The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 170 Quarrel

All the instruments were destroyed, the propulsion engine was also destroyed, everything was turned into ruins, and the huge Igwanna became a pile of scrap metal.

Maya felt that the master had given her a difficult task to complete, but Maya said she couldn't do it.

Zhang Fan connected with Maya and said, "How is Maya's situation? Have you found any useful information?"

Maya said aggrievedly: "Master, I only found this. Please forgive me for my incompetence and did not find the others."

Zhang Fan received the message from Maya, his eyes suddenly widened and he said, "How did you find out about this?"

Maya said: "The Lord was found in a book. He was not recorded in the computer."

"Great, great!" Zhang Fan said happily, "With this thing, we will definitely be able to go further."

Maya said: "Master, but now our abilities are still limited, some..."

Zhang Fan interrupted him and said, "It doesn't matter. We have plenty of time. By the way, other than that, have we really found nothing useful?"

Maya shook her head and said: "Master, it's really gone. I've rummaged through it. Except for some books that haven't been burned, there's really nothing useful."

"Books?" Zhang Fan said, "Don't leave these behind. Collect them all."

Maya said: "Lord, these books have been collected, you can have a look."

Zhang Fan nodded, said good job, and then left.

He began to look through the information collected by Maya. Most of these books were diaries left by the former prince, as well as some fragmentary chicken soup articles to kill time.

It is indeed useless as Maya said, because those diaries can only see Dai Feng Momo's psychological activities and some living conditions, and there is not even a scientific research institute in them.

"Tsk, doesn't this guy know how to record information on paper? What if there is a system error?" Zhang Fan thought speechlessly.

In fact, the diary is quite interesting. You can take a look at some of the prince's romantic affairs and some of his own thoughts.

Gradually, Zhang Fan looked in, and time flowed by unknowingly.

Suddenly, Zhang Fan felt that Gaia's original embryo was a little loose.

I quickly put down the information and contacted the Brain Worm and the Queen.

Several supreme rulers came to the brood again.

Adam and Maya waited expectantly for Gaia, but Athena looked disdainful.

She crossed her arms across her chest, insisting that she was the first person to dominate.

Gaia came out of its shell and brought out a bunch of viscous liquid. Zhang Fan said happily: "Welcome home, Gaia."

Gaia shook her head, and after she woke up a little, she said happily: "Dad! Gaia, I'm back alive again!"

"Huh?" He saw Adam and Maya, and also looked at Athena.

"Dad, what's going on? Why did Maya come out before me, and why is this Igwanna here?" Gaia's eyes turned cold when she looked at Athena.

Athena raised her head and looked at Gaia with contempt, and Gaia stared back at her.

"What are you looking at?" Gaia spoke first.

"What are you looking at?" Athena replied not to be outdone.

"Try to take another look?" Gaia's eyes were full of fierceness.

"Just try it!" Athena's momentum exploded at this moment.

Seeing the tit-for-tat confrontation between the two, Zhang Fan snorted heavily: "Humph, do you think I don't exist?"

Athena and Gaia heard Zhang Fan's words and hurriedly faced the shadow: "Master (Dad), I was wrong."

Then, Gaia rolled her eyes at Athena and said, "Dad, where did this guy come from?"

Athena stood up suddenly, and then knelt down again under Zhang Fan's gaze.

Zhang Fan sighed and said to Adam: "Adam, please explain. These two problem children are giving me a headache."

Seeing that it was not the master who spoke, but Adam who spoke, the two of them immediately stopped being humble and looked at Adam arrogantly.

Zhang Fan's voice was a little low: "Huh?"

The sound of "um" changed from a soft tone to a heavy tone. The two of them lowered their heads again, not daring to touch Zhang Fan's brow.

Then, Adam introduced their respective situations to the two of them.

After hearing this, Gaia said: "So, the Queen should be one level lower than the Cerebrate! I was obviously the one who came first."

Athena gave up and punched Gaia, but Zhang Fan controlled her and stopped her in time.

Gaia was frightened for a moment, and then said angrily: "You dare to hit me? Believe it or not, I will kill you?!"

Zhang Fan couldn't bear it and said: "Shut up!"

Then, a breath of peerless power was released, and Zhang Fan's mental punishment was also imposed on Athena and Gaia.

"Ahhhhh!!!" the two of them screamed in pain.

It's just that every time Athena screams, it always makes people think crookedly.

After the punishment was over, Zhang Fan said: "The Queen was specially designed by me for fighting. It does not conflict with the work of the brain worm. You should be on the same level."

Gaia was very aggrieved. He used to think that Adam was on top of him, but after adding Maya, he thought he could become a serf and sing. Unexpectedly, another queen came to oppose him this time.

Gaia cried, crying very sadly. Just when Zhang Fan got angry again, Adam walked out.

"Lord, please listen to Adam." Adam lowered his head and said.

"Master, you also know Gaia's temper. He has a strong self-esteem, so it is understandable that he does some things that are a little outrageous. Please don't blame him." Adam said sincerely.

Zhang Fan snorted coldly and said, "Just pet him."

Adam didn't even dare, and then Adam said: "Master, Athena, as a new member of our team, still has a long period of getting used to it. Adam knows that the queen will be the leader on the battlefield in the future. By then, we brainworms will We will cooperate fully.”

Zhang Fan nodded. Adam was right. In the past large and small battles, the brainworms did not show their intelligence.

Therefore, Zhang Fan started to launch the Queen's Project. He originally thought that if the brainworms were capable of fighting, the Queen's Project could be shelved, but he didn't expect that they would be too useless.

Every time, Zhang Fan needs to take action personally to solve it. The brainworms can just do scientific research and logistics honestly.

Zhang Fan spoke: "Okay, stop arguing. If you quarrel in front of me in the future, I will never forgive you, Maya."

Maya said cutely: "Lord, I'm here!"

Zhang Fan said: "Show them that galaxy map."

Maya said: "Master, okay, I'll get the shadow bug here right now."

After the Shadow Phase Bug was in place, Maya sent her thoughts into its mind.

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