The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 276 Erth Star

"Will there be life in this place?" Zhang Fan looked at this miniature star and asked, "Yes, although it is a bit smaller, the configuration is no different from other star systems."

After passing through the asteroid belt, the host came to an Earth-like planet with a diameter of about 10 meters.

After landing slowly here, the host's legs suddenly covered nearly half of the land.

Then, the host opened its mouth and placed the fungus blanket in this place. After sprinkling a little water, the entire planet was covered with fungus blankets in an instant.

"Master! Found the planet of life!" Maya happily called Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan said: "Where is it? Let me take a look."

Through Maya's calculation diagram, Zhang Fan adjusted the host's gaze and finally discovered the magnificent planet.

There are land and oceans on it. Maya said: "Lord, it is that planet. What should we do next?"

Zhang Fan said: "If the host rushes to that planet like this, the living planet will definitely not be able to bear it."

The living planet is 13 meters in diameter and looks like a big house.

Maya said: "Master, why don't you use gnats, then it should be able to withstand it."

Zhang Fan thought for a while, then shook his head and said: "No, it's still too big. I plan to understand the reasons for its formation first. Let the host take off. Let's get closer."

The host took off again and headed towards the living planet.

This planet is called Erth. There are many different civilizations on it, and they all have their own various cultures.

On the planet Erth, there are seven most powerful countries, and they divide most of the resources on the planet Erth.

At this time, these self-proclaimed powerful countries did not know that a disaster was coming quietly.

"Maya, be careful, the other party has an artificial satellite, turn on light refraction." Zhang Fan said.

Then, the host's body began to become transparent, blending with the color of space.

In an astronomical base called Nasa, an astronomical observer discovered anomalies in space.

"Huh? There seemed to be something there just now." The astronomical observer began to control the angle of the satellite telescope, but there was nothing there.

He scratched his head strangely and said, "Is it because I've stayed up too late recently?"

The unbelieving astronomical observer looked at the sky again, but still found no abnormality.

He picked up the phone and dialed a number.


"Hello, Nasar Observation Station 47." A female voice appeared from the microphone.

"Millie, it's me, Zach," Zach said.

"Zach? What's wrong?" Milly asked.

"Did you find anything unusual in area A301 just now?"

After waiting for a while, Milly said: "Nothing abnormal was found. Zach, are you awake?"

Zach patted his cheek and said, "Maybe, I think I'll have to ask my boss for a day off."

Milly was about to speak when she suddenly saw an abnormality on the screen, and then said to Zach anxiously: "Zach! The star GB63001 has disappeared!"

"What?" Zach quickly adjusted his perspective to the screen. Sure enough, as Milly said, a star disappeared.

"We have to report it quickly, and I feel a little uneasy," Zach said.

Milly smiled and said to Zach, "I think your worries are unfounded. OK, I'll report it."

Zhang Fan didn't know that if he moved slower, he would definitely be discovered by the opponent's satellite.

Arriving above the planet Erth, Zhang Fan ordered the host to stop in mid-air, and told him to be careful not to smash those seemingly fragile satellites.

Therefore, the current situation was shared with all the Zerg leaders.

Everyone was very interested in this planet and started discussing the direction of attack.

However, Zhang Fan felt that attacking like this was not fun, so he said: "I plan to use scientific bacteria to observe their living environment first. I am very interested in this planet and do not intend to destroy their living environment."

Now that Zhang Fan has said so, the senior officials have no room to refute.

So, Adam said to Zhang Fan: "Master, in this case, Adam specially created a small worm with a body length of 0.2 mm for you. Once you dominate, you can develop on this planet."

Zhang Fan frowned and said, "Is it too big? This is a planet that has shrunk almost a million times."

Adam said: "Master, this worm specially created by Adam for you will quickly decompose after entering the other party's atmosphere, and then form active bacteria scattered around the world, about ten thousand of which can be separated. "

Zhang Fan said: "According to the proportion, it is almost the same, so let's do it this way."

The small worm quickly formed in the host's body, and then the host spit it out gently, and the small worm curled up and flew to the planet Erth.

Astronomers on the entire planet Erth were in chaos. They discovered that a meteorite had appeared inexplicably in the sky. Now it was too late to strike, and they could only watch it fall.

Everyone looked at the fire and began to pray, hoping that the terrifying meteorite would not fall on their homeland.

The worm meteorite seemed to have received the prayer and deviated from its course towards the western ocean.

Just when everyone breathed a sigh of relief, the meteorite suddenly exploded violently, but there was no fire explosion as imagined.

The other party seemed to have disintegrated inexplicably, and countless small flames fell into the vast ocean.

Astronomers are baffled, and they can't explain why this phenomenon exists.

As a result, a difficult problem in the scientific community was raised, which puzzled everyone.

The bacteria formed by the explosion of small worms entered the ocean. They waved their flagella and began to soar in the vast ocean, absorbing water molecules in the ocean.

However, the water molecular structure here is too small, and bacteria can easily absorb it without much effort.

Then, they began to eat, devouring those microorganisms in the ocean.

Among this group of bacteria, Adam also specially inserted a modified cell, which had to find a huge creature to parasitize.

After years of development, modified cells have already overcome the problem of being unable to be modified in the ocean.

With the help of bacteria, the modified cells successfully parasitized a sea snake with a body length of about 5 meters.

This sea snake has been controlled by Zhang Fan and is swimming towards the coast, with bacteria clinging to its body.

The modified cells are multiplying in the body of the sea snake. One thing that needs to be mentioned is that the modified cells cannot reproduce in large quantities in the sea snake.

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