The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 210 Holy Tree

All the ministers quickly said they didn't dare, they were joking, how could they be dissatisfied if the other party was so powerful? There was a lingering shadow in everyone's mind, that was a nuclear explosion.

Athena was a little unhappy to see the other party being so obedient. Originally, she had planned to go on a killing spree.

Zhang Fan also had his own ideas as to why he didn't attack the light blue people's territory directly. He wanted to understand the specific situation of this planet through conquering it.

All the information about the previous Dark Blue Man had been lost due to a nuclear explosion, so he wanted to keep the Light Blue Man.

The insect army entered the territory of the light blue people, and they looked at this group of ferocious insects in fear.

Originally, Zhang Fan was worried that there would be another problem caused by the high priest's amplified recruitment, but this worry was unnecessary. According to the ministers, the high priest had already died in the explosion.

Therefore, Zhang Fan was able to walk in swaggeringly, but the vines and thorns that appeared from time to time on the ground were really troublesome. If these troubles were not dealt with, there would never be peace.

The engineer has already entered the library and is browsing the information, and the information will be sent to the brainworm as soon as possible.

In the book, the words "Holy Tree" and "Our Lady" appear most frequently, and the location of the Holy Tree is definitely in the north.

Therefore, Zhang Fan ordered Tianqi to completely control the light blue people, and he and Athena went to the north.

Apocalypse has already transformed into a brain worm, but his brain worm is different from the others. Apocalypse still retains his former thinking.

He can stay in sync with the cyborg's body.

"Sir, besides controlling this place, do you have anything else to do?" Tianqi asked.

Zhang Fan thought for a moment and said, "Well, then let's spread the teachings of the Lord Cult."

Apocalypse replied: "Okay sir."

At this moment, Nazoyi finally found the holy tree after climbing over mountains and rivers.

The size of the Holy Tree is not particularly tall, not as big as the Tree of Life.

However, the psychedelic color above fascinated Nazoi immediately.

Nazoi hurriedly called to everyone: "Everyone, hurry up and follow! The holy tree is right in front of you!"

There are not only light blue people but also dark blue people in this team. They support each other and come to the world of the holy tree.

The fog here is extremely thick, and the sunlight scatters when it shines into the thick fog. I can only know that it is daytime, but I don't know where the sun is.

There is a hint of fragrance in these thick fogs, which is a particularly charming smell that keeps the Na'vi people highly excited.

Continuing to walk forward, there are also flowers blooming here, birds singing and flowers fragrant, and there are many small animals. They look at this group of uninvited guests curiously.

Both Nazoi and Mebegi have issued repeated orders that no hunting is allowed without the permission of the sacred tree.

So, a large group of people headed toward the sacred tree hungry.

Strange to say, everyone kept moving forward, but they were never able to close the distance between themselves and the holy tree.

Nazuoyi was confused. Is it really like what is said in the book that sincerity leads to spiritual success? But this sincerity should be enough for us!

A Na'vi man was so hungry that he couldn't stand it anymore. He took out the dagger from his waist and stabbed the small animal next to him.

He was dizzy from hunger, and his eyes were replaced by blood.

"What are you doing!" Nazoi yelled angrily.

The soldier said with red eyes: "Nazoi, don't pretend to be so, you are no longer a royal family, I won't listen to you now!"

After saying that, he kept moving his hands, and then heard a "ding" sound as the dagger pierced the stone, and the little animal disappeared.

"Ah!! My dinner! Who! Who took it away! Is it you!" The red-eyed warrior angrily grabbed the collars of those around him and yelled loudly.

"It's not me! Are you crazy! Where are the animals?" The man who was pulled by the collar stared at the red-eyed warrior unceremoniously.

The people around them began to persuade them, but the two became more and more fierce, and finally started a struggle, and broke away from the team while fighting.

Gradually disappeared into the mist. For some reason, after the two disappeared, they became calm.

This kind of silence made people feel frightened. No one around the Na'vi dared to come forward to look for them, so they could only continue to move forward with the large army.

The environment along the way has not changed, it is still so beautiful and natural, but people's hearts have become very impetuous.

Suddenly, an explosion sound penetrated everyone's ears.

"I'll choke you! Those hanging above are all Na'vi people!" Zhang Fan looked at the sacred tree.

It is not as beautiful as imagined. It has a withered and yellow appearance and twisted branches. The ones hanging from it are all Na'vi people. They seem to be delivering nutrients to the holy tree.

Zhang Fan said at this time: "Athena, take down this tree for me."

Athena took the order again and ordered the self-destructing mosquitoes to attack first. The self-destroying mosquitoes are small and fast, and are most suitable for dealing with such large and slow-moving plants.

After countless explosions, blue sap oozed from the branches of the holy tree.

It was this kind of vibration that woke up the hanging Na'vi.

They looked at the dense Zerg army in shock, their bodies constantly struggling.

But he still couldn't break free from the fate of being bound. His mouth was also tied up by vines, and he could only make a purring sound.

The Lurking Spiders are digging tunnels underneath. They want to dig a tunnel from underneath that allows the Banelings to enter.

I just didn't expect that the roots of the holy tree were buried so deep. The lurking spiders had already dug into the rock layer, but they still hadn't dug to the bottom of the holy tree.

Here, Zhang Fan heard the voice more clearly: "Please let me go, please let me go."

Zhang Fan said that it was impossible to let him go, not even in this life, but he could consider changing his biological form.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Fan began to let the poisonous banelings cling to the roots of the holy tree, put the self-destroying mosquitoes on standby, and also brought in two nuclear banelings.

Then Zhang Fan's shadow began to appear, and he said to the holy tree: "People inside, listen, you have been surrounded, surrender obediently, and I will spare your life!"

The Holy Tree quickly replied: "Surrender! Surrender!"

Zhang Fan said angrily: "Surrender so easily!? Do you have the backbone!"

The Holy Tree continued to answer: "I don't dare! I don't dare!"

Hearing what the Holy Tree said, Zhang Fan began to prepare to collect them, but how to collect them was another problem.

It is impossible to give up. Such a good creature can be used as its own central processor.

Zhang Fan asked: "Then how should I recruit you?"

The holy tree was silent for a while and said: "Be obedient! Be obedient!"

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