The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 172 Eyeworm

Being shortened by more than ten times may not sound like much, but when placed in the universe, it is a very terrifying thing.

Zhang Fan and the others relied on controllable nuclear fusion to fly for ten years before they could fly out of the gravitational range of the alien star system. This was still a sub-light flight.

If we still maintain this speed and take the most correct route, we can fly out in just one year.

Zhang Fan asked Adam: "If the warp flight technology is successful, how long will it take for us to reach the capital galaxy where Clowarddale is located?"

Maya did a little calculation and said: "Master, it is conservatively estimated to take 91 years, which is already very fast in comparison."

Zhang Fan also knows that this algorithm of time, coupled with the algorithm of the universe as a whole, is indeed very fast, but Zhang Fan still wants to pursue higher.

Zhang Fan said: "Is there a faster way? For example, within ten years?"

Maya thought for a while and said: "Master, the method you mentioned is theoretically feasible, but in practice it will encounter a lot of trouble."

"For example."

Maya looked at Zhang Fan and said: "Master, this requires space folding technology or space jumping technology to achieve this."

Zhang Fan fell into thinking and said: "Space technology? This is indeed a huge problem."

Then Zhang Fan said: "Besides the old site of the Cloverdale civilization, are there any other planets around that can be moved to?"

Maya enlarged the image again and said: "Lord, yes, it is located 39 degrees east of the Dragon constellation and the Guardian constellation in the sky. Of course, I still calculated the constellation map here using the method on the alien planet."

Zhang Fan asked: "So how long does it take to reach the nearest migratory star?"

Maya said: "Lord, it will take at least 1,200 years."

Gaia was shocked: "So long?"

Maya continued: "Yes, we are now on the cantilever of the constellation Andromeda, and it is towards the periphery. If we go further, it will be the death zone."

Finally, Zhang Fan made a decision: "Okay, then we will go to the planet 1,200 years away. Such a long distance is difficult to reach with the current Leviathan."


"Lord, Adam is here."

Zhang Fan looked at Adam and said: "Your mission is to develop a new type of Leviathan with all your strength. The current number of black crystals is enough to try to successfully fly through a Leviathan. Do you understand?"

Adam hesitated and said: "Master, although this is very difficult, please rest assured, Master, Adam will go all out."


"Dad, I'm here."

Zhang Fan said to Gaia: "Gaia, now I give you a new task, to build the Eyeworm and the Hive Space Station. The materials on the planet may not necessarily meet our needs, so we must set our sights on the asteroid belt."

Gaia said: "Dad? Asteroid belt?"

Zhang Fan nodded and said, "Yes, the asteroid belt. According to Maya's calculations, the resources in the asteroid belt can last us a long time, and their resources are richer than these planets combined."

Gaia said: "Dad, don't worry and leave it to me. There will be no problem."


"Lord, I'm here!"

Looking at Maya's excited face, Zhang Fan said: "Maya, you have two jobs. One is to calculate the equation of curvature navigation. This may take a long time. The other is to continue to observe space and discover more. The planet can be moved to."

Maya straightened her body and said, "Lord! I listen to you!"


"Master, my servant is here!"

Zhang Fan looked at Athena's enchanting figure and said unmoved: "Your mission is the simplest, which is to train a group of warriors who can fight in space. The warriors from the four races belong to you. Ning Que Wulan, do you know?"

Athena put her right hand on her chest and bent down and said, "Lord, this slave understands."

"Okay, let's adjourn the meeting. Gaia, I'll work with you on your side." Zhang Fan finally said.

Euglena, similar to an artificial satellite, can observe the situation of the ancestral star on one side, and can observe the more distant starry sky on the other side.

The galaxy map in Zhang Fan's hand has a long history, and many things cannot be verified. Only the first-hand information that he has determined is the most authentic.

The design of Euglena is very large, and the main body is an eyeball. If an ordinary eyeball is used, there will definitely be lens rupture and some cosmic radiation problems.

Therefore, we need to start the transformation from the inside. One thing we need to pay attention to is the absorption of nutrients.

The eyeworm designed by Zhang Fan also has another name called telepupil, which can be used to observe the pupil from a distance. In this case, the number of one lens is not enough.

Zhang Fan said: "Gaia, show me your design plan."

Gaia said: "Dad, look."

Gaia was designed according to Zhang Fan's suggestion. The diameter of the middle pupil is 20 meters, but the outer layer of protective material and some organs add up to a diameter of 50 meters.

The worm looks like a flower, which slowly opens after being transported into space. It has a total of six petals.

The main function of these petals, which are composed of special bacterial blankets, is to absorb energy from sunlight.

There is another question here. How can photosynthesis be carried out in space without water or air?

Therefore, an energy absorption and material decomposition chamber is designed in the body of the Euglena, which is equivalent to the stomach of the Euglena.

In order to design this stomach, Zhang Fan really took great pains. The carpet will absorb the energy of the sun, and then this energy will be converted into heat energy and electrical energy and stored in the stomach of the Euglena.

Therefore, this stomach is not the stomach used for normal eating, but a storage device like a battery.

Just making this organ took a lot of time, and the difficulty can be said to be comparable to that of Leviathan.

Why do you say that? First of all, the two directions are different. Just like the controllable nuclear fusion technology, it actually uses black crystal to make tricks. It does not mean that the technology has been truly mastered.

Therefore, the flight mode is still relatively rough, and if you are not careful, the ship will be destroyed and people will be killed.

This stomach is a high-precision technology. Every cell was confirmed and installed by Zhang Fan after repeated inspections, and a lot of manpower and material resources were spent. If it didn't produce results, Zhang Fan would beat someone up.

Simply speaking, the research on the energy storage device this time was relatively successful. Although the conversion rate was not high, it was enough to meet the daily energy needs of Euglena.

Moreover, the lifespan of this eyeworm is ten years, which is already very short in comparison.

In addition to the stomach wall, Euglena also has a brain. This brain has no thinking ability. Its function is to record.

Maya will regularly retain and delete these records, and other bits and pieces of organs will be installed step by step.

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