The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 274 The Golden Roulette of Shenzhou Civilization

Space is called the universe, the universe is space, and the universe is time, symbolizing its boundlessness.

Anything can happen in this universe. Don't look at those incredible things with pure eyes. Their existence is reasonable, but there are just no words that can reasonably explain their existence.

Just like the study of knowledge, in ancient times, when human knowledge was shallow, all unimaginable things were considered to be the existence of God, and thus theology was born.

But after a long period of development, everyone began to slowly downplay the issue of God, because it has been replaced by science.

Science is the primary productive force, and it is a wise saying among most civilizations in the universe.

Of course, there are also some civilizations that have embarked on different paths, but they don't know that science is the shortcut to the fastest progress of civilization. Otherwise, what would those huge civilizations bother to study for.

On a small spiral arm in the main spiral arm of the constellation Cepheus, the Dragon Emperor civilization is engaged in a fierce offensive and defensive battle with another powerful civilization.

One is an old level 2.3 civilization, and the other is a new level 2.3 civilization with great potential. No one can do anything about the other, so they can only remain in a stalemate.

"Your Majesty Liu Wancheng, what should we do next?" asked a speaker.

Liu Wancheng has been the most sage monarch in the Dragon Emperor's civilization for so many years, and his great achievements are seen by everyone.

The original Dragon Emperor Civilization had already entered a parliamentary system, but it was because of Liu Wancheng's existence that the Dragon Emperor Civilization was forced to take another path.

Liu Wancheng said: "We are still at a disadvantage in the current battle against the Ferda civilization. We must develop a decisive weapon and equipment."

In addition to Emperor Liu Wancheng, there were twelve other people in this conference room, six of whom were military bosses, in charge of the southeast, northwest, and upper armies respectively.

The remaining six people are called Speakers and are in charge of people's livelihood, economy, scientific research, culture, diplomacy and internal affairs respectively.

Although Liu Wancheng is the emperor, he cannot control everything. It is better for everyone to discuss major matters together.

At this time, the speaker in charge of diplomacy said: "Your Majesty, my proposal is to discuss the next development direction with Shenzhou Civilization."

Liu Wancheng nodded and said: "Although I very much hope that the Dragon Emperor Civilization can develop through its own efforts, it is a pity that we have already laid down the direction of development in our bones and can only assimilate. Chairman Wan, I will trouble you."

Chairman Wan said: "Okay, Your Majesty, I will go right away."

The real source of the reason why the Dragon Emperor Civilization was able to cross two civilization levels in a short period of time was the Shenzhou Civilization.

This is a fleet wandering in space, they are like planets constantly floating in space.

When they first came into contact, both sides were shocked, and the Shenzhou civilization maintained a high degree of vigilance about this.

But slowly, they were attracted by the culture of the Dragon Emperor's civilization.

At this time, the main program of Shenzhou Civilization revealed his origin.

Originally, they were also human beings like the Dragon Emperor Civilization, but they were attacked by the cosmic civilization. In the end, they could only survive by relying on thinking instead of artificial intelligence.

In the Shenzhou civilization, there are no absolute human beings anymore. They all live in a mechanized way, and the main level is their home.

They have no distinction between high and low. They can be integrated into one body or transformed into all things. All the machines of the Shenzhou civilization can be called them.

The Shenzhou civilization has a collective name, which is Lingdong.

"Hello, Chairman Wan. I'm glad you can come to Shenzhou Civilization." A three-dimensional figure appeared in front of Chairman Wan.

"Hello, Mr. Lingdong, I am here to discuss with you how to deal with the Felda civilization." Chairman Wan said.

Lingdong said: "That's it, do you want to use the golden roulette?"

Chairman Wan nodded and said: "Yes, Mr. Lingdong, I know that the current golden roulette is inseparable from the Shenzhou civilization. I once thought it was just a myth. After seeing its power, I deeply felt the super civilization. of greatness.”

Lingdong said: "You are right, Speaker Wan. Our civilization is also preserved through the golden roulette. I can give this thing to you for the time being."

Chairman Wan said happily: "Thank you, Mr. Lingdong."

Lingdong said: "Thank you. We belong to the same civilization now. By the way, how is your neuron project going?"

Chairman Wan said: "The next thing is about neuron technology, please listen to me."

After receiving the help of the Golden Roulette, the technical level of the Dragon Emperor Civilization was improved again, and finally the main fleet of the Fedal Civilization was wiped out after a annihilation bomb.

Next, it is the old profession of Dragon Emperor Civilization, which is to constantly assimilate the opponent.

Zhang Fan, of course, had no idea what was happening on the small spiral arm. He was still struggling in a corner of the galaxy.

Along the way, Zhang Fan planted the flag of the alien race on planets regardless of whether there was life or not. Of course, Zhang Fan also found other alien writings on some planets, but it was a pity that he could not find an evenly matched enemy.

The Leviathan army does not advance very fast. In order to observe the surrounding environment, it will stop during its curvature flight.

"Eh? Why is there a group of snowflakes here?" Zhang Fan looked curiously at the group of snowflake-like substances in front of him.

The size of this snowflake seemed to be about the same size as the sun. Logically speaking, it should produce a huge gravitational force, but Zhang Fan only felt a weak gravitational force.

Not daring to enter rashly, Zhang Fan said to Maya: "Maya, help me calculate it."

"Okay, Master." Not long after, Maya said, "Master, there may be a star system in front of us, and the layer outside is the Oort cloud."

"What? Such a small Oort cloud? Did you make a mistake in your calculation?" Zhang Fan asked in surprise.

Maya said anxiously: "Master, the calculation should not be wrong. I verified it several times before I came up with it."

Zhang Fan pondered for a while and said, "In that case, I have to go in and take a look."

"Please wait a moment Lord," Maya continued.

"Is there anything else?" Zhang Fan asked.

Maya said: "Master, I think it would be better for you to send a Leviathan in first to take a look. Such a huge fleet will disturb the magnetic field environment of that star system."

Zhang Fan smiled and said, "If you didn't tell me, I almost forgot. Okay, just go in with Leviathan."

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