The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 209 Changing the King

I don’t know whether Nadal was lucky or had good physical fitness. He climbed up from the ground with difficulty, patted his ears and rubbed his eyes. The glory of the whole world appeared in front of him again.

Looking at the fallen comrades around him, Nadal knelt on the ground in pain, hammering the ground with his fists, and roared like a beast.

After venting, Nadal slowly stood up, jumped over the crowd, and ran towards the outside of the military camp.

There were light blue people moaning in pain everywhere along the way. Some of them were bleeding to death. Only those light blue people with particularly good physical fitness survived. They were rescuing their family and friends.

Nadal stumbled all the way to the palace, and the palace guards also fell down.

He continued to run forward, and a majestic palace appeared in front of him.

Nadal quickened his pace and rushed into the palace unguarded.

At the entrance of the palace, his pupils shrank, he took a deep breath and quickly walked to Knuckles' side.

Squatting down and bending down, he picked up Knuckles and said softly: "Wang Ruo, how are you?"

Knuckles seemed to be unable to open his eyes, and said with some difficulty: "Is it Nadal?"

"Yes, Wang Ruan, I will take you for treatment right now!" Nadal said, but his tone was very calm.

Knuckles shook his head and said, "I can't save you. The throne. The throne."

Before he finished speaking, Knuckles had already lost the breath of life.

Nadal gently put down Wang Ruan, and he personally summoned the relatively normal ministers.

Looking at the palace with less than half the original number of people, Nadar sat on the throne in the surprised eyes of all the ministers.

Nabru jumped out at this time. He happened to be in the wine cellar when the nuclear explosion occurred, and he came out only when he heard the explosion.

Therefore, this old light blue minister is truly favored by the Holy Mother.

Nabru said: "Second Wang Ruo, there seems to be something wrong with this. The great king Ruo is the first heir. You are violating the ancestral teachings."

Nadar held his chin with one hand and said, "Sir Nabru, I was appointed by the king before his death. Do you want to disobey the late king's will?"

Nabru had a sad look on his face. As a second king who relied on force, Nadal would not be able to enjoy the good fruits of the civil service in the future if he came to power.

Just when he was about to speak, a military attaché came in, knelt on one knee and said: "Your Majesty! The matter has been resolved!"

Nabru's heart skipped a beat, and Nadal stood up and said happily: "Well done, please invite Nariya in!"

All the officials saw Nariya, who had lost his arms and legs and was blind, being carried into the palace.

Naburu loudly accused Nadal, but was knocked unconscious by a backhand slap from Nadal.

He looked around. The civilian officials lowered their heads, while the military attachés stood proud.

Nadal came to Nariya's side and said: "My dear, you can go in peace."

After saying that, the military attache put a dagger to Nadal's hand, and Nadal stabbed it into Naraya's heart.

After a miserable roar, Nariya lost her life and left this world forever.

Nadal raised his head again and looked around, just to see who dared to oppose him.

The military attaches began to shout long live: "Long live the king! Long live the king!"

Early the next morning.

When everyone was still reorganizing their homes, a guard discovered a pitiful and fast-moving team.

He squinted his eyes and said loudly: "Three Kings are back! Hurry and report to King Ming!"

The squad was then greeted personally by Nadal.

"My goodness, you're finally back." Nadal reached out and patted his shoulder.

Nazoi looks very embarrassed now. Fortunately, during the nuclear explosion, their team accidentally fell into a deep pit, otherwise they would not be able to come back.

Nazoi looked a little frightened. He took Nadar's hand and said loudly: "Second Wang Lang! Inform the king quickly! Let's run quickly! Run to the holy tree!"

Nadal frowned, then relaxed. Just as he was about to speak, Nazoi rolled his eyes and fainted.

Nadal was speechless and had to ask the guards to take them down to rest first.

But he didn't know that Zhang Fan was moving very quickly. The Zerg were cleaning up the surrounding environment and the radiation in the central area of ​​the nuclear explosion.

The creep itself has a strong purifying power, so after the lurking spider chewed the seeds under the ground, the seeds of the creep took its place.

It began to develop rapidly, but it was still resisted by the plants spreading around it.

In this situation, Zhang Fan's only option was to eradicate the problem.

Nadal is still immersed in the celebration of inheriting the throne, and he doesn't know that the danger is coming. He doesn't listen to anyone now, not even Nazoi, who has woken up.

Nazoi was desperate. He had finally seen through it. The civilization of the light blue people was over, and so was the civilization of the Na'vi people.

Without saying goodbye, he headed to the north with those who were willing to follow. That was the territory of the Holy Tree, and only the Holy Tree.

After a few days of singing and dancing, a guard ran in in a panic and shouted: "Report!"

Nadal woke up from the bed and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Your Majesty! We found an uninvited guest!" the guard said hurriedly.

Nadal stood up and put on his clothes and said: "If you are in a panic, why don't you just kill an enemy?"

At this time, the guard raised his head and looked at Nadal again and said, "But. But, Your Majesty, we can't defeat her."

"Huh?" This time it was Nadal's turn to be surprised. He seemed to recall the previous nuclear explosion, and then said again: "I know, I will go and see for myself."

Nadal followed the guards outside the palace and walked towards the palace.

As soon as I stepped into the palace, I saw a white figure sitting on his throne, and the officials below were kneeling on the ground in fear.

Just as he was about to scold him, the other party spoke first: "Are you the king of the light blue people?"

Nadal's chest puffed up and he said, "Yes, I am the king of the light blue people."

Athena blinked and said, "You are the king. That's easy. Just declare it and surrender to the Lord. The Lord is very merciful and is unwilling to kill everyone."

Nadal was anxious, so he sat on the throne and said anxiously: "Why?"

Athena's eyes narrowed and then she said: "Rely on strength!"

Without anyone seeing it clearly, there was a bloodstain on Nadal's neck, and then his head slowly fell to the ground.

Athena said without even getting up: "Who else is dissatisfied?"

My gums bleed, I run outside every day, and I get angry.

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