The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 135 Aliens Arrive

The universe represents time and space. It is endless. The stars in the sky you see are only what it allows you to see, not all of it.

Zhang Fan's Leviathan army has arrived in the galaxy where the migratory planet is located.

The army began to slow down, because no one knew the technological level of the opponent, so it was better to be careful.

The consciousness of Gaia and Maya has been stored in the king insect, while Adam has hatched the embryo, and it is not known how long it will take to hatch.

"Maya, go and observe the other party's technological level. If you find anything, report it to me immediately." Zhang Fan sat in the main seat and said with a domineering air.

Each Leviathan has Zhang Fan's exclusive seat inside its body, and each exclusive seat has Zhang Fan's puppet.

In order to reflect the majesty of Lord Zhang Fan, Gaia has personally designed a creature specifically to speak for the Lord over the years.

When Minette is the name of this creature, except for their excretion instinct, everything else is controlled by Zhang Fan.

According to Gaia's wishes, Zhang Fan always rushes around in various living creatures. If this continues, it will create a kind of dependence. Simply let the master be liberated. As long as he maintains his majesty and issues orders, everything will be done by his subordinates.

Of course, if Zhang Fan needs to control other living things, that's okay. Anyway, every cell is his own.

When Minette's body was surrounded by a pitch-black exoskeleton, except for her face, which was modeled after an engineer, her internal organs were all made up of strong muscles.

The seat he is sitting on is actually a nutrient supply device, with countless small tubes delivering nutrient solution to Danminette.

Maya obeyed the order, the king insect bowed slightly, swung its six legs in unison, and twisted towards the operating room.

Gaia lowered her head and approached Zhang Fan, but a gentle voice appeared on his fierce face.

"Dad, why bother? Let's just plant the seeds directly with our army. Within a year, we will definitely occupy that planet." Gaia said.

Zhang Fan turned his head and glanced at Wang Chong, then stretched out his hand with the tube and pushed away Wang Chong's ugly face.

Then he said: "Don't forget, we are fleeing now, and all actions are focused on preserving our strength."

Gaia nodded and stopped talking nonsense. It waited for Zhang Fan to give the order.

Maya was hunched over, with her forelimbs lying on the ground, watching the engineers busy at work.

An engineer came to Maya's side and said: "Sir Maya, we know something about the other party's situation."

Maya turned around, and the king insect's body made a clicking sound of bones colliding and said, "Well, show me the information."

The aliens use a standard calculation method called the Kardashev level, which is more accurate and can better reflect the true development of a civilization from its birth to the present.

In comparison, Zhang Fan's alien civilization and the original Zerg civilization should be considered level 1.5.

According to the data, the opponent is in a primitive civilization and is not very efficient in terms of energy utilization. It is a level 0.2 civilization and can only make fire for cooking at most.

The aliens can completely crush them.

Just when Maya asked the Leviathan army to attack, Zhang Fan's voice came: "Maya, don't rush to attack now, let's find a foothold on the surrounding planets."

Maya and Gaia asked in confusion at the same time: "Master (Dad), why?"

Zhang Fan said: "This is the first time I see an alien civilization. Wouldn't it be a pity if we just deal with them like this?"

Then Zhang Fan continued: "Well, our alien civilization can survive in a harsh environment anyway. I have made up my mind, so don't say any more."

After accepting the order, the two-minded worms adjusted the direction of the Leviathan army and headed towards another solid planet.

Coincidentally, this planet is similar in size to Alien and its location is similar to Alien 2.

Judging from the detected temperature, it is a little higher than the temperature of Alien 2. The aliens are completely able to survive here.

After a long voyage, there were only more than two hundred Leviathan left. This was the result of a smooth sailing.

After landing on the new planet, the aliens began to get busy. The insect eggs burst one by one, and the Zerg worker bees crawled out and began to plant the carpet.

The carpet has also been upgraded. It does not need to hit the ground with nuclear weapons. It can absorb solar energy and emit a certain amount of heat to nourish the earth.

Zhang Fan thinks that this kind of temperature control technology is even better than controllable nuclear fusion, so it doesn't have to be a habitable planet. The environment can be a little harsher.

After completing the temporary settlement, Zhang Fan ordered a Leviathan to take off: "Target, unknown civilization advances!"

"The will of the Lord is our life." All creatures showed admiration.

Arriving in the sky above an unknown civilization, Maya took a close look.

It discovered that this planet was a civilization composed of a lizard named Igwanna.

They have five races, scattered on five continents, not connected to each other.

The Mayans are analyzing their language. The fastest way to understand a civilization is to start with the language.

"The distance is too far, are there some words that I still can't learn?" Maya said to herself.

Afterwards, he came to the master cabin and said to Zhang Fan: "Master, it's almost ready. Please choose a landing place."

Zhang Fan: "Well, landing place? Do you have any good ideas?"

Gaia said at this time: "Dad, I think we can descend into the sea first, so that we can be more concealed."

Zhang Fan nodded and said, "Okay, let's do it according to Gaia's method."

So, Leviathan started up again, and its huge body passed through the ionosphere. Under the action of friction, Leviathan turned into a ball of flame.

On this day, the lizards of the Golden Eyes tribe were busy with their lives.

"Agude Lulu, why are you here?" A lizard man came to the pond.

"Oh, it's Abdi Shasha, you see this year's harvest is good, the fish are quite big." Agude Lulu said.

"Agude, stop looking, the patriarch is looking for us." Abdi Shasha said.

The two lizards left the edge of the pond, and the sky was suddenly red with a ball of red fire.

The entire Golden Eyed Lizard clan stopped what they were doing and raised their heads, looking at the sky in surprise and fear.

Leviathan passed through the clouds and fell into the sea under a powerful impact. The tsunami came as expected.

On this day, the lizard people living on the coast felt the fear brought by alien races for the first time.

Little did they know that the real fear had just begun.

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