The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 295 Thought Segmentation

"Then, let me tell you, as long as the master is willing, he can come to the three-dimensional world, and he can also come to paintings, or even books." Adam said seriously.

Ai Peng was shocked. Who is this master? ! Actually has such great strength? No, maybe he is God!

Adam's body flashed with light and transformed into a human form like Aipeng. He stretched out his hand and said to Aipeng: "The master needs you, and our alien race also needs you. Join us."

Aipeng lowered her head. Her heart was very complicated. On the one hand, there was the temptation of the eternal god, and on the other hand, there was the hatred of the demon of disaster. This made it difficult for Aipeng to make a choice.

Athena refused to give up when she saw Ai Peng. She waved her hand and once again set off a wave on the planet.

She said: "It doesn't matter if you don't agree, let's continue fighting."

Aipeng frowned and looked at Athena with anger rather than hatred.

Somehow, after experiencing the transformation of a super life form, Ai Peng felt that his emotions were constantly missing. This was a very scary thing.

If she hadn't been so intelligent, she would have been lost in the control of this super life form.

She also discovered that she should be the same type of being as the other person, and she could feel the friendly aura they exuded.

Thinking of this, Aipeng shook his head in horror, with fear in his eyes, and shouted: "What kind of magic did you cast on me?!"

Athena and Adam looked at each other, they didn't understand why Aipeng, who was fine, suddenly went crazy.

Aipeng held his head tightly and groaned in pain.

Zhang Fan's voice reached the minds of the two of them and said, "What on earth is going on? Why is she acting like this suddenly?"

Adam said in confusion: "Master, Adam doesn't know, but Adam guesses it has something to do with her current attributes."

At this time, another golden light point appeared next to Adam and turned into a human form. He patted Adam on the shoulder and said, "What are you thinking about? Just take her away!"

Athena hammered the palm of her right hand with her left hand and said, "Yes, just take it away. Gaia, you are so smart."

Gaia rolled her eyes, do you still want to think about this?

Zhang Fan nodded and said, "Then let's bring her out first."

However, how to bring it out was another dilemma. They discovered that Aipeng Angela and the Euse star were tied together.

It's impossible to spit out the Urth star from Leviathan's mouth again. It's completely unnecessary and ineffective.

Gaia thought for a while and said: "I have a way, that is to let her join dad's thinking world directly from here."

Zhang Fan said: "Gaia, is this method feasible?"

Gaia shrugged and said, "Dad, give it a try. She is so weak anyway, so it won't affect you at all. If we are really in trouble, let's digest her together."

Zhang Fan nodded and said: "It is indeed a way, but there is still a question, that is, if I come to this world in person, what impact will it have on it."

Gaia said: "Dad, let Maya explain this matter to you."

"Ahem!" Maya cleared her throat and said, "Master, I have calculated that you will indeed have a strong influence on the planet Erth, and may cause the planet to collapse instantly."

Zhang Fan said in surprise: "What? Am I so powerful now?"

Maya nodded and said: "Lord, here is a division of your thinking power. Please take a look."

Zhang Fan received the thinking power division report sent by Maya, which clearly described the changes in Zhang Fan's thinking consciousness.

The first stage is the sharing stage, which is the first and most critical point. Zhang Fan can share them into every cell with his own thinking.

The second stage is to think out of the body. This stage is Zhang Fan's divine power. It may not necessarily produce a strong force, but the influence is definitely very strong.

The third stage is also the stage Zhang Fan is currently in. That is the solidification of thinking. To put it bluntly, it is downgrading on the dimensional level. If he did not pass downgrading, then Zhang Fan would not be able to touch a single bit of this world.

The fourth stage is a theoretical stage, called thinking. This power is equivalent to divine power, the kind that can be crushed by the power of thinking alone.

Although Zhang Fan is currently unable to use this power, the brainworms all believe that as long as the alien race continues to develop and grow, one day they will see Zhang Fan perform miracles.

The fifth stage, which is a bit fantasy, is called thinking upgrading, which means turning into five-dimensional thinking. In this state of thinking, Zhang Fan has the ability to travel through time and space, which of course does not exist in theory. , it’s just a guess that Maya has.

After reading all the data, Zhang Fan said to Maya: "So if we want to enter the planet Erth, what is its maximum carrying capacity?"

Maya said: "One ten thousandth, Lord, it can only bear one ten thousandth of your power."

"Why is it so small?" Zhang Fan said strangely, "Then if I come to other planets, will this happen?"

Maya shook her head and said: "Master, your mind is tied to the aliens in the universe, so they can share your abilities, so there is no need to worry at all. However, the Erth Star cannot release the aliens on a large scale. The carrying capacity is limited, of course, if we analyze the reasons for their cell structure, you, the master, can still come."

Hearing Zhang Fan ask again: "Then I was able to control iguanas before, what happened to the bacteria?"

Adam stood up and said that this involved his research: "Master, you may have misunderstood. The creatures you control on the Eth star, the Eth star itself can carry them, and the Lord has no divine power to come, so I don’t see any impact.”

Zhang Fan nodded and said: "I see. It seems that I still can't come to this world. It's such a pity. What a wonderful thing it would be if the divine power could directly cover it."

Maya said: "By the way, Lord, there is good news from Eva just now. We can divide our minds."

Zhang Fan said: "I already know about this, Eva has already told me."

On another planet, the stupid hair on Eva's head kept moving, excitedly conveying information to Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan nodded and said, "I think Eva's method works, so that's what I'll do."

After saying that, Zhang Fan's black figure temporarily disappeared.

The purpose of this division of thinking is to weaken the power of one's own thinking. It does not mean to really weaken it, but to store this kind of thinking.

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