The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 208 Nuclear Explosion Divine Comedy

"What is that?" The high priest raised his upper eyelids slightly and saw the nuclear baneling bug falling from the sky.

He couldn't clearly feel every cell like Zhang Fan, he could only roughly feel the specific location of the other person.

A deep worry arose in the heart of the high priest, and as this worry gradually turned into fear.

"No! We can't let this thing fall anymore! We have to knock it down in mid-air." The high priest began to roar in his heart, and the entire crown of the ancient tree of life began to shake violently.

Strands of vines shoot out from the crown of the tree. Although they are not as strong as the root system, in comparison, they are dozens of meters long in diameter.

Countless vines wrapped around the nuclear baneling bugs, and the distance between the two sides was getting closer.

Zhang Fan's mind had entered the body of the nuclear baneling insect, and he started fission.


A sound like a key breaking appeared inside the nuclear baneling bug, and then the temperature began to rise rapidly.

Vaguely, the high priest seemed to hear this breaking sound, which was like the water of the Namesibe River lapping against the rocks.

The sound of those rocks breaking after being unable to withstand the beating of the river water.

The high priest took a deep breath, and the vines rose faster again!

In the nuclear baneling bug's body, neutrons impact the atomic nucleus, and the ejected neutrons in the atomic nucleus impact other atomic nuclei again, and the cycle repeats endlessly.

Finally, the temperature and pressure reached an ultra-high critical point, and they changed the state of heavy water. The water began to boil, then evaporate, mutate, and countless water turned into water molecules.

The power of neutron impact appears again, one after another, at a speed exceeding the speed of light!

At this time, the tip of the vine had just reached the base of the nuclear baneling insect, and with a light touch, you could feel the scorching heat.

The high priest shouted in his heart: "No! It's the same as the explosion just now!"

However, it was too late, the nuclear explosion came again, like a little sun blooming on Pandora.

If there is a nuclear explosion song around at this time, it will be even more suitable for the occasion.

Zhang Fan's shadow appeared again, spreading his arms from a distance: "World nuclear peace!!"


No matter how many exclamation points you add, you can't describe the beautiful scenery in front of you. The dazzling light brings scorching heat, burning everything it can touch.

It was as dazzling as the sun, venting the incomparable anger in my heart, and the huge voice was like a cosmic beast crawling out from ancient times.

Tear! Tear!

The air becomes distorted! The whole world seemed to be illuminated all of a sudden!

Of course, the light blue people in the distance also saw this apocalyptic explosion, and they looked at the red sun in a daze.

Natadi's scepter fell to the ground at some point, and he murmured in an old and demented voice: "Holy Mother, we really can't resist the power of God."

The fragmentation of the earth was reduced to ashes under the powerful force of the nuclear explosion, and the collapse of the sky created a gap under the high-energy penetration of the nuclear explosion.

Looking up, a hole seemed to have been blown out of the entire planet Pandora.

At this time, another voice came to Zhang Fan's ears. The voice was full of miserable screams, which made those who heard it sad and those who heard it shed tears.

The explosion still continued, but it would not last too long. Gradually, the light disappeared, revealing a different world.

The ground can no longer be called the ground. After being burned by high temperature and high pressure, the solid land turned into white crystals.

plant? There are other plants, but they all look desolate. I guess Zhang Fan, if Pandora is allowed to purify them by herself, it will be impossible to get rid of them within a few decades.

All the thick fog in the sky has been peeled away, and everything on the ground can be clearly seen in the sky.

Just now, the eyes of the Eyeworm were also blooming with dazzling light, and the light kept shining. After it was over, this wound that could not be healed was left.

The high priest died and disappeared with the Tree of Life. It can be said that no living thing on this planet can withstand such a nuclear explosion attack.

In the kingdom of the light blue people, many warriors had blue blood flowing out of their eyes, falling to the ground and rolling around. At this time, their eyes were already blind.

The light blue man still wants to attack, but this is just humiliating himself.

Knuckles didn't feel well either. He felt his chest was tight, so tight that he couldn't breathe. Then he rolled his eyes and fell to the ground.

The surrounding guards could no longer care about their king. They covered their eyes and screamed loudly.

The ensuing shock wave shattered their eardrums, and blue blood also oozed from their ears.

Natadi died, kneeling on the trunk of the Tree of Life.

With his body facing the direction of the holy tree, he seemed to be repenting and praying. The blood flowing from his mouth and his eyes open and bleeding proved that he was very unwilling in his heart.

Zhang Fan didn't know that just one of his nuclear explosions had destroyed all the living forces in this world.

Speaking of which, I wasn't having a good time either. In addition to my own shadow and Athena's powerful body, the alien race itself also suffered heavy losses.

Zhang Fan found that even if it was as strong as Leviathan, its body was still trembling, as if it was very afraid of the attack just now.

"What a cowardly guy, I won't bring you here next time." Zhang Fan looked at the trembling Leviathan with disdain.

Looking at the broken hive, Zhang Fan was a little helpless. He didn't expect that the power this time was a bit too much. The shock wave could attack from such a long distance.

Arriving inside the hive, all the eggs that were yet to hatch had burst, and thick liquid flowed out.

"Athena, Athena?" Zhang Fan called Athena twice.

At this time, Athena was still immersed in the nuclear explosion just now and couldn't extricate herself.

After receiving mental stimulation, Athena regained consciousness, and she shouted: "Master! This slave requests another nuclear explosion!"

Zhang Fan said without hesitation: "Don't think about it, there's no way!"

Then, he said: "Okay, the other Leviathan has begun to set sail. You continue to direct this war. I don't want to see any more casualties."

Athena knelt down on one knee: "Yes! Lord! I will obey your will!"

At this time, Wen Wen also saw the explosion, with deep sorrow on his face, and secretly cursed: "What a madman."

Then, he exited the thinking world and left on the alien.

In the kingdom of the light blue people, after a long period of recovery, about two-thirds of the people in the country have become blind.

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