The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 171 Starry Sky Map

The shadow bug is a projection-type creature jointly designed by Zhang Fan and Adam.

Originally, this creature was of no use to the entire alien race, but now that it has joined the Igwanna clan, the situation has changed.

In order to let the Igwanna clan know the development history of the Zerg, to promote the greatness of the Overlord, and to allow the alien civilizations to form a harmonious family, Zhang Fante formed a team of shadow bugs.

These teams include aliens, engineers, Igwanna, and even mixed teams.

They have only one purpose, to assimilate the thinking of the Igwanna clan. Only with willingness can Zhang Fan gain more power of faith.

The shadow insect opened its eyes, and a beam of light hit the flesh wall of the mother nest.

In fact, the production of shadow bugs is very complicated. Its brain must be powerful and able to receive and feedback information.

What Maya brought this time was the most high-end shadow insect among the entire alien race. It was extremely large and looked very bloated.

Ordinary shadow bugs can only play back what they observe in memory, but this shadow bug can directly connect to the thinking of the alien high-level people.

The shadow bug has two eyes, upper and lower. The lower eye is used for recording and the upper eye is used for playback.

Its body contains the most high-end and cutting-edge biotechnology among aliens. It can obtain energy from food, convert it into electrical energy, and then the electrical energy stimulates the nerves in the eyes of the shadow bug to obtain images.

As for the origin of electric energy, plans to imitate lightning were proposed as early as the alien planet. The electric eel was also the earliest prototype. However, after the crisis came, subsequent projects were shelved.

This kind of electricity is still in the category of biological current, mainly direct current, which consumes a lot of energy, so the shadow bugs have to keep eating.

The foreign senior executives looked at the light and shadow image, which was still in black and white. The main reason was that the color imaging nerve was a bit complicated to make and the precision was too high, but it was still under development.

"Wow! What a beautiful starry sky!" Gaia exclaimed.

Maya said proudly: "Hey, not bad, I found this."

What appears on the image is the galaxy that Zhang Fan and the others are in. From observation, it seems that it is still the Milky Way, but the Cloverdale civilization is not called that. They are called the Ancient Source System.

Judging from the books Zhang Fan observed, Cloverdale believed that it was a particularly ancient civilization that created this galaxy. Anyway, that nation was somewhat idealistic.

It's like a foreign tribe there. They sleep when they eat and eat when they sleep. It's very materialistic.

Then, Maya began to zoom in on the image, and then she saw that the image of the entire galaxy was rapidly getting larger, and the image gradually showed the location of the ancestral spirits.

Maya said: "Look, everyone, this is the star system we are currently in. For the convenience of naming, I still call this star the sun."

Zhang Fan said: "If you continue, the main thing is to find migratory planets that can provide development for alien races."

"Okay, Lord." Maya nodded and continued: "Then, everyone, please pay attention to this place."

After saying that, the image changed again, and there was a white dotted line with dense numbers on it.

"The alien planet where we were originally is at this location, and now the ancestral spirit is at this location. We are very lucky. The locations of the two star systems are not too far away, and there is every chance that we can go back." Maya said.

Athena asked with some confusion: "Then why hasn't the alien planet been discovered by advanced civilization? But the ancestral spirit has been discovered?"

Maya explained: "According to my observations, the star system where the ancestral spirits are located has existed much longer than the alien star system. In terms of development level, the alien star system has developed faster."

"So, it may be that before living things were born on the alien planet, the ancestral spirit here was already ruled by the Cloverdale civilization."

Gaia said at this time: "It seems that except for these two galaxies, everything else is so far away."

Maya nodded and said: "Yes, it is indeed very far away. We are lucky. There is a planet nearby that we can move to. If we want to go on a long voyage, the time and resources will be greatly improved."

Zhang Fan's dark eyes were closed tightly, as if he was thinking about something, and then said: "Don't think about traveling far now. Let's open a space station in this galaxy first."

"And, after the alien radiation ends, we will send troops back to combine the resources of the two galaxies."

Adam said at this time: "Lord, you are really far-sighted."

"Okay, don't flatter me, Maya, please continue." Zhang Fan said.

Then, the screen changed again, and three galaxies appeared, also connected by dotted lines.

"Everyone, please see, this is the location of the capital star of Clowarddale, and according to the sphere of influence, they occupy at least 50,000 star systems."

"If we sail through nuclear fusion like we do, it will take tens of thousands of years to clear their sphere of influence."

Gaia said: "How long will it take?!"

Maya nodded and said: "Yes, it has been so long. The vastness of the universe is beyond our imagination, so if we want to truly rule these galaxies, we must move differently."

Zhang Fan said: "Curvature navigation technology."

Maya said: "The master is right, it is the curvature navigation technology. You may not have observed the starry sky, especially the issue of the mass of the sun."

The picture changed again, and a flaming sun appeared, although it was still black and white.

Maya continued: "The mass of this sun is very large, and the gravity generated by the huge mass created this star system."

"And from my observations, the greater the mass, the greater the distortion of space it is in."

Athena said confusedly at this time: "Wait a moment? Maya, why am I a little confused?"

Zhang Fan said: "Maybe it's because you are not exposed to science. Don't worry, Athena, these things will be done by the brain worms. If you want to leave, you can leave at any time."

Athena hurriedly lowered her head and said: "Master, this slave dare not."

Maya continued: "The distance we see light travel is actually a curve, and when we came to this planet, we also walked in a curve."

Zhang Fan thought for a moment and said, "Then as long as we find the correct straight line, we can shorten the distance between the two star systems, right?"

Maya nodded and said: "Yes, Master, the entire galaxy is affected by gravity, it's just a difference in strength. If I can find the correct straight line, I am confident that the navigation time can be shortened by more than ten times."

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