The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 258 Chapter 124: Incomplete Thinking

Zhang Fan understood what Adam said and said, "In that case, install both devices on Leviathan and you two can study it for yourselves."

After seeing the two worms nodding to accept the task, Zhang Fan said: "I don't even have to guess about the fourth type. It should be separation, which is exactly the opposite of approaching."

Adam said: "Lord, you are really wise. You are right."

Zhang Fan seemed not to have heard Adam's flattery and continued: "After your anti-gravity creatures are developed, we will study the life shield with Gaia and the others. I think this thing is crucial to us."

As soon as he finished speaking, Tianqi also sent good news: "Sir, Eva is about to be born."

Zhang Fan immediately beamed when he heard this and said, "That's great, but it's a pity that we can't all greet you. I'll go by myself."

After saying that, Zhang Fan's figure disappeared from the conference hall and appeared in the largest nest near the holy tree.

Speaking of the current holy tree, no, it should be called Abathur, which is very consistent with the development concept of the alien race.

Except for the main trunk, the appearance is shrouded in circles of purple.

In addition, after undergoing the transformation of modified cells, the sacred tree, which had not grown for thousands of years, actually showed a tendency to grow.

However, this time the growth is expanding rather than rising.

There are also many Na'vi people living on Abathur. They have eliminated the barriers between races and completely integrated into the same race, the Na'vi people.

Their current main job is to repair Abathur. As a race with an affinity for plants, this kind of thing can be said to be easy to do.

The Na'vi are hermaphroditic creatures. The previous Leviathan transported their fertilized eggs to Beit. The main purpose was to see if this race could control alien plants.

Of course, Zhang Fan's main purpose this time was not to see Abathur, but to wait for Eva's arrival.

Just like the birth of the brain worm before, after breaking out of the shell and waking up, Zhang Fan stood in front of him. After Eva regained consciousness, she screamed loudly and fainted as if she had seen a ghost.

Zhang Fan was shocked by what he saw and quickly checked Eva's physical condition. All other organs were intact, and there were no signs of damage to the brain. It was just that the adrenaline in the body was secreted a little too much.

After Zhang Fan cleared the adrenaline in Eva's body, he stimulated Eva's nerves with weak signals to wake him up.

Eva woke up again, and the adrenaline in her body began to secrete again. Zhang Fan didn't know what was going on, so he quickly entered her mind to observe the situation.

After entering the brain, Zhang Fan found that everything around him was normal and pitch black.

But when Zhang Fan raised his head, he discovered that there was a pair of big blood-red eyes in the sky, which looked so scary.

Zhang Fan looked a little weird and said to himself: "Isn't this just me?"

After exiting the brain, Zhang Fan stood in front of Eva and said: "Eva, don't be afraid, I am the master."

Eva's whole body was trembling, and she said solemnly: "Lord, Lord, me, me."

After thinking about "I" for a long time, Zhang Fan had a thought in his mind: "Isn't this guy a defective product?"

Speaking of which, this Eva is also a product of accident. He is more like a part of the Holy Tree's thinking, and it is reasonable to have some incomplete characters.

Zhang Fan said to Eva again: "Eva, don't be afraid, we are a family that loves each other, I am like your father."

Eva still said tremblingly: "Lord, Lord. Lord."

Not only was Eva so frightened that she stammered, but every time he said a word, his head would rise involuntarily.

Zhang Fan was also a little confused by the strange movements. Although he was stuttering, have you ever seen a "master" who can speak for dozens of minutes with a stutter?

Zhang Fan finally couldn't help but said: "Okay! Eva! Don't talk! I'll see for myself."

Strangely enough, after telling Eva to shut up, he immediately calmed down and his body stopped shaking.

After Zhang Fan went around and around inside his body, he found that there was nothing wrong with his body. It seemed that the main problem was in the transfer of thoughts.

Thinking of this, Zhang Fan couldn't help but shudder. When Gaia moved forward and peeled off, he had a mental disorder. Could he be sick?

Zhang Fan shook his head, no longer thinking about this horrifying thing, but focused on what was in front of him.

He planned to use verbal inducement to make Eva relax her vigilance, but no matter what method Zhang Fan used, Eva still stuttered.

Zhang Fan felt a little regretful about creating Eva, but he had already created it, so he had to be responsible for it, and he couldn't go back and recreate it.

With no choice, Zhang Fan had no choice but to bring Eva into the conference hall.

Everyone was very happy to see their new partner, and they all came forward to talk to Eva.

But Eva just didn't speak and looked at Zhang Fan with pleading eyes.

Maya stepped forward, touched Eva's big head and said, "Eva, why are you shyer than me? Don't be afraid, brother will help you."

Eva said with some fear: "I, I...I..."

Zhang Fan waved his hand and said, "Okay, okay, stop teasing him. Eva probably has a defective mind and stutters when speaking."

Adam said strangely: "Master, if this is the case, wouldn't Eva be unable to communicate with us?"

Zhang Fan looked at Adam and said, "Then what good idea do you have?"

Adam said: "Master, although Eva cannot speak, she can communicate through movements, just like sign language. Adam has read information about the Dragon Emperor civilization. They have a language called sign language, which can also express all-embracing text. .”

Zhang Fan thought for a while and said, "What you said makes sense, so let's do it."

Then, Zhang Fan looked at Eva and said, "Eva, remember, you can enter the conference hall in the future so that you can transform into a human form, you know?"

Eva nodded fearfully, indicating that she understood.

Then, his body shone with a burst of gray light, and a young lady who looked like a Na'vi appeared in front of Zhang Fan's eyes.

Zhang Fan nodded, and then told Eva about his job as the main person in charge of the Strategy Department.

Although the Strategy Department is a particularly important department, it is the weakest department in terms of scientific research.

Eva's job is easy. He only needs to stay near Abathur, and then transform to research new strategic technologies and improve the level of old strategic technologies.

If there is anything you don’t understand, other brainworms will also cooperate.

Currently, there are not many types of strategic technologies. Creeps and creep derivatives are one of them.

Tunnel worms are one of a kind. Zhang Fan gave Eva a difficult task, asking him to conduct tunnel worms for space research.

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