The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 222 Beit Civilization

Gaia contacted Apocalypse again after a while and said: "Apocalypse, dad's Leviathan army has set sail. This time there are 3,000. I hope you can conquer this planet first and give dad a surprise."

Apocalypse replied: "Okay, thank you Mr. Gaia, but it will be difficult for me to complete the task alone, so Miss Elise needs to take action, are you right? Miss Elise."

At this time, Elise was already standing behind Tianqi, folding her hands on her chest and saying, "I'm just here to take a look, I won't help you."

Tianqi turned his head, looked at Elise and said, "Renwen, you have changed."

Elise touched her cheek and said, "Have I changed? It seems like nothing has changed?"

Apocalypse said solemnly: "You have indeed changed. Since you became the Alien Queen, your personality has completely changed."

"Really?" Elise put down her hand, looked at Tianqi and said, "But I feel very good now, so I don't want you to worry about it."

At this time, an inappropriate voice appeared.

"Warning! Warning! Unknown spaceship, you have entered the territory of Beit Galaxy. Please explain your purpose."

Tianqi heard this voice, his eyes fluctuated a little, and he quickly returned to the console and said to Zero Yin: "Ling Yin, confirm the opponent's position and analyze the enemy level."

The other party's warning sound continued, and it was unknown how long it would last. At this time, Zero Yin's message came.

"The other party is currently inside a double star. He should have discovered us through an astronomical telescope or something like that. The civilization level is at level 1.9. The specific situation is unknown. The highest level is 2.1." Zero Yin answered.

Tianqi nodded and said: "Well, it's about the same level as the aliens. Contact them for me and say that we are the exploration ship of the Dragon Emperor Civilization. We hope to be able to dock in port for repairs."

Apocalypse knows that the Dragon Emperor Civilization does not absolutely rely on force to win in this star field, so it has done a very good job in this friendly aspect. Most of the surrounding low-level civilizations are willing to accept the help of the Dragon Emperor Civilization.

But the real internal reasons can only be known by the top leaders of the Dragon Emperor Civilization.

Hearing about Dragon Emperor Civilization, the other party was stunned for a moment, and then reported the situation back to the base camp.

"Welcome guests of the Dragon Emperor Civilization, please enter Beit Space Station along this route." The other party's voice appeared again, but this time it became much softer.

Apocalypse did not reply. Anyway, the Zerg army has begun to hatch, and using this place as a base should be able to eliminate the opponent.

But first, you need to understand the specific situation of the other party before making plans.

Soon, the Explorer entered the inner circle of Beit Civilization along the route. The space culture here was extremely prosperous, and there were construction and mining brigades coming and going everywhere.

However, these flying equipment seem to be made of living creatures.

Entering the space station of Beit Civilization, the shape of this space station looks like a crocodile opening its mouth.

After entering, the crocodile closed its mouth, and the corridor light began to light up inside. It was a creature that looked like a firefly.

Tianqi noticed that a figure was walking towards him. He turned to Elise and said, "Miss Elise, get ready. Let's go down. The other party has no ill intentions and should be very friendly to the Dragon Emperor's civilization."

Elise snorted and left, then came to the landing gear and changed into her space suit, and followed Apocalypse to welcome the alien civilization.

The opponent has small eyes, big ears and nose, and some wrinkles on the skin. He is about one meter tall, a bit like a bat without wings.

The leader of the Bait people stepped forward, looked at Elise and Apocalypse in spacesuits, and said happily: "Welcome the guests of the Dragon Emperor Civilization again."

The two sides shook hands, and Apocalypse and the leading Beit introduced their names to each other. Amon Dikan Speros was the name of the Beit.

Amon asked a little strangely: "Mr. David Lin, according to the scheduled plan, you should not have arrived yet. Why are you here so early?"

Hearing what Amon said, Tianqi understood that the Dragon Emperor Civilization had already arrived and had reached a friendship treaty with the Bait Civilization.

Apocalypse smiled and said: "Mr. Amon, we are actually a lost expedition team. We came here by chance. You can check the code name of the spacecraft."

Amon nodded, then waved, and another Beite handed a green insect to Amon's eyes.

Amon took the green insect and put his hand into its body. Then the insect's eyes suddenly opened, like a display screen.

The data above flashed one after another, and Amon said in surprise: "Eh!? Are you the Explorer that disappeared a hundred years ago?"

Tianqi nodded and said, "Yes, Mr. Amon."

Amon handed the green insect to his men, and then said with some sympathy: "I didn't expect that you have been lost in space for a hundred years. This period must be particularly difficult."

Tianqi said: "It's not particularly difficult. We live in an ecological cabin, so we don't care much about the passage of time."

Amon stepped forward and took Tianqi's hand and said, "Don't talk here, come with me, the banquet is ready."

Amon knew that this was the table manners of the Dragon Emperor's civilization. This kind of etiquette could quickly bring the relationship between the two parties closer.

Moreover, the chefs of the Dragon Emperor Civilization also gave various culinary techniques to the Bait Civilization for free.

At the dinner table, the two parties chatted happily, and Amon also learned that Apocalypse was actually a cyborg, a very early cyborg.

The real human being is the lady next to me, Dr. Gentle Wen.

It can be seen from the words of the Beit people who were already attending the banquet around Amon that the entire Beit civilization is dominated by living things.

But for that kind of pseudo-biological civilization, they do not develop by relying on the power of organisms themselves.

Instead, biological materials are used, combined with technology to improve the scientific level of one's own civilization.

Just like the green insect I saw just now, the name is Competite, which is something similar to a computer.

In terms of diet, the current Beite people have changed their ideas and some imitate the diet of the Dragon Emperor civilization.

Tianqi knew that at this time, the Dragon Emperor's civilization used conventional methods. To capture the heart of a civilization, it must first capture the stomach of a civilization.

The Dragon Emperor Civilization has a dedicated team, and they study how to prepare the delicacies of alien civilizations.

Amon's unusual admiration for the Dragon Emperor's civilization, the Beite people around him didn't seem to be disgusted with this situation at all, but rather agreed with it.

Seeing Elise pick up the bowl in front of her, Amon said proudly: "Dr. Wen, actually you don't know, this is strawberry rice, a specialty of our Beit civilization. Look, is there a grain of rice?" A tiny strawberry.”

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