The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 137 The Power of Thunder Beast

"Mihaqi Dudu! I am the patriarch here! All orders are obeyed by me!" The patriarch is a bit old and has poor health. He kept coughing after he finished speaking.

This lizard warrior named Mihaqi Dudu also got angry: "Who is that! Run with the leader! Leave this place to us."

One of the younger lizard warriors was at a loss.

Mihaqi Dudu shouted loudly: "I am your instructor! You must listen to me! Take good care of the clan leader!"

The patriarch stared at Mihaqi loudly with round eyes: "Mihaqi! How dare you! I am the clan leader!"

After saying that, the patriarch was slapped on the neck by Mihaqi, and he suddenly lost consciousness.

The little warrior was trembling with fear. Mihaqi continued: "Hurry up!"

"Yes, yes, instructor." The little warrior carried the patriarch on his back and ran away as fast as he could in his life.

Mihaqi smiled happily, raised the mace in his hand, and shouted loudly to the only remaining companions around him: "Soldiers! The tribe has retreated! We must stop this monster!"

"As an Igwanna! We will definitely win the final victory! Bloody males! Charge with me!" There was determination in Mihaqi's eyes. He knew that he would never be this monster. opponent.


The surrounding warriors picked up their weapons and headed towards the Thunder Beast as quickly as possible.

The Thunder Beast saw that the opponent actually wanted to fight back, so he accelerated his pace and turned into running.

"Be careful! It's accelerating!" Mihaqi reminded the soldiers.

At the critical moment, a path opened up in the middle, and the thunder beast rushed out along this path.

However, Thunder Beast himself did not expect that this attack would fail.

The angry thunder beast turned around in an instant, and its front jaws swept across the body of the lizard man warrior.

In an instant, this place turned into a Shura battlefield, with blood flowing and limbs flying.

"hold head high!!"

The Thunder Beast raised its head and let out an excited roar.

When Mihaqi saw this situation, his eyes were splitting, and he gritted his teeth and shouted: "Ah! I will kill you!"

Bowing down to avoid another swipe from the Thunder Beast, Mihaqi rolled forward and got closer and closer to the Thunder Beast.

"Follow me, soldiers!" He did not forget to summon his comrades while running. Mihaqi could be regarded as an excellent soldier.

However, this was not what Zhang Fan wanted. He watched all this with cold eyes.

In terms of the bloodiness of warriors, Zhang Fan dares to be number one in this universe, and no one dares to be number two. As long as there are enough resources, the alien race will continue to devour them all.

"Hey, I haven't seen such an outstanding warrior for a long time, and he hid again." Zhang Fan sighed.

This feeling seemed to have reached the mind of the Thunder Beast. It was a little angry and felt that it had been insulted by this little thing.

Seeing Mihaqi coming to his feet, the Thunder Beast raised its foot and stepped towards Mihaqi.

"Ah!!! Ancestor! Give me power!" At this time, Mihaqi seemed to have gained infinite power, and he actually blocked this stampede.

Just when all the soldiers were about to cheer, Mihaqi shouted: "What are you still doing? Get on the rope!"

"Yes!!" The soldiers reacted quickly and threw the ropes towards the Thunder Beast.

Zhang Fan was a little surprised. This lizard warrior was so powerful? He actually blocked the trample attack.

"Web!" Mihaqi spat out a mouthful of blood.


"team leader!"


The soldiers looked at Mihaqi in panic, with awe and worry in their hearts.

Mihaqi opened his huge mouth, and his tail kept slapping the ground: "Ahhhh! Wake me up!"

Using both legs and arms together, the thunder beast staggered.

Taking advantage of this gap, Mihaqi quickly rolled out of the battlefield. He wanted to take a good rest.

While resting, he commanded: "Up! Climb up its body! Archers will take cover! Watch out for his front jaw!"

Mihaqi took a deep breath, dropped the mace in his hand, and picked up a heavy sword from the ground.

The heavy sword pointed forward: "Warriors! The last moment! Victory must belong to us! Kill it!"

The remaining warriors seemed to be infected by Mihaqi's words and rushed towards the Thunder Beast without fear of life or death.

The Thunder Beast is okay at first glance, doesn't it take our great Zerg race into consideration? I am the strongest creature on land, the Thunder Beast!

It raised its head and roared proudly, opened its front jaw, and then rushed towards the soldiers.

When Mihaqi saw this situation, he shouted: "Be careful! Everyone get down!"

However, there were still some soldiers who did not hear the command and were clamped in half by the huge front jaws.

After Mihaqi saw his front jaw open again, he used his limbs and tail to jump onto the big pincers.

"Contain it!" Mihaqi held swords in both hands and jumped up high again. A group of lizard warriors quickly tightened the rope and fixed the Thunder Beast's head.

"Suffer death! You monster!" Mihaqi used his tail to adjust his body in mid-air, and the heavy sword pierced the Thunder Beast's head heavily.

Zhang Fan, who was watching the battle, couldn't help but said: "Wonderful!"

However, it is a pity that the skull of the Thunder Beast is too thick and too hard. This attack only caused damage to it, but it was not fatal.

Mihaqi began to land, his pupils shrank into a slit, and he thought with a trembling heart: It's over.

Just when Mihaqi launched the attack, the Thunder Beast's air cannon had already been charged.

"Protect the instructor! Pull!" The lizard man did not rely on Mihaqi to fight alone.

The Thunder Beast was caught off guard and was staggered. The air cannon was hit crookedly, and the rows of wooden houses were blown to pieces.

After Mihaqi landed, he kept breathing heavily. He was really facing death just now.

"Teacher, be careful!" A soldier pushed Mihaqi away, but he was knocked away by the giant jaw.

"Laos!" Mihaqi came back to his senses and exclaimed, this Laos is a male who wants to inherit his mantle, so be sure nothing happens to him.

"Crack" the sound of a wooden board being lifted.

Laos stood up: "Coach! I'm fine, it's just that my hand is broken!"

Only then did Mihaqi feel relieved: "You have to retreat first! Leave this place to us."

Laos didn't show any pretense and retreated towards the rear. He had to relieve his pain.

Mihaqi saw that some lizard warriors had climbed onto the body of the Thunder Beast, which was really good news.

However, this good news immediately turned into bad news.

How could the Thunder Beast be unprepared? Its muscles contracted and then expanded rapidly, and countless spikes penetrated the lizard man warrior.

"No!" Mihaqi cried out in pain. This was the strongest warrior of the Silver Teeth clan, but he was killed so easily.

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