The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 132 Alien II

After a period of optimization, Leviathan can now fly farther and move in a circular motion around alien stars.

Moreover, after several flights, Leviathan's fear of heights disappeared. Not only that, he also felt quite refreshed.

However, the direction of controllable nuclear fusion encountered huge difficulties. Several reactors cultured with colonies exploded, causing heavy losses.

Zhang Fan also had no idea, because before he was reborn, the people on earth had not yet developed controllable nuclear fusion. He kept saying that it would be another fifty years. Two fifty years had already passed, and the third fifty years were about to enter. .

Maya's brows furrowed, it seemed that there was something wrong with her, but where was the difference?

As the catastrophe was getting closer and closer, Zhang Fan felt even more stressed and asked about the development of Maya's controllable nuclear fusion from time to time.

Maya shook her head every time, so Zhang Fan had no choice but to give up.

Every time he encounters a new problem, Zhang Fan will think of another thing.

But this time, Zhang Fan thought of colonizing the planets in the inner circle. The environment there was too extreme and it would be difficult for the aliens to adapt.

According to observations in the past few years, although a planet in the outer circle is not in the migratory zone, the environment is not that extreme.

Zhang Fan decided to take a batch of seeds to the outer planets first. Zhang Fan didn't bother to name them, so let's call them Alien 2.

This distance is a bit long, and it is estimated that it will take a year to go back and forth, but there are some things that once decided, you cannot go back on.

Leviathan started up again and headed towards the vast starry sky.

After leaving the alien star, Zhang Fan looked back and saw that the alien star was now covered in a purple ocean, like a beautiful purple gem.

This time the colonial team has a total of one hundred Leviathans, and their body length has increased to 2 kilometers.

The mighty army was under Zhang Fan's control, crossing the satellite, and the next step was an endless voyage.

The universe is beautiful, unknown, and full of dangers.

Zhang Fan discovered that since leaving the alien planet, the entire Leviathan army was in a state of anxiety. Not only was Leviathan anxious, but Zhang Fan himself was also anxious. This may be caused by claustrophobia.

By the way, one thing needs to be mentioned, and that is the configuration of the Leviathan army.

The most important thing in the standard configuration of each Leviathan is the native embryo. This kind of embryo that can give birth to brain worms is what Zhang Fan specially emphasized again and again.

The native embryo is located at the heart of Leviathan and will not move under normal conditions. Once the brainworm dies, the mind will select a nearby native embryo to inject.

Leviathan will provide nourishment through its own circulatory system.

In addition, as Leviathan's restorers and drivers, engineers bear the brunt of the damage.

Currently, the engineer is still unable to control Leviathan's flight normally, so Zhang Fan takes over for him.

Except for these two, the aliens are currently transported as perfect organisms, all placed in a special can.

The Zerg are transported in an egg shape and are dormant without authorization.

Without further ado, Leviathan has arrived over Alien II.

"The outside temperature is minus 83 degrees. It is predicted that the surface temperature of Alien 2 should be around 50 degrees." An engineer reported the situation to Zhang Fan.

"Well, have you found any resources that can be used?" Zhang Fan asked.

The engineer shook his head, looked at the biological drawing board in his hand and said, "Master, we must enter Alien II to know the exact news."

Zhang Fan thought for a while and said: "Let the ten-headed Leviathan land first. I will see the specific situation myself."

The engineer bowed deeply and looked up with admiration in his eyes.

The ten-headed Leviathan landed in different locations on Alien 2.

Zhang Fan felt that the weather conditions outside were very harsh.

There are several main reasons. The first one is the extreme low temperature environment. In such an environment, it is difficult for living things to survive. However, low temperature is better than high temperature, so that it will not die all at once.

Engineers were ordered to put on brand new exoskeleton armor and go out for observation.

Leviathan was seen crawling on the yellow-brown land and slowly opened its huge mouth.

The engineers were covered in mucus, and when they reached the ground, the mucus was instantly blown dry by the dry air, revealing the sealed and strong exoskeleton armor inside.

After calculation, the mass of Alien 2 is about seven-tenths of Alien, which can be calculated from the acceleration of gravity.

The outside temperature was slightly better than expected, with an average temperature of minus 45 degrees.

This is indeed good news. At least the Zerg can lay a carpet here without freezing to death.

After years of optimization, the minimum temperature that the carpet can withstand has reached a level that can withstand temperatures as low as minus 53 degrees Celsius.

Then the most important thing is to see if we can find water resources.

Water is the source of life. For carbon-based organisms, lack of water means death.

Engineers are analyzing the resources in the soil.

At this time, an engineer opened his cheek, revealing the smooth and delicate skin inside.

Just when the surrounding engineers were panicking, this engineer spoke: "Don't be nervous, you continue."

It turned out to be the master, so there was no problem. The engineers bowed respectfully and continued busy with their work.

Zhang Fan has closed his respiratory system, and his skin has also been stimulated through its potential.

Feeling the dry air outside, Zhang Fan said to himself: "Would it be better if water resources from alien planets were transported here?"

He squatted down, grabbed a handful of loess, let go, and the loess drifted away with the wind.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Fan turned off the exoskeleton again, and his mind returned to the alien planet. The engineers would be responsible for the work here.

Because there is good news from Maya that controllable nuclear fusion technology has found the right direction.

Zhang Fan couldn't wait to ask: "Maya, how did you find out?"

Maya shook her head shyly and said with a smile: "I didn't discover the Lord, but Gaia thought of it."

"Oh?! Really? Gaia has made a contribution again." Zhang Fan said happily.

In fact, Zhang Fan has been into a misunderstanding all along. He is using human methods to analyze controllable nuclear fusion.

Humanity has not succeeded in researching it for decades or hundreds of years, how could it be possible for Zhang Fan to complete it so easily.

Therefore, the aliens have fallen into a bottleneck.

At this time, Gaia raised her own doubts. Now that there is black crystal, why should we consider other substances.

Zhang Fan had previously considered using black crystal to create a reactor with controllable nuclear fusion.

However, the difficulty was too great and the quality of the black crystal was too high. In the end, this plan was abandoned by Zhang Fan.

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