The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 166 Eternal Life

"Hey~ It's so boring~" Achilles spread his hands and walked towards his village.

The frightened lizard people sitting on the ground exclaimed when they saw Achilles coming back.

Achilles said that he was no longer called Achilles and had been given a new name by the Lord.

Then, Achilles didn't know what to say and looked at his mother. His mother's eyes looked as frightened as if she had seen a ghost.

Achilles didn't know how to respond. He was so afraid of seeing his mother's eyes like this that he turned his attention to the engineer behind him.

After the two engineers nodded towards Achilles, they stepped forward and told the group of lizardmen that if they wanted to survive, they must integrate into the big family of aliens and accept the management of the Lord Cult.

The lizard people didn't know what the Lord Cult was, and they didn't dare to ask. At this time, Achilles stepped forward and said, "Dear tribesmen, please believe in the Lord! Join the big foreign family!"

One villager said tremblingly: "Should we give up our belief in the goddess?"

The engineer looked at him with a fierce look, and the villagers quickly shrank their necks. Achilles continued: "Of course the goddess also joined. I heard from the master that she will become the queen in the future and will be responsible for some management affairs."

When the villagers heard this, the goddess actually joined in, and they all started talking.

These days, as Achilles said, the aliens did not continue to slaughter the Igwanna tribe, but kept them in captivity. Outside the range where they could not leave, there was no shortage of other food.

Of course, there are some die-hards, who are like bugs living in a foreign world, constantly wreaking havoc. In this case, Zhang Fan will certainly not show mercy.

Achilles told everyone that the Lord will create better living conditions for them. As long as they don't make trouble, life will definitely be better than before.

Any illusory ancestors and goddesses are not as beneficial as Zhang Fan directly providing food and selecting talents.

After understanding all the obligations, the villagers finally agreed to join the alien world and obey Zhang Fan's management.

Zhang Fan saw this harmonious scene through the eyes of an engineer.

Then, Zhang Fan's voice rang in Achilles' ears: "Achilles, you've done a good job. Keep up the good work and ask your people to come to my place."

Achilles knew that the master had agreed to the joining of this group of villagers, and he was very excited. Although he was young, he was not young mentally, and the matter was done properly.

He smiled like a child, and the surrounding villagers were inexplicably infected by this atmosphere.

In the temporary nest, the transformed Igwanna people one after another knelt before their master with excitement and sang praises to him.

They feel that their physical strength has become stronger, and their regeneration ability has increased by leaps and bounds.

This is a real benefit gained from Zhang Fan. Why don't you choose Weibo when there is a good one? Isn't that second-rate?

The Igwanna are not stupid. It is impossible for fools to organize a civilization.

In addition to the ordinary Igwanna people, there are also some priests. They are very tenacious, but not everyone is tenacious. A large part of them choose to compromise.

They don't want to suffer endless slaughter anymore. Look at the speed of others' reproduction, and then look at the speed of their own reproduction. If you think about it, you know that they can't be beaten.

In the deep mountains and old forests, the Zerg army found all the lurking priests. After a fierce fight, they completely unified the entire ancestral spirit planet.

Zhang Fan could clearly feel that his thinking power was getting stronger again: "Well, this method is feasible."

Then, the thinking body began to expand, and the black shadow appeared deeper, as if the entity had solidified.

Although the previous state was also dark, once the thoughts and consciousness are condensed, there will be a problem of dispersion.

Just like clouds, even thick clouds will have holes, and through those holes you can see the beautiful sky.

Zhang Fan now looks more like a dark cloud. He is not only scary, but also has a little power.

Feeling the increasingly powerful thinking consciousness, Zhang Fan came to the front of the brainworms again.

Because Adam and Maya are about to hatch successfully.

The flesh wall has been completely cut through the breeding room of the mother's nest. If the brainworm is about to hatch, there is no need to isolate it, as it will not affect the subsequent normal development.

After the two head bugs landed, Zhang Fan turned into a black shadow and came in front of them.

The two brain worms are now sticky. These are the nutrient solutions carried by the original embryos. The nutritional content of these nutrient solutions is particularly high. Even if there are some residual substances, the larvae will flock to them when they see them.

I saw a large number of larvae gathering around the brain worms. They were absorbing the nutrient solution on the bacteria blanket. After some of the nutrient solution penetrated into the bacteria blanket, they would also pull up two roots of the bacteria blanket and eat them.

Zhang Fan didn't care about the larvae. Anyway, these larvae would leave on their own after they were full. Zhang Fan focused his attention on the two head worms.

"Welcome back, Adam, Maya." Zhang Fan stretched out his hands in a welcoming gesture, and his black arms became more substantial.

The current brainworm's thinking is still in a chaotic state and needs a certain amount of time to adjust, just like a newborn baby.

Adam had experienced these things, so he quickly regained consciousness. He looked at Maya aside, and after a scream, Maya also regained consciousness.

The re-hatched two-headed worms were much larger than before and stored more memories. They felt extremely friendly. They went out with Zhang Fan and saw the ancestral spirits that had been conquered.

The ancestral spirits have turned into a purple ocean and become a paradise for aliens.

"Master, why hasn't Gaia hatched yet?" Maya asked strangely.

Then, Zhang Fan described the situation at that time, the kind of crisis where he had to do this as a last resort.

Adam and Maya were silent. They also knew that in that case, the Lord could only do this. All he could do was pray that Gaia could grow up safely.

Zhang Fan added: "So, are you ready to welcome your sister?"

"Sister?" Brainworm asked in unison.

"That's right, follow me." Zhang Fan floated in the air and entered another breeding room with two worms.

"Lord, Adam feels like your divine power has been around longer and longer." Adam said with some joy.

Zhang Fan smiled and said: "Of course, the Dominion Cult has been established. Well, we are here."

Arriving in front of the Queen, Zhang Fan continued, "I also gave her a nice name."

The original chapter of Chapter 31 has been blocked. I don’t know if it will be blocked now. If it’s gone, I’m sorry.

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