The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 230 Unfair

Elise slowly walked up to the monster and said, "Okay, don't make trouble yet."

The monster cleverly stopped attacking. At this time, Elise said: "I call it a fusion, which means it can fuse with anything. And the mutants you see, I call them zombies."

Several people silently recited new terms that they had never heard of before. Roger was the first to come back to his senses and said: "What is your purpose? We didn't offend you either!"

Elise smiled, and she smiled brightly: "We just want to give you the gospel of the Lord."

Upon hearing this, Roger immediately knelt down on his knees, then kowtowed heavily and said, "Please Lord, give us the gospel!"

The right hand kept greeting, asking the crew to kneel down and worship.

This move confused Elise. Originally, according to the script, she should have refused to obey until death. How could there be such no limit?

Elise said with an unhappy look on her face: "What are you doing?"

What to do? Of course it’s to survive! Roger thought so in his heart, but he couldn't say it with his mouth.

Roger raised his head, with a smile on his face. He said, "We especially want the gospel of the Lord! The Lord is so great!"

Elise was amused by Roger, and after giggling a few times, she said, "In that case, we will follow the tradition and not kill you. You know, the Lord loves life very much."

"Yes, yes! Everything is up to the Lord!" Roger said sincerely as he knelt on the ground.

Elise squatted in front of Roger and said to all the Beiters present: "Remember, call me Queen from now on, and I will protect you."

"Yes, yes! Your Majesty the Queen!" After saying that, Roger and his friends kowtowed again.

Elise stood up and waved her hand, and the huge monster returned to the fish cabin again.

Elise flicked her tail, opened the cabin door, and walked in slowly. Before closing the door, she turned back and said to a few people: "Find a place to stay quickly, I'm tired."

After seeing the Queen enter the cabin, several people stood up with their legs a little weak, and then Roger kicked Shanks on the butt.

Shanks looked at Roger with an innocent face, only to see Roger's face look a little fierce as he said: "Didn't you hear that the Queen is looking for a place to stay? Why don't you take out the map?! You idiot!"

Shanks reluctantly took the navigation chart over and spread it out in front of Roger.

Roger looked at the navigation chart and found it difficult to make a decision. He said, "Rayleigh, Sparky, where do you think it is better to go?"

Reilly frowned and said, "Roger, is this okay?"

Sparky was also a little unhappy.

Roger sighed and said, "This is all for survival."

The Beit people living at the bottom don't have the concept that everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world. They have already eaten one meal and not another, and they still want to pay? Isn't that a dream?

Roger didn't know whether what he did was right or wrong, but the instinct of life told him that if he did this, he could live longer.

Neither Rayleigh nor Sparky were fools, and they immediately figured out the reason.

Then Sparky sighed, pointed to an island on the map and said, "Go there."

Reilly asked, "Where is this?"

Roger said from the side: "That's Rogge Town, Sparky, are you sure you want to go? You'll meet middle-class Bait people there."

Spark said: "Since we are really determined to join, then we have no retreat. We can only resign ourselves to fate and keep their promises."

Shanks asked from the side: "Spock, you must have some other reasons."

Sparky nodded and said, his expression began to become distorted: "Why should I choose Rogge Town? One is because it is a transportation hub, and the other is, don't you feel aggrieved? Don't you feel it's unfair? Medium Beit and Upper Are we born to wait for the Beit people? Are they born to suppress us?"

Spark became more and more excited as he spoke: "I was once a middle-class Beit, but just because I was better friends with a low-level Beit, the whole family was expelled in the end! I hate it!"

Spark stood up and said again: "We are not born low, but those people who think they are superior give us this title, and they also have hands and feet! I don't see how noble they are."

These words seemed to arouse Rayleigh's emotions: "I heard my grandfather say that he was once a middle-class Beit, and a noble one, but he died because he offended the upper-class Beit. After being demoted, the rights of the superior Beit are so great, so why do we need the law!”

Reilly continued: "The death of a child by the upper-class Beit is known to the entire civilization, while a whole village of the lower-class Beit was massacred and no one cared about it. It is natural for the upper-class Beit to kill people! The killing of the lower-class Beit The whole family was killed! Unfair! Unfair!"

Roger stood up and said: "I don't know what you have been through. I have never seen high-class Beit people, but I have seen some middle-level Beit people. They look bright and beautiful on the outside, but they are already riddled with rotten wounds in their hearts." Hundred holes.”

As he spoke, Roger shed tears and said: "My child was stolen when he was born. I searched everywhere, and finally found out that it was done by Zhongbaite people. At that time, I tried every means to get rid of him." Pour them."

"Maybe the other party didn't want to make this matter a big deal, so they actually asked for privacy! Can you believe it? They actually had to risk their lives to do so!" Roger was a bit hysterical.

"I knew that I was penniless and couldn't fight them. The law was in their hands and they could say whatever they wanted. In the end, I compromised and used the money they gave me to buy this dragon. The fishing boat of the Imperial Civilization, because at that time, I no longer wanted to have anything to do with the Beit Civilization." After Roger finished speaking, he sat down in frustration.

He took out a pack of crumpled cigarettes, took out a cigarette, put it in and burned it, took a deep breath and said: "It's too uncomfortable to keep it in my heart, but it's refreshing to say it out."

Shanks and Bucky looked at each other. It was their first time encountering this kind of thing and they didn't know what to say.

Spark patted the two of them on the head and said, "Just listen to this kind of thing, don't spread it randomly."

Roger blew out the smoke and said, "We have already decided to rebel from Beit Civilization. Why do we think so much? Just tell us what you have to say."

Elise didn't sleep. She listened carefully to their conversation, and there was a wave of emotion in her heart.

Yes, unfair things of this kind will happen in any civilization, and that is because of the independence of thought.

This kind of thing also happens among foreign races. Elise vividly remembers the things that happened to foreign races.

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