The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 138 Ancestral Spirit

The painful Mihaqi looked at the lizard warriors who were still fighting bloody battles, and knelt down helplessly: "Ancestor! Do you really not protect your people? Goddess! Where are you!"

The lizard warriors received such a heavy blow and their mentality collapsed. They looked helplessly at Mihaqi Dudu.

Mihazy took a deep breath and said loudly: "Laos Nunu!"

"Coach! I'm here!" Laos covered his broken arm in response to Mihaqi's reply.

"Take the remaining soldiers and leave quickly, leave this place to me!" Mihaqi already had the determination to die in his heart.

Upon hearing this, Laos hurriedly shouted: "Coach! This is not possible!"

Mihaqi turned around and glared at Laos angrily: "Do you want to leave all the clan members here? Our ancestors once said that planting seeds will bloom next year (leaving the green hills there, so you don't have to worry about running out of firewood). Have you forgotten? ?"

Laos screamed twice in pain, then knelt down on his knees, and kowtowed heavily towards Mihaqi: "Master! I will definitely lead my people to escape! I will definitely avenge you in the future. !”

After saying this, this strong man shed tears of grief.

Mihaqi looked at him with relief. Without saying anything, he picked up the mace that he had thrown aside.

Laos made a sharp cry, and all the lizardmen turned their heads involuntarily, looking at Laos with some differences.

At this time, Mihaqi said loudly: "Laos Nunu will be your instructor from now on! Follow him!"

There were some soldiers who wanted to stay and fight alongside Mihaqi, but were pulled away by their comrades because they all saw the determination in Mihaqi's eyes.

Zhang Fan finally took action and ordered the Thunder Beast to temporarily stop attacking.

"Ah! What a beautiful scene! This is called friendship! This is called a warrior." Zhang Fan sighed.

"For a soldier, the highest honor is to die on the battlefield. I respect you as a man."

Immediately afterwards, the thunder beast stopped roaring, looked at Mihaqi intently, and quietly let the group of lizard warriors escape.

The two sides were locked in an eye-to-eye stalemate, and Mihaqi involuntarily tightened the mace in his hand.

"It's over, go ahead, Thunder Beast." Thunder Beast received the instruction, and it has endured it for a long time!

Mihaqi looked at the charging thunder beast, his pupils narrowed again, and the feeling of death permeated his whole body.

His teeth bit the tip of his tongue: "Ancestor! Please give me strength again! For the sake of the Silver Teeth Clan! For the sake of Igwanna! Kill!"

Zhang Fan shook his head. This warrior was fighting without any structure. He had been forced to lose consciousness by the power of the thunder beast and relied on instinct to act.

The mace collided heavily with the giant jaw. In just a moment, there was no more Mihaqi Dudu warrior in this world.

"The power just now was really powerful." Zhang Fan discovered that a crack appeared on the front jaw of the thunder beast.

"What is the power of the ancestors? And what is the goddess mentioned before?" Zhang Fan thought in confusion.

Then, Zhang Fan ordered Gaia to send troops to clean up the enemy, including worker bees, engineers, and aliens.

Gaia controlled the king insect and walked on the soft ground to the village, which had been dilapidated by the thunder beasts.

Zhang Fan said: "Gaia, first collect the information around you. I found some very interesting things."

Gaia nodded, then got into the wooden house, flipping through books and some information recorded on slate boards.

"Dad, look at this, ancient writing!" Gaia excitedly showed a stone slab to Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan's perspective entered the king insect, and he looked at the stone slab carefully.

"It looks a bit like a glyph on it. I can't understand it. I can't understand it at all." Zhang Fan shook his head and said.

Gaia said at this time: "Why don't you show this to Maya? I think there are many more near the cave over there."

"Okay, leave it to Maya. Have you found any useful books?" Zhang Fan asked again.

Gaia said: "Dad, the books in their clan all record some trivial matters of life. They are all in the wooden house in the middle. It seems that there is no useful information."

Zhang Fan said: "Don't worry about what is useful or not, just collect them all and let's sort them out slowly."

Gaia expressed that she understood, and then went to the wooden house in the middle of the village again.

Although there are five races in Igwanna, the tribe is not the only one. It’s just that Zhang Fan first came into contact with the largest tribal villages.

In addition, on the Ancestral Spirit Star, there is an organization that transcends tribes, composed of the strongest warriors from each tribe. They have a nice name, Sacrifice.

It's just that the members of the sacrificial organization are too scattered. They have a special way of gathering. Zhang Fan hasn't really figured out what the sacrificial organization does.

"Abdi, we have arrived at the Holy Mountain. Let's use secret techniques to contact the priests." Agude Lulu said.

Abdi Shasha nodded, then opened his mouth and let out a special scream. This scream was very penetrating and spread throughout the mountains and rivers.

Not long after, a lizard man with a heavy sword on his waist, a leather jacket, and strange tattoos appeared.

As soon as he saw the two lizard men of the Golden Eyes tribe, he said: "I know your purpose of coming. Come with me. The leader has been waiting for you for a long time."

Abdi and Agude followed the lizard man, and Abdi whispered: "Agude, he seems to be from the Black Claw tribe. I heard from the patriarch that the Black Claw tribe seems to be the most brutal race. "

Agude rolled his eyes at Abdi: "Can the sacrifices be the same as those of ordinary tribes? Okay, stop talking nonsense and follow up."


Every sacrificial organization on the mainland began to accept warriors from the tribes, and they also understood that the current situation was really serious.

At this time, what was Zhang Fan doing? He is not on the Ancestral Spirit Star now, but has come to Adam's side.

Because Adam had hatched successfully, this was his third death.

After Adam landed, he absorbed the nutrient solution and grew rapidly: "Master, Adam successfully returned to the team."

"Well, that's right, Adam, you look much stronger now than before." Zhang Fan said happily.

"Lord, it all depends on your gift." Adam said with admiration.

Zhang Fan nodded: "The next step is that Gaia has hatched. Gaia, have you collected the information over there?"

Gaia also knew about Adam's resurrection and said: "Father, I am ready, you can receive it at any time."

"Okay, without further ado, let's get started."

After saying that, the eyes of the king insect on the Ancestral Spirit Star dimmed suddenly, and he fell straight to the ground.

The aliens picked it up and sent it back to the underwater cave.

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