The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 165 Dominate the Cult

The Dominion Sect is a sect that was discussed among the high-level officials of the Zerg race a long time ago.

The main function of the Master Cult is to facilitate Zhang Fan's management. Sometimes it is too cumbersome to manage it personally, so it is better to leave it directly to the subordinates.

Needless to say, Zhang Fan is the supreme being, the alien race is immortal, the master is immortal, and no one can shake his status.

He is like an elder, observing the living conditions of everyone in the alien race. Zhang Fan will not care about them as long as he does not violate the rules and regulations. He only needs to let these captive civilizations contribute the power of thinking.

Below are the brain worms. Now Zhang Fan is hatching the queen, whose status is the same as that of the brain worms.

According to Zhang Fan's own ideas, the brainworm is in charge of the internal affairs, and the Queen is in charge of the external affairs. When the time comes, the Queen will be responsible for everything external.

As the first group under Zhang Fan, the Brainworm and the Queen only need to be responsible to Zhang Fan. They can mobilize everything within the scope of Zhang Fan's authorization, and their power is very great.

For example, the development of the brainworm's scientific career and the structure of the Queen's combat system.

Further down is the second group, which is composed of intelligent creatures other than Zerg.

Zhang Fan knew that it would be difficult for him and a few intelligent creatures to push the alien race to the top of the universe. In this case, assimilation was needed.

Every civilization is a treasure of the universe. They all have unique characteristics and different cultures. What Zhang Fan has to do is to collect these characteristics and integrate them into the big family of alien races.

Just like the current Igwanna tribe, although their scientific and technological level is not very good, their potential is still promising, at least in terms of combat culture, Zhang Fan still agrees with it.

The Zerg are the first race to follow Zhang Fan. Their mission is to fight for the Overlord. There is only one mission, fight!

They are the source and the foundation, and they are the key to Zhang Fan's ability to occupy the dark forest of the universe, so Zhang Fan personally took him out.

Not every intelligent creature can be in the second group. They must be appointed by Zhang Fan, and Achilles is Zhang Fan's first appointment.

There is no purpose, it's just Zhang Fan's whim. With so many alien creatures, it's impossible for the brainworms or the queens to personally deal with them one by one. That wouldn't be too tiring.

This kind of appointment has a title, that is, a manager, who is in charge of everything in the church, including food, drink, sleep, life, work, marriage, and everything else. Anyway, there is nothing to ignore.

Looking at it individually, the workload of these managers is still quite heavy, but there is no way. Zhang Fan adheres to the attitude of preferring nothing to nothing. If it doesn't work, he will let the engineers do a little bit of work, and wait for the Igwanna tribe to develop again in the future. Say it again.

As long as there are more intelligent creatures that can contribute the power of thinking to Zhang Fan, Zhang Fan's thinking mode will be sharper and his thinking will be outside the body for a longer time.

This kind of thinking appears in a physical form outside the body. If Zhang Fan can concentrate, he will have a very obvious sense of touch.

Zhang Fan believes that as long as there are more and more creatures to which he belongs, one day he will be able to crush a civilization with just his telekinesis.

Zhang Fan felt excited just thinking about it. Then there would be no need to fight. He could just raise and wave his hand and crush a civilization. It was done!

There is also a third group, which Zhang Fan does not need to worry about. The brainworms and the Queen will make arrangements on their own, because the foreigners who belong to this group no longer need Zhang Fan to worry about. They are only responsible for providing tools for thinking power.

The early engineers and aliens were all in this group, and their main work was arranged by the Cerebrates, now including the Queen.

It's not that Zhang Fan won't promote them to the second group. As long as some of them show great wisdom, Zhang Fan will still give them the opportunity to promote.

There is improvement, but of course there is also decline, and the decline of engineers and aliens results in death. Useless intelligent creatures are abandoned by Zhang Fan, not to mention that these are his original team members.

They have only one goal! That's up! No downwards allowed.

The fourth group, they live under the protection of Zhang Fan, and have many complicated tasks every day, and these tasks will be announced in detail.

The Fourth Group are not ordinary intelligent creatures. They also have to accept selection, and only outstanding personnel can join the public service.

For the composition of this part, Zhang Fan plans to select it from intelligent creatures, but he must remember one thing, that is, it is better to have less than too much.

Zhang Fan can control everything, so once nepotism appears, it will be destroyed. Don't talk about respecting life. First of all, they don't respect the master.

The last group is the vast group of ordinary foreign civilizations. Apart from silently reciting Zhang Fan's kindness every day, they do whatever they have to do. Zhang Fan has no intention of interfering with their lives.

Of course, Zhang Fan still has to do a little trick to firmly hold their power of life and death in his own hands, which is cell transformation.

Every intelligent creature that joins a foreign civilization must give its life to him. Zhang Fan does not intend to change their brains, but changing the cells of other organs will not affect it.

Of course, so far, Zhang Fan has no other civilization except the Igwanna civilization, so some tasks can be done through Huairou, and Achilles is a card prepared by Zhang Fan for the Igwanna civilization.

Achilles walked on the empty road. Although he was small, he was not stupid. He knew that the fate of his people was now in his own hands, and he must complete the work well.

Arriving near the place where he was originally captured, Achilles stopped and turned back to the two engineers and said, "I don't know your names yet."

The engineer scratched his big head and said: "We have no name or code name. All actions come from the master and the master of the brainworm."

"That's it!" Achilles narrowed his eyes and added, "How about I give you a name."

The engineer didn't speak and looked at Achilles calmly. They knew the master's intention and let him go as long as the little lizard man didn't go out of his way.

"How about I call you Ah Da Ah Er." Achilles said happily.

Then he said with some confusion: "But, you two look exactly the same, how can I tell you apart?"

An engineer said: "Mr. Achilles, our names are dispensable to us, and our genes and characteristics are exactly the same, and we can also share thinking patterns, so you call me Ada or It’s okay for Ah Er.”

I just found out that the previous chapter was blocked, so I’m reposting this chapter

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