The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 220 The Theory of Light Speed ​​Flight

The destination of the Explorer's flight has been confirmed, and Apocalypse is also trying to connect to the Dragon Emperor Civilization's intelligence network.

But we have never been able to contact them. That network is a dynamic network. If the spacecraft can keep in contact, then the information will always be connected.

It is estimated that the Dragon Emperor Civilization has confirmed that the Explorer has been killed and unilaterally cut off contact with it.

This doesn't matter, relying on the eyes of the sky, Maya already knows the location of the planet.

The unknown planet is close to the inner circle of the Anderi cantilever, not too far away from the alien star.

It had not been discovered before because it was a binary star galaxy.

Double stars are a special type of astronomical galaxy in space, also known as twin stars.

They can be composed of two stars with similar masses and volumes, or they can be composed of two stars with slightly different masses.

But there is one thing. One side cannot be the dominant one, otherwise it would not be called a double star.

The way of survival of binary star creatures is also very harsh.

It is impossible to appear outside the star, because the gravitational force generated by the two stars is huge and terrible, and will tear apart the surrounding and slightly distant planets.

If it were further away, it would be far away from the location of the habitable planet, and even if there was life, it would develop very slowly.

Moreover, Maya did not find habitable planets in the outer circle. Instead, there were three in the inner circle.

The locations of migratory planets in the inner circle are also very demanding. They are not much worse than those in the outer circle, but they are there anyway.

They are located where the gravitational repulsion of the two stars intersects, so there will not be such a powerful destructive force here.

If he has the ability to aerospace, according to the laws of the universe, Apocalypse believes that the other party will definitely use that kind of repulsion.

Apocalypse reported the situation back to the main base: "Mr. Maya, calculate the repulsion and gravitational trajectory of the two stars."

Maya was a little tangled and said: "This calculation is very heavy and it will take a lot of time."

Apocalypse said: "Mr. Maya, it doesn't matter. There is still some time before the binary star system. Let's try to calculate it after the Explorer enters the Oort cloud."

Maya nodded and said, "Okay, I'll try my best. Is there anything else?"

Tianqi thought for a while and then continued: "Yes, yes, Mr. Maya, check to see if there are any satellites nearby. I choose to land in secret first."

Maya said: "The distance is too far now. When you enter the Oort cloud, see if you can launch Euglena for observation."

The Explorer also has many insect eggs, and many places inside the body have been modified.

For example, in the current ecological cabin, the original singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers have been shrouded in a layer of purple.

The Eyeworm was placed in the warehouse and was in an inactive state.

Tianqi said: "I understand."

The Explorer is heading towards an unknown planet in warp flight.

The surrounding scenery completely changed. The originally dazzling stars turned into thin lines when observed under this kind of flight, and the whole world seemed to be illuminated all of a sudden.

Apocalypse is thinking, the current speed is still sub-light flight, what will be the effect if it is increased to the speed of light.

Here are some illusions. The first point is the theory of constant speed of light.

The light of stars has turned into thin lines during sub-light flight. After entering the speed of light, the thin lines will be extended infinitely.

That is to say, no matter what kind of movement the observer makes, the observed light will move at a constant rate.

The second point is simultaneous relativity. The principle of this point is based on the previous point, the theory of constant speed of light.

If the Explorer's head emits a light and its tail emits a light, then an observer standing on the planet will see that the two beams of light overlap.

Because under the action of the speed of light, the light moves with the flight of the spacecraft. If you look outside the spacecraft, you will see that the entire spacecraft seems to be connected by a line.

What you see on the ground may be just a point, a point of light, so it can be concluded that by turning off all external light source equipment while traveling at the speed of light, the spacecraft may be able to achieve true invisibility in space.

And that kind of invisibility cannot be observed.

The third point is the key point, which is the increase in quality.

According to the formula E=mc2, it can be seen that the speed of light is equal to the energy under the square root divided by the mass.

Looking at it through the mass equation, that is, the spacecraft in a stationary state versus the spacecraft in a moving state.

Then the formula is M dynamic = m static / 1 minus (V/C) 2 under the square root.

From this perspective, mass is related to speed. When the so-called 1 minus V/C, the speed is infinitely close to the speed of light, then the mass will increase infinitely.

And when the speed is equal to the speed of light, a paradox will appear, that is, the paradox of infinite increase in mass, so theoretically light speed flight does not exist.

Sublight flight already requires a large amount of energy and strong armor to support it. If it increases to the speed of light, no material can withstand the gravity of this high mass.

Maybe it can be resisted using black hole-level materials, but how is this possible?

The fourth point is the speed limit, which is also based on the third point.

When the mass becomes infinite, the energy multiplied by the speed of light will become infinite. The so-called infinite energy may require the energy of the entire universe to break through this speed.

The fifth point is time dilation. There is no doubt that mass and speed constitute time.

This requires the use of the time dilation formula, which is similar to the mass formula and will lead to a paradox.

For example, consider a spacecraft flying at half the speed of light. Of course, half the speed of light is also faster than the speed of light.

In a spaceship at half the speed of light, it takes one second for the clock outside to move, so it takes 1.33 seconds for the clock in the spacecraft to move.

This was not caused by a broken clock or other factors, but because the real flow of time had slowed down. Therefore, during his first space flight, Zhang Fan felt that his thinking became very uncomfortable because of this reason.

It can be regarded as Zhang Fan's trick, dividing his thoughts into several parts, and then reintegrating his thoughts after the Leviathan army stopped.

The time dilation theory also has a good explanation, that is, by traveling into the future and reaching the speed of light, you can reach the future in an instant, rather than going back to the past.

Traveling through time and space can theoretically only go to the future, but going back to the past is too expensive and may not be possible at all.

But this is only based on a theoretical calculation method, and the specifics are not yet known. It may be possible to achieve space jump after entering the speed of light flight and adding curvature flight.

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