The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 134 Death represents rebirth

Fast forward to the eighth year. This year, all projects on the two planets have stopped working, and the bacteria carpet has been condensed into fruits with extremely high nutritional content and sent underground.

The whole world seems to have gone from prosperity to death. No one knows how they came, and no one knows how they disappeared.

"The infinitely long curve is the abstraction of the universe. One end is connected to the infinite past, and the other end is connected to the infinite future. There are only irregular and lifeless random ups and downs in the middle. The high and low wave crests are like grains of different sizes. sand.

The entire curve is like a one-dimensional desert formed by all the sand grains lined up. It is desolate and lonely, and the length is even more unbearable. You can walk forward and backward along it indefinitely, but you will never find your destination. "

Zhang Fan looked at the vast universe and couldn't help but read this sentence. This sentence seemed familiar.

The more transparent something is, the more mysterious it is. The universe itself is transparent. As long as your eyesight can reach it, you can see as far as you want, but the more you look, the more mysterious it becomes.

Zhang Fan has no way to look back and can only keep going.

Finally, the ninth year came. This year, Zhang Fan did nothing else. His main focus was on the Leviathan fleet.

Through his own exploration, he created a creature called the King Insect.

This creature is equivalent to a second-class brain worm, and its main function is to receive messages from the brain worms from the ground.

Under normal conditions, the king worm will enter a dormant state, and will only wake up when news comes from the brain worm.

Although Zhang Fan can also receive all news from alien stars, it is very tiring to do so. Zhang Fan tries to adapt to this feeling.

But the more he got used to dating, he felt uncomfortable, as if there was an invisible hand pulling his hair and pulling him away from his body.

The work of the king insect is very mechanized. The brain worms will condense the information on the ground into a compressed package and then transmit it to the king insect's mind.

Then, it will be expressed in the form of pictures or text. There may be some time difference, but this is the best method currently.

Zhang Fan is still thinking about whether to design a systematic creature similar to a quantum computer. He has already thought of a name, and it will be called Abathur.

In the tenth year, which was the last year of Maya, news came that it had completely determined the existence of gamma rays and that alien stars were only ten months away.

It seems that the distance between Alien 2 and Alien is about tens of millions of kilometers, but it only takes a few minutes for the rays to scan.

What will you do in the next ten months?

The engineer transformed by Zhang Fan wore an exoskeleton armor and walked aimlessly on the once prosperous land.

Zhang Fan decided that he would travel to all the places he had experienced. He didn't know if there would be life on the alien planet after this catastrophe, but he knew that he had survived.

News has been sent from the Leviathan army ahead, and the new life planet at the destination can be clearly observed.

It has been confirmed that there are intelligent creatures on the other side, and the next step is a battle for survival. Zhang Fan firmly believes that he will be able to lead the alien race to become more powerful.

In the first month, Zhang Fan came to the Lake of Life. There was no water in the Lake of Life, and it had long been absorbed by the fungus carpet.

He still remembered that when he was here, he encountered the most dangerous enemy among the insects, the Emperor Worm, and defeated it with his superb cooperation.

Then we came to the grassland. It was already the second month.

This was the only place where Zhang Fan had grown up. When he first arrived, there were still many things he didn’t understand.

Although he still didn't understand the origin of the wisdom of the Golden Feather Ant King, Zhang Fan no longer cared about it, and all the stories just drifted away in the wind.

We came to the old site of the forest again. There was no dense jungle here anymore. After the carpet was completely removed, only a piece of yellow land was left.

The sea breeze blows and sets off a huge sandstorm. This is such an ancient picture.

Zhang Fan still remembers it. This is a scenery that only exists in the desert. Unfortunately, it has never been seen since the carpet was laid across the continent.

Then Zhang Fan passed through the cave. This was a cave made by tunnel worms. There were still traces of the worker bees' hard work digging inside.

Zhang Fan never stopped, and the time left for him was only three months.

Except for Zhang Fan, everything seemed extremely silent.

The environment in the north is exactly the same as in the south. It is still so desolate, but further north, Zhang Fan can still see a piece of white snow.

The entire alien air contains floating microorganisms.

Zhang Fan could feel that these were his own incarnations, and they had their own perspective.

On the island, Zhang Fan smiled. He still remembered that he mistakenly used the pea shooter, but he did not expect that the pea shooter could not fly for a long time due to gravity.

The ocean also fell into a dead silence, with only the sound of the sea breeze blowing the water.

He looked down layer by layer, getting deeper and deeper, and finally came to the invisible depths of darkness.

Back on the mainland, with a few days left, Zhang Fan came to a cliff.

Here we see a scene rarely seen on alien planets. A newly formed waterfall flows down three thousand feet. It is suspected that the Milky Way has fallen into the sky for nine days, facing the sea, and it rushes to the sea and never returns.

Zhang Fan just sat quietly on a rock, staring blankly at the endless sea.

"It's so beautiful. I don't know how long it's been since I looked at the world so quietly." Zhang Fan said to himself without any disturbance in his heart.

"Huh? Are you here?"

The gamma rays have reached the Alien Star II, and Zhang Fan can clearly feel that the life forms of the Alien Star II are being continuously devoured.

The disasters we have encountered before are nothing, they are just tempering, and this moment is the real disaster. The most terrifying disaster from the universe is disaster.

Zhang Fan opened the exoskeleton, revealing the strong muscles inside the engineer, and took out a stone bowl.

There is a solution very similar to asphalt inside, and bubbles are still rolling.

Zhang Fan raised the stone bowl high above his head and shouted loudly: "Salute to life! Salute to all things! For our bright future! Do it!!"

After drinking the solution in the bowl, Zhang Fan felt that the engineer's genes were constantly collapsing and breaking into pieces.

Finally, he fell into the endless sea.

Gamma rays also arrived as expected.

The civilization of this planet was quietly destroyed, and all the creatures in the Leviathan fleet in the distance shed tears involuntarily.

Gamma rays kept moving forward, intertwining with the sun's radiation. If Zhang Fan could see it, he would be amazed at the beauty of the universe, its colorful beauty.

Crossing the sun, it brought up a huge solar wind, and the solar wind also rushed into the distance along with the gamma rays. No one knows where its end is.

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