The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 257 Anti-Gravity Creatures

Zhang Fan glanced at Gaia and said, "Don't always think about nuclear explosions. If you have the time, you might as well think more about how to create plasma worms."

Gaia continued: "Dad, don't worry about this. The plasma bugs have already entered the debugging stage. As long as we occupy the Baiyin Star, we can start manufacturing it and then fully bombard the Bait Star."

After saying that, Gaia's eyes revealed little stars.

Adam threw cold water at this time and said: "But you have to give the plasma bugs enough energy."

Gaia made a sound and then said: "Don't worry, in order for the plasma bugs to better release the plasma cannon, I have already researched a concentrated essence solution, which can completely meet this need."

Zhang Fan nodded. Gaia was indeed thoughtful and said to Adam, "Adam, do you have any good news?"

Adam said: "Master, Adam and Maya have completely researched the anti-gravity equipment. This is all due to the blessing of Master."

After speaking, Adam glanced at Gaia without leaving any trace.

Zhang Fan said with some surprise: "Oh? This is great, take me to see it quickly."

Gaia said anxiously: "Dad, what about the battle on the Yin Star?"

Zhang Fan stopped and said, "Let's leave it to Athena first, she's probably too suffocated."

Athena was standing aside in a daze, but when she heard what Zhang Fan said, she jumped up and said excitedly: "Master! I will never betray your trust."

Zhang Fan nodded and said: "Well, this is best. You can do whatever you want with Athena's battle this time. It's almost over anyway."

Athena asked: "Master, can this slave use a perfect organism?"

Zhang Fan said: "Don't come to me about this matter. You go and discuss it with Elise. Okay, Adam will take me to see it quickly."

"Master, wait for me, I'll go too." Maya followed closely.

The thoughts of the two-minded worms followed Zhang Fan to the Baiyang Star, and then Adam began to explain some situations of anti-gravity creatures to Zhang Fan.

This anti-gravity creature is like two fish spinning above and below.

Zhang Fan looked at it from top to bottom, and it looked a bit like Tai Chi. Of course, it definitely couldn't be Tai Chi. It just looked a bit like it. The main purpose was to achieve a kind of magnetic balance.

Zhang Fan asked: "Has this magnetic range been tested before?"

Maya said at this time: "Master, it has been tested. It is a constant magnetic range, and the maximum output power can reach 10,000 meters."

Zhang Fan asked again: "Constant magnetic force? Is there no difference between strong and weak?"

Maya nodded and said, "Well, master, there is no strong or weak. The scientists who invented this creature are really amazing."

Zhang Fan heard this and continued to ask: "Then what are the benefits of this constant magnetic range?"

Maya said: "It can cover all living things within 10,000 meters, making them all reach a state of weightlessness."

Zhang Fan said in surprise: "So powerful? All weightless at 10,000 meters?"

Maya said: "Yes, all 10,000 meters are weightless, but this is also related to the strength of this anti-gravity creature. If it is completely released, its lifespan will be very short."

Zhang Fan said: "What was the range of those biological spaceships before?"

Maya replied: "It's only a hundred meters. They just need to make the biological spaceship weightless."

Adam interrupted at this time and said: "Master, the constant magnetic range of anti-gravity creatures can be adjusted, mainly through the centrifugal force of rotation."

Zhang Fan said: "Well, let me demonstrate it first."

After saying that, the two brainworms began to operate the anti-gravity creatures.

I saw two fish rotating up and down alternately, which looked a bit like Sombra back then.

Zhang Fan said: "Being able to release magnetism and alternate it, why do I feel so like Sombra?"

Adam said: "Master, you are right. The working principle of this anti-gravity creature is exactly the same as Sombra, but when it comes to adding energy, it needs to be much softer."

Zhang Fan nodded and said: "You are right. In this civilization, I have not been able to find any creature that can withstand nuclear weapons."

Then, the two fish spun faster and faster. Adam asked them to get closer, and then the two fish started to float.

Adam explained: "Master, after Adam's research, we found that there are four main operations of anti-gravity creatures."

"The first is the static state. Antigravity organisms in this state are generally in a feeding state, and any part of their body can absorb nutrients."

Zhang Fan asked: "Will there be no impurities?"

Adam said: "Master, impurities cannot appear. Once they appear, there will be a state of magnetic imbalance, so the anti-gravity organism must be in an absolutely pure state."

Zhang Fan frowned and said, "If it's so troublesome, won't it be useless once impurities appear?"

Adam nodded and said: "Master, you are right. Anti-gravity organisms will be useless if there are impurities. But for us, this kind of thing is the simplest."

Zhang Fan smiled and said: "Yes, the nutrient solution has been updated for several generations now, and it can be completely free of impurities. Adam, please continue."

Adam nodded and said: "Master, okay, the second state is the rotation state. The faster the speed, the greater the magnetic range. The limit range is 10,000 meters as Maya said before."

Zhang Fan asked: "Is there no way to break through?"

Adam said: "Master, it is a bit difficult based on the current level of technology. Perhaps we can appropriately increase the size of the anti-gravity creatures to achieve the effect of enhancing the magnetism."

Zhang Fan waved his hand and said: "We will consider this later. Now it can reach 10,000 meters, which can meet the needs of Leviathan. What is the third one?"

Adam said: "Master, the third state is to get close. The anti-gravity creatures that get close will increase the overall strength of the magnet, allowing things within the range to quickly enter a state of weightlessness. They only need to add a little force to lift off."

Zhang Fan nodded and said: "This should be the reason why those biological spaceships can maneuver quickly."

Maya held back for a while and said: "Master, they are able to maneuver quickly not entirely due to the influence of anti-gravity creatures, but the effect of magnetic force on the gravitational repulsion in this binary star."

Zhang Fan asked doubtfully: "No need to ignite? I mean the kind of flight similar to controllable nuclear fusion?"

Maya said: "It's not necessary, Master. The universe contains gravity and repulsion everywhere. As long as these two forces are captured, anti-gravity creatures can fly."

Adam heard this and said: "Master, the biggest problem with this anti-gravity creature is its lifespan. They cannot support long-distance flight. In the end, they rely on controllable nuclear fusion."

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