulled Leviathan's back up so that his head was facing down.

Then Leviathan sank into the sea and caused a huge tsunami.

After diving about four to five hundred meters, Zhang Fan adjusted his body shape again and began to climb upwards.

Relying on inertia, after descending for a certain distance again, Leviathan finally emerged and floated smoothly on the sea.

After the sea level stabilized, Leviathan slowly woke up. At this time, Zhang Fan had left its body and came to the scorpion lair with a group of brainworms to read through the records.

Leviathan looked around to confirm that he had returned to the alien planet, and then dived into the sea to look for food.

"Look here, on the second deck, there needs to be more defense here."

"In this place, the heat resistance properties must be increased."

"We still need to recalculate the streamline problem."

"Gaia, please re-optimize the copper worm."

Zhang Fan was flipping through the information while making suggestions. These suggestions were valuable information based on Zhang Fan's personal experience.

The brainworms kept nodding their heads, and then Zhang Fan said: "This experiment was very successful, and we are moving towards this goal, but one thing must be remembered, our goal is to achieve the ultimate development of biology. "

Zhang Fan put down the information in his hand and said with the engineer's bald head: "I know this road is difficult to walk, but it must be walked. The current fission technology, or the fusion technology that may be developed in the future, are all To serve our biological development, do you understand?"

The brainworms continued to nod.

Zhang Fan added: "Maya, how is the research on fusion technology going?"

Maya said: "Master, it's almost done. We can detonate it experimentally. I'm not sure about the power of this nuclear explosion."

Zhang Fan laughed loudly and said, "Don't worry, you will definitely see its power. The artificial sun is nothing more than that."

The next work will focus on the explosion of nuclear fusion. Some of Leviathan's shortcomings can be completed by the engineers below.

The nuclear fusion site is still in its original location, and Zhang Fan calls it the test site.

After everything is arranged at the test site, the detonation begins, using nuclear fission as the trigger.

Protium, deuterium and tritium are very stable and can only form fusion when exposed to millions of high temperatures and high pressures.

Fusion, which was more terrifying than fission, appeared before Zhang Fan's eyes.

Zhang Fan knew that this was just the beginning. If fusion could not be controlled, everything would be in vain.

As mentioned before, fission has a strong radiation capability, and this radiation lasts for a long time, which is caused by the decay of uranium enrichment.

It is very harmful to living things. If Zhang Fan hadn't constantly removed the cancer cells and some useless mutated cells in Leviathan's body, Leviathan would have died before it even hit the ground.

Fusion is different. It is safer and more powerful. The radiation after the explosion can be quickly purified, and finally the product of the neutron collision becomes water again.

I have to say that nuclear fusion is a very magical thing, turning from destruction to creation.

The disaster is getting closer and closer, but Zhang Fan feels extremely relaxed. In a few years, the aliens will definitely be able to go to the universe and devour the stars.

If controllable nuclear fusion really cannot be researched, then nuclear fission will be the first thing to do.

According to the original plan, Zhang Fan asked Maya about the current crisis: "Maya, predict how long the gamma rays will be away from us."

Maya shook her head and said: "Master, I can't accurately estimate this. I calculated it based on the nebula diagram, and the light has not fed back yet."

Zhang Fan frowned, this feeling of unpredictability was too depressing.

Zhang Fan said: "Then keep an eye on me and report to me immediately if there is any situation."

Maya nodded and said: "Yes, Lord, by the way, Lord, I have one more thing to report."

"Well, you say."

Maya said: "Not long ago, I discovered a comet. I wasn't sure about it at first, but I only found it accurately today."

Zhang Fan said doubtfully: "Oh? Have you measured the content of this comet?"

Maya was a little embarrassed: "The exact content of this master has not been measured, but according to its period, I have measured the radius of our galaxy, but the galaxy has not been named yet, so... hehe."

Zhang Fan also smiled and scolded: "How come you know how to flatter someone? Well, let me think about it."

With Maya's look of anticipation on her face, Zhang Fan said, "Then let's call it the Origin Galaxy."

"Galaxy of Origin?" Maya read softly and said excitedly twice, "Master! What a name! Galaxy of Origin! The origin of the alien race! The evolutionary path of the Zerg race!"

Zhang Fan was amused by Maya and laughed loudly and said: "Okay, Maya, when you have enough flattery, spread your name. The origin galaxy is indeed good, haha."

Maya spread the information about the origin galaxy throughout the alien planet, and the aliens became excited again and worshiped Zhang Fan.

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