The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 3 Cyanobacteria Community

Zhang Fan couldn't stand the speed of the Cell Empire's movement. Paramecium had already moved back and forth several times, but the entire empire had only managed to advance a few millimeters, and the day seemed like a year! No, seconds, days and years.

At this time, Zhang Fan didn't care anymore, cut off contact with the outside world, and entered a dormant state.

The entire Cell Empire started to act in an orderly manner according to Zhang Fan's original plan.

After an unknown amount of time, the Cell Empire had approached the volcanoes, and Zhang Fan also woke up. Here he could clearly feel that the temperature in the lake was rising, and ordered the Empire to stop advancing.

Zhang Fan once again sent out Paramecium for reconnaissance. We are now about ten kilometers away from the volcanoes, and the impact is not very big.

But he knew that he came here to find metal elements this time. If he could not obtain metal elements, then the entire group would stagnate.

There is a huge rock about 3 meters away from the Cell Empire, but the Paramecium can only move up to 2 meters away.

So Zhang Fan's empire moved again.

During this period, Zhang Fan was not idle. He kept exploring and trying to find a substitute for chlorophyll. Unfortunately, he was not a scientist or the Creator.

A distance of one meter is nothing to a formed life, but to a cell it is like a chasm.

Zhang Fan stopped one meter away from the rock. After a long journey, the entire cell empire was gone.

Cells are also alive and will die before they are replenished in time. Fortunately, the number is still large, leaving Zhang Fan the opportunity to start over.

Because there are no attacks from other cells, Zhang Fan can easily expand his empire.

But this kind of expansion will always have an upper limit. After the death rate and birth rate become proportional, it can no longer expand.

The survival life of single cells is very short, and only multicellular organisms can get a lot of survival time.

The work of the entire empire is on track. Paramecium is responsible for the transportation work, and the bacteria themselves provide food for the paramecium. Ordinary cells divide and fuse, and a part of the cells are extracted for chlorophyll experiments.

Chloroplasts are easy to solve. Just open a space inside the cell and add a thin film.

But Zhang Fan has never been able to understand the production of chlorophyll, and the teacher didn't teach it when he was studying!

After a long period of exploration, Zhang Fan successfully produced a pigment that can photosynthesize, chlorophyll.

Although the color appears blue, the photosynthesis effect is not bad.

So Zhang Fan called the cells composed of chlorophyll cyanobacteria.

This is another great creation after Paramecium, enough to go down in history.

Zhang Fan ordered the Cell Empire to start converting into cyanobacteria, and everything went on in an orderly manner.

The element content here is very rich. In addition to nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, iron, magnesium and zinc, there are also some heavy metal minerals.

This mineral produces trace amounts of radiation, which is not a bad thing for Zhang Fan. He can use this radiation to change his own needs and strengthen his tribe.

Thinking about the power of an atomic bomb explosion, this kind of radiation is now insignificant. Zhang Fan believes that over time, one day he will be able to withstand the atomic bomb.

But we must overcome the difficulties at hand.

"What's going on! Stop!" No matter what Zhang Fan ordered, the entire cyanobacteria group refused to listen to him and kept moving towards the lake, faster than a paramecium.

Zhang Fan was almost crying because the cyanobacteria that had finally gathered did not obey his orders.

After entering the blue-green algae community, I realized that it was not the problem with my order, but the bubbles that appeared in the blue-green algae during photosynthesis.

This kind of bubbles cannot be effectively released, and then the entire cyanobacteria community is lifted up to the lake surface through buoyancy.

This is already a natural effect, but Zhang Fan can no longer resist it no matter what he does. This is an uncontrollable factor.

This was a huge mistake made by Zhang Fan himself.

There was still a sense of luck in his heart, but after the cyanobacteria that had just entered the lake came into contact with the sun, a large area died under the ultraviolet rays.

Within five minutes, hundreds of thousands of cyanobacteria were all dead.

Zhang Fan really wanted to cry but had no tears. The generation of bubbles was inevitable. The only thing he had to do now was how to survive under ultraviolet light.

The problem of cell walls was originally considered, but the appearance of cell walls hindered the movement and morphological changes of cells.

Judging from the current situation, the cell wall plan has to be implemented.

The cell wall is a thick, tough and slightly elastic structure located outside the cell membrane. Its composition is a mucilage complex. Some species also have a capsule composed of polysaccharides outside the wall, which plays a protective role.

The capsule itself can also serve as a nutrient for cells and can be used by cells when nutrients are lacking.

The production of cell walls is relatively simple. Polysaccharide compounds require hydrogen elements everywhere, carbon elements are obtained from rocks, and oxygen elements can be produced by themselves.

After some complicated operations, the cell wall successfully covered the cyanobacteria.

Seeing the cyanobacteria community rising again, Zhang Fan decided to give it a try and split the cell empire into two.

Part of it stayed near the rocks and continued to absorb elements, while the other part rose to the lake surface with the cyanobacteria to absorb energy.

The vertical drop between the two sides is almost a hundred meters, which is a distance that the two communities are currently completely unable to contact.

Fortunately, distance has no effect on Zhang Fan. He can change his mind at any time, or both at the same time.

The cyanobacteria with cell walls survived on the lake surface and expanded very slowly.

Looking down from the air, you can see a thin layer of blue-green algae appearing on the lake.

The cell community under the water was not idle either. It gradually moved closer to the rock, using the rock as a base, and the cell empire covered it.

What to do with Paramecium?

It also has its own mission and is divided into three legions. The first legion continues to explore the surrounding environment, the second legion is the porter of cells, and the third legion is the porter of cyanobacteria.

What to do next? Zhang Fan fell into deep thought and thought about biological diversity.

This diversity usually includes three components: genetic diversity, species diversity and ecosystem diversity.

Genetic diversity is an important part of biological diversity. Any species or individual organism preserves a large number of genetic genes. Therefore, it can be regarded as a gene pool. The richer the genes a species contains, the better its impact on the environment. The stronger the adaptability. Gene diversity is the basis for the evolution of life and species differentiation.

Now the genes of cyanobacteria, paramecium, bacteria and cells all originate from the original cells, called founder cells.

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