The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 229 Zombies

The predator bit off the boss's Adam's apple and injected the perfect organism into his body.

Elise discovered that these low-level Beit people contained a large amount of harmful substances in their bodies. For example, the boss in front of her contained methamphetamine and other substances in his body.

These substances not only have no nutritional effect on perfect organisms, but are also harmful. In addition, the predator has gone through a long-term fasting behavior, so the effect is greatly reduced.

Therefore, in the end, the aliens did not hatch, but the perfect organisms merged with them.

"Uh-huh," the boss made bursts of sounds from the bottom of his throat, like hiccups.

The man with glasses hurriedly stepped forward and asked: "Boss, are you okay! Boss! You must not have anything happen to you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a gray hand pinching the bespectacled man's neck.

The bespectacled man's feet kept kicking randomly, and his hands kept scratching the gray hand.

Her eyes rolled upward slightly, and the disheveled Beit woman beside her was so frightened that she collapsed on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the boss opened his bloody mouth, bit the bespectacled man's neck, and pulled hard, and a piece of flesh and bones came out.

The man with glasses had lost consciousness from the pain, and his body had become limp.

The boss smelled it and after finding that she was dead, he turned his attention to the Beit woman.

Little did Bucky and Shanks know that after they left, a huge disaster erupted throughout the gathering, and the disaster was still spreading.

The next morning, because there was no concept of night in Beit civilization, Roger got up, stretched, and looked at the sky outside. The sun was shining brightly.

He woke up the others and asked, "Rayleigh, why hasn't the Kodo come yet?"

Rayleigh also felt that something was wrong. This time seemed to be a little too long.

However, just when he was about to get off the boat, he suddenly saw several shambling figures from a distance.

These people are staggering like people who are drunk.

"Captain, something is wrong." Sparky said with a frown. His eyes were very good and he could clearly see the different colors of blood on those people's faces at a glance.

Seeing the group of people getting closer and closer, Roger stepped on the railing of the ship with his slippered feet, holding a kitchen knife in his hand and yelled: "This is the Ol Jackson, what are you doing!"

The other party didn't reply and continued to walk forward. It was at this moment that everyone saw the other party's appearance clearly.

There was no good piece of meat on the body, as if it had been eaten. The body was in tatters and constantly exuding a rotten smell.

"No! The situation is not right! Sparky, go sail the boat! Where is Kurokas?!" Roger yelled.

Bucky said carefully: "Captain, he has quietly disembarked."

Roger said angrily: "Oh! Damn it! This bastard! Spark, what are you still doing?"

Sparky ran to the cockpit without looking back. It would take some time to start the ship. At this time, the mutated Bait man had his hands on the ship's armor and was slowly climbing up.

A gray-white hand clung to the railing of the boat, Roger roared, and then hit the mutant's wrist with a kitchen knife.

His wrist suddenly fell off, and Roger's kitchen knife also curled its blade. Seeing that the invincible weapon could be destroyed so easily, Roger's hands were shaking.

"Sparky!!" Roger roared.

Afterwards, the Orr Jackson began to slowly move away from the port.

Those mutants who did not hold on securely all fell into the sea water. There were still many mutants standing on the shore, and they roared.

The Orr Jackson sailed in the vast sea.

The atmosphere was very solemn, because the homeland they relied on for survival was gone. The middle-class Beit and the upper-class Beit would not care about the lives of the lower-class Beit.

Maybe no matter how big the trouble is here, they won't care at all. Anyway, as long as some important places are not destroyed, everything else doesn't matter.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!" The Luo family angrily smashed the ship's plank, and he actually made several deep holes in the ship's plank.

The surrounding crew members saw Roger getting angry and didn't know how to comfort him.

At this moment, an uninvited voice rang out: "Should I thank you, or should I kill you?"

The sound came from the top of the boat, and everyone ran out quickly and saw a woman standing upright with her arms crossed and her legs crossed.

To be precise, it was an alien woman wearing black armor.

Seeing everyone leaving the cabin, Elise looked at them with contempt and then jumped off the roof of the ship.

With a slight swipe of his tail, he balanced his body.

After standing up, he crossed his chest again and looked at everyone and said, "Tell me your names."

Roger raised his head and looked at the alien who was several heads taller than him. This was the first time he had seen it, and he said nervously: "My name is Roger, this is my deputy captain Reilly, and this is the helmsman Sparky. These are two handymen, Shanks and Bucky. We originally had a repairman, but he is probably dead."

After Roger finished speaking tremblingly, he looked at Elise, like a child who had done something wrong.

Elise flicked her tail, rolled up Bucky and Shanks, and brought them to her.

"Shanks! Bucky!" Rayleigh, who was a bit grumpy, drew his weapon and stared at Elise, as if he was about to fight for her life.

Roger and Sparky grabbed him, and Roger said solemnly: "Calm down, Rayleigh, calm down! Maybe this disaster is related to her."

Elise was looking at the fearful faces of Shanks and Bucky when she suddenly heard Roger talking about her.

Elise raised her head and said with a smile: "Yes, I am indeed the source of this disaster, but I didn't expect it to develop so smoothly. I also want to thank you two little guys."

Roger asked in confusion: "Why thank Shanks and Bucky?"

Elise flicked her tail again, throwing the two of them at Roger's feet. The two little guys coughed violently after being thrown down, and Spark stepped forward to help them up.

Elise walked forward and said, "You have to ask them about this."

Roger stared at the two of them, and the frightened Shanks shook everything out like beans.

After hearing this, the three adult Bait people all widened their eyes, and then Rayleigh hurriedly ran into the fish cabin. He wanted to open the fish cabin and return all those terrible things to the sea.

"Ah!!" Rayleigh screamed as he was pushed back by the monster in the fish cabin.

A mouthful of blood spurted out, and he sat up and saw a huge monster appearing in front of his eyes.

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