The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 2 Rocket Paramecium

Zhang Fan could clearly feel what it felt like to have two cells gathered together.

It's not a big deal to say it, it's like inserting yourself.

An analogy is to dig your nose, first with your fingers, then with your fists, and finally with your whole body.

It's very uncomfortable, but pain and happiness coexist. When the two cells fuse to a certain position, they no longer fuse.

In this way, he became a two-celled creature, and Zhang Fan's visual sense also changed from a single cell to a two-cell perspective.

After the fusion is completed, there will be no uncomfortable feeling anymore. Not only will you not feel uncomfortable, but you will also feel great.

Look at those little brothers wandering around, how strong I am.

Next, Zhang Fan divided the cell tissue into two parts.

One part continues to divide, absorbs surrounding nitrogen, and synthesizes new cells.

The other part is fusion, becoming a cell group.

Zhang Fan is currently the most powerful in the middle of the group. He has fused nearly a hundred cells.

Looking at those single cells is like an adult looking at a child.

Zhang Fan is very proud. Now he is holding a sharp sword, invincible and fearless. He leads them to charge.

Gradually, he felt the boredom of life, the same boring life, splitting, swallowing, splitting and absorbing.

There is no TV to watch, no novels to read, and no games to play. I don’t know when this kind of life will end.

Suddenly, Zhang Fan thought of a game.

Today's cells move too slowly. They basically rely on changes in the cell membrane to move. In this case, it takes several weeks to move one millimeter.

Then he thought of Paramecium. The whole body of Paramecium is composed of one cell. The surface of the body is covered with a membrane. The membrane is densely covered with many cilia. It moves in the water by the paddling of the cilia.

Evolution is a very complicated project, with constant fabrication and constant changes. Finally, after killing countless cells, we finally succeeded in obtaining the Paramecia design.

There is a small concave groove on one side of the body, called the "mouth groove", which is equivalent to the "mouth" of the paramecium. When the dense and long cilia in the oral groove swing, bacteria and organic debris in the water can be put into the oral groove as food, and then enter the paramecium's body for slow digestion and absorption.

Bacteria are a derivative that appeared during Zhang Fan's evolution, and they can also control their movement and evolution.

Zhang Fan discovered that he could control any life that could be linked to him.

With Paramecia, Zhang Fan can obtain nutrients faster.

The cells used to be like walking, but now they are equipped with new equipment, and the whole body is like being on a rocket, moving forward at high speed.

"Not bad, not bad! It feels great!" It's easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it's hard to go from luxury to frugality. After equipping Paramecium, Zhang Fan no longer wants to stay in ordinary cells, it's too tiring.

So he gave an order to let the cells divide and engulf themselves, although this would reduce his pain.

When he had nothing to do, he drove the green grass bugs and raced them. He also made several new parameciums and named them No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3.

A path is opened up by the cells. Although it is controlled by oneself, the feeling of racing like this is great, and there is no need to worry about a sudden car accident.

When you are hungry, go find a bacterium to eat. Bacteria are not as big as cells, they are just derivatives.

During this period, Zhang Fan also made some small improvements to the bacteria. He liked the sense of chasing, so he added a flagellum to the bacteria.

He cut off his mental connection with the bacteria, chased after them, ate them in one bite, and then imitated the domineering look of animals when hunting.

Days like this lasted for a long time, and Zhang Fan gradually felt boring again. He didn't know what to do next.

Looking at the increasingly powerful Cell Empire, Zhang Fan decided to embark on an expedition.

With the army of grass green insects, and with the blessing of ordinary cells, they went to explore the depths of the lake, hoping to find their companions.

Under the sunlight, the lake glowed with a light blue color. Through the microscope, a group of green grass bugs could be found in the light blue color, speeding away into the distance.

After several months of galloping, Zhang Fan had led his army of paramecia forward about one meter.

But the price paid for this expedition was also heavy. A large number of paramecia died, and the speed of division could not keep up with the speed of death.

Unable to find out the reason, Zhang Fan returned to the Cell Empire with deep mourning after the death of the last general.

Later, Zhang Fan discovered through some experiments that whether it was ordinary cells or paramecia, they would rapidly consume energy in the body during exercise, and they could not eat during exercise.

The way to change this state is very simple, just let the cells generate energy by themselves. One of the simplest ways is chlorophyll.

Chlorophyll is a green pigment produced by plants during photosynthesis. This pigment can convert light energy into energy in the body.

Thinking of Zhang Fan, he started experimenting. This is a huge project. Before, the modification of Paramecium was only an external modification, but this time it involves the internal part, and the level of precision is greatly improved.

Where does chlorophyll exist? Chlorophyll exists in the leaf cells of green plants. The leaf cells contain a kind of chloroplast. In the chloroplast, there is a unique and important green pigment - chlorophyll.

So the first thing Zhang Fan had to do was to create chloroplasts.

"Does this make me a plant?" Zhang Fan thought for a while and decided to use one-third of the cells for the chloroplast experiment.

Nowadays, the number of ordinary cells is huge, probably hundreds of thousands, but there is still no way to effectively form multicellular organisms, and there is still a lot of work that has not been completed. The most basic point is energy acquisition.

So chloroplast chlorophyll engineering is essential.

Without studying Zhang Fan, he already knew clearly that chlorophyll is composed of a porphyrin ring composed of four pyrrole rings, a magnesium atom, cyclopentanone and leaf alcohol.

Where to obtain these metal elements becomes difficult again. These heavy elements generally do not appear on the surface of lakes and must be found in rocks.

So Zhang Fan made a decision after some inner struggle and once again summoned tens of thousands of paramecia.

These paramecia set out from all directions in the Cell Empire to search for resources. These are Zhang Fan's eyes and the driving force for the empire's survival.

Hard work paid off, and after a series of explorations, it was discovered that there were a group of volcanoes to the west of the Cell Empire.

Although it was far away from him, Zhang Fan still decided to move forward there.

"My people attack in full force!"

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