The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 275 Ultra-miniature star system

Leviathan probed into what could be considered a miniature Oort cloud.

Zhang Fan really didn't dare to let Leviathan go too fast. It wouldn't be fun if he accidentally destroyed the Oort cloud.

After Leviathan's head penetrated the Oort cloud, just as Maya said, an orange-yellow star was suspended there.

Zhang Fan looked at the star strangely and said, "Maya, calculate the mass, volume and lifespan of that star."

"Okay, Lord, we'll get it done right now."

The wait took longer this time, and finally Maya said to Zhang Fan with a strange look on her face: "Master, in addition to the very small size and mass of this star, its lifespan is actually in its prime."

Zhang Fan looked at the information from Maya and said twitchingly, "Are you sure this is a star and not a planet?"

Maya hurriedly said: "Master, it's absolutely true. I wasn't sure before, but the scene in front of me is really hard to say."

Zhang Fan took a deep breath and said: "The universe is indeed full of wonders. There are even such small stars, and they can still emit light and heat. Is this related to the surrounding environment?"

Maya shook her head and said: "Master, I have already calculated it. It is the same vacuum environment, but the gravity is a little weaker."

Zhang Fan nodded and said, "In this case, I'm going to land. Find me a landing point."

Maya frowned and said, "Master, maybe this star system can't accommodate such a huge Leviathan. We have to think of other ways."

Zhang Fan said curiously: "Are there no Earth-like planets here?"

Maya said: "Yes, but it is too small. Dominate, the largest planet No. 5, is a gas star. Its size is only the size of a honeycomb."

Zhang Fan said: "So small? No wonder I haven't found their existence yet."

"Hey, Lord, I calculated all this." Maya said proudly.

"Okay, okay, don't be proud, tell me, what should I do next?" Zhang Fan asked.

Maya felt a little embarrassed when she heard what Zhang Fan said. There is no landing platform here.

Adam interrupted at this time: "Master, have you forgotten the ATP force field?"

Zhang Fan nodded and said, "By the way, short-term space flight, Adam, it was you who reminded me."

Adam said respectfully: "Lord, it is Adam's honor to serve you."

Zhang Fan nodded and said, "Okay, I know what to do next."

The eggs in Leviathan's body began to hatch, and Zhang Fan decided to hatch a small creature first. After much deliberation, the host was the most suitable.

But now a host of tens of meters is not enough, and it needs to be smaller.

In the end, Zhang Fan created an ultra-small host with a length of one meter.

Although it is small in size, concentration is the essence. This host contains a large amount of ultra-concentrated nutrient solution. One drop can be compared to hundreds of drops of highly concentrated nutrient solution.

In addition, the gem meat in the body is also very bright, and it also gathers a lot of ATP energy.

In addition, there are also some organisms such as lice, parasites, and microorganisms on the host.

Everything was ready, and after checking again, the host set off from Leviathan's mouth.

Without the propulsion of fusion power, the host can only rely on the gas ejected from the sphincter to move.

The distance still seemed a bit far, so Zhang Fan said to Maya: "Maya, you control the host's curvature flight."

Maya hesitated and said: "Master, if the speed is too slow, it will be difficult to fly in the curvature."

"Try it, how will you know if you don't try it."

"Okay, Lord, I'll try my best."

After saying that, Zhang Fan handed over control of the host to Maya.

Maya abandoned the external environment and devoted herself to calculating the movement of light in this star system.

Then the host's flight trajectory was adjusted. Although it still could not reach the speed of curvature flight, it greatly accelerated its pace of movement.

Maya said apologetically to Zhang Fan: "Master, I'm sorry, I can only do this speed now."

Zhang Fan comforted Maya and said, "It's okay, that's all."

The host came to an asteroid belt, which is called the Kuiper Belt. It has countless asteroids, some big and some small.

The diameter of the large one is one meter, and the diameter of the small one is one millimeter. They are just like stones on the ground and pose no threat to the host.

The ATP force field had already been opened, and the host rushed into the asteroid belt.

"Ding-ding-dong-dong" beat on the ATP force field, and one after another hexagonal ripples appeared around the host.

Finally, the host passed through the Kuiper Belt and saw the entire star system.

There is a blue gaseous planet next to the host, which is like a beautiful sapphire.

The diameter is about fifty meters. When the host passed by it, he even extended his feet into the interior of the sapphire planet.

The host retracted his frozen feet. Most of them were methane, but Zhang Fan discovered that these methane elements were too small, much smaller than the methane he usually saw.

In addition, this sapphire planet also has a large amount of hydrogen and helium, but it is too small and seems to have reached the atomic level.

Zhang Fan no longer thought about this problem, and after sending the question to Abathur, he continued to observe this incredible star system.

Maya controlled the host to move forward and came to the penultimate planet. For some reason, this was also a gaseous planet with a diameter of about fifty meters, the same as the previous sapphire star.

But it looks whiter, like a crystal clear pearl. The elements of the two planets are similar, but the white one is colder, and I don't know why.

Continuing forward, after a long journey, we came to an earth-yellow planet with a hat-like shape. This planet was much larger, with a diameter of about a hundred meters, and it looked much larger.

There was another beautiful halo outside, which was made up of tiny particles. The host bypassed this halo and couldn't bear to destroy its beauty.

In front of the earth-yellow planet, there is a gray-brown planet, which is larger in size and has a diameter of 120 meters.

There is a very powerful storm above, and the gravity is much stronger, so the host can only avoid it.

We saw the asteroid belt again, the temperature here was much higher, and the host was going to take a rest here.

Zhang Fan said: "Maya, it's okay, just stay here and leave the rest to me."

Maya nodded and said: "Master, just now, I calculated the migratory zone of this star system. It's just a bit narrow. We can try to find the existence of life."

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