The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 221 Point 87 Double Star Galaxy

The sixth point is length contraction. Under rapid movement, the length of one meter will look less than one meter.

This is a subjective and measurement finding, but in reality, it is still one meter.

If the speed reaches the speed of light, then the entire spacecraft will collapse infinitely and finally disappear.

But the spacecraft is still in that place, but it has disappeared subjectively, and it may have entered the four-dimensional world.

The seventh and last point, and the key point, is what to do if the spacecraft hits matter while flying at the speed of light.

Mass, speed, energy, repeated over and over again, then you can calculate it by yourself. According to the current mass of the Explorer, plus the speed of light, the final energy is the supernova explosion.

The mass of light is zero when it is stationary, but when it is moving at the speed of light, it becomes 1, that is, it is created out of nothing. Photons are such a thing.

After thinking about it, Apocalypse suddenly thought that the only existence in the entire alien race that could truly exceed the speed of light was the Master.

Because long-distance thinking is completely unaffected by the speed of light, it can be proven that the quality of thinking is zero.

Then the so-called quality possessed by ghosts cannot be regarded as thinking, but is another kind of creature.

The thinking is zero and is not affected by space and region, but there is another point, which is the difference in planetary autobiography and the time difference caused by the difference in star mass.

Tianqi still hasn't figured out how Zhang Fan overcomes this time difference. Maybe this is the real god!

After thinking about it, the Explorer has arrived at the Oort cloud of binary stars.

The clouds here are not thick. They turned off the curvature flight outside the Oort cloud, lowered their speed, and entered the interior of the binary star against the rubble.

Tianqi said: "Mr. Maya, have you done the calculation? I feel that the control difficulty of the spacecraft has increased. It should be the effect of gravity and repulsion."

Maya said anxiously: "Not yet. At present, I have only calculated the range and trajectory of the gravitational waves, but the repulsion has not yet been calculated specifically."

Tianqi thought for a while and said, "Is it because of the lack of reference objects?"

Maya said: "Yes, you can wait near the Oort cloud first, so that the calculation speed will be faster."

Tianqi nodded and said: "Okay, Mr. Maya, you do the calculation first, and I will observe the surrounding environment."

After saying that, the cabin door was opened, and an eyeworm was released.

After being released, the Euglena also felt very uncomfortable. The irregular movement trajectory made the movement of the entire Euglena abnormal.

Going to a double star this time is not like going to other single-star planets.

The gravity and repulsion of a single star follow certain rules, so it can fly smoothly using curvature.

And using curvature flight in such a messy situation in a binary star is undoubtedly courting death.

It is necessary to re-master the two forces, calculate the movement trajectory of the light, and then fly at open curvature.

Otherwise, light can fly at sub-light speeds as long as it can.

Not long after, Maya panted and said to Tianqi: "The calculation is done, the information has been sent to you, please take a look."

Looking at the dense calculation formulas and matching icons, Tianqi couldn't help but swallowed his saliva and said, "Mr. Maya, are you sure?"

Maya said seriously: "Make sure, this is the correct route. The positions of strong gravity and weak gravity, as well as strong repulsion and weak repulsion are shown above. As long as you follow this route, you should be able to reach the interior very quickly."

Tianqi was speechless, why did it look so complicated, like a piece of crystal clear glass that had been smashed into pieces and then spliced ​​back together.

Apocalypse still decided to fly according to Maya's calculation method, and he asked again: "Mr. Maya, have you found the satellite?"

Maya said: "There is one, a solid planet with a large mass and volume in the outer circle of the double star. Speaking of which, we are very lucky."

Apocalypse said perfunctorily, "It's okay." Then he started the warp flight and headed towards the outer planets.

The planet was far away from the twin stars, and the surface was covered with glaciers. After the Explorer passed through the atmosphere, it saw the desolate land.

After landing on the ground, after checking the equipment on the Explorer, Apocalypse put on a spacesuit specially designed for cyborgs, and entered the planet with instruments.

A hurricane has been discovered in space before. The wind speed can reach about level 18. It can be said to be a storm sweeping the world.

Fortunately, the hurricane was flying in the opposite direction, leaving plenty of time for Apocalypse.

It is very necessary to detect the soil quality, soil type, composition, and planet temperature.

At this time, you may think again, why not just put down the aliens.

But Zhang Fan would give two reasons. One reason is that it would be a fool to leave the Explorer's instruments unused.

Another reason is that Zhang Fan is a little uneasy about the special galaxy, worried that there will be some uncontrollable factors that will cause the death of the advance troops. What is this called, this is a defeat without a fight.

After a series of tests, Apocalypse found that the rest of the planet was fine, but the radiation content was a bit too high, and it was estimated that the carpet would be difficult to clean.

Tianqi told Zhang Fan the situation. It was difficult for aliens to survive normally on the current planet.

Zhang Fan said: "It doesn't matter. Since everything is normal except for the radiation, the lesions caused by the radiation will be left to me."

Tianqi said: "Sir, it's all thanks to you."

After saying that, the insect eggs on the Explorer began to burst one by one, and the first one to appear was still the worker bee.

The worker bees have adjusted to anaerobic respiration, and they are working hard to lay the bacteria carpet. The laying of the bacteria blanket does not require Gaia's adjustment. Anyway, it has become the instinct of the worker bees.

After the seeds are planted, the worker bees begin to drain water, and then as the carpet grows, they begin to absorb the remaining moisture in the air.

No matter how cold the weather is, as long as there is protection from the atmosphere, there will still be moisture in the air.

After the water was absorbed, the bacterial carpet began to develop rapidly, and the management rights of those worker bees were automatically transferred to Gaia.

Gaia said: "Apocalypse, the environment here is too bad. It is difficult for us to withstand a Category 18 hurricane at the moment!"

Apocalypse said: "Let's try it first, Mr. Gaia. Then we can move underground first, there is still time."

Gaia said: "Well, let's hatch more worker bees first to speed up the work process. By the way, the sunshine effect of the planet you chose is somewhat poor."

Apocalypse's biochemical man turned his head and looked at the twin stars in the distance. It was indeed a far distance away, like two small dots pressed on the paper.

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