The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 296 Demotion and materialization

Don't think that after weakening your thinking, your overall strength will decline. This idea is completely wrong.

Weakening the mind is for better training. Yes, even Zhang Fan, who is as strong as the master, still needs training on the mental level.

This is inspired by Athena.

Moreover, both Elise and Apocalypse have heard that there are indeed some races in the universe that can control thinking consciousness, and there are also some thinking beings like Zhang Fan.

However, they cannot share the world view while leaving the body like Zhang Fan.

To temporarily store a part of your thoughts, the location has been chosen, and that is the Abathur central processor.

The main part of this separation of thoughts is the subconscious mind.

Although Zhang Fan is a thinking body, he is also a living creature, just a more advanced creature.

"Then, Adam, Gaia, Maya, Apocalypse, and Eva, let's start thinking separately." Zhang Fan said calmly.

He knew that the brainworms were absolutely loyal to him and would never do anything harmful to him.

What's more, even if his mind is separated, he still has absolute control over the alien race.

"Huh?" Zhang Fan felt a little uncomfortable. It felt like being stuck by glue. It was tearing hard and there was some pain.

The five-minded insects also selected an area in Zhang Fan's thinking world, which had been planned for a long time.

"Come on! It'll be fine soon! Dad! Please bear with me longer!" Gaia shouted.

Zhang Fan nodded, held back the pain, and allowed the brainworms to wreak havoc in his thinking world.

The first one to succeed turned out to be Eva. He had a piece of black thinking in his mouth and was dragging it outside.

Eva's stupid hair kept shaking, Zhang Fan gritted his teeth and endured the pain and said: "Eva, don't worry about them, you do your own thing."

Eva's stupid hair shook again and then left Zhang Fan's thinking world.

When he reappeared, he had already brought a large piece of black thinking into Abathur's central processing system.

After placing his thoughts at the designated position, he returned to Zhang Fan's thinking world, transporting his thoughts in a cycle.

Time passed by, and Aipeng had regained consciousness and surrendered. The entire Erth star didn't know whether to be grateful or angry.

So much so that the remaining hundreds of thousands of Ersi people had huge differences over this matter.

Originally, Aipeng wanted to stop her, but Athena stopped her and said, "Don't go. You will soon be the queen of a foreign race. You have to take a good look at human nature."

"But these are all my compatriots!" Angela Angela said anxiously.

Athena looked at Ai Peng and said: "The entire alien race will be your compatriots in the future. Don't worry, the master has told me that as long as you can join the alien race wholeheartedly, the planet Eth will always be peaceful."

Ai Peng sighed. She knew that the master's intention was very clear. He would not interfere in the affairs of Erth Star, but the internal affairs of Erth Star had to be solved by themselves.

Ai Peng asked Athena again: "What exactly is the master you are talking about?"

Athena looked at Aipeng angrily and said, "You are not allowed to talk about the Lord like that, he is the supreme person!"

Aipeng raised her hands to express surrender. She didn't understand why so many powerful guys would serve this person called the Lord.

"Ah~" Zhang Fan breathed a long sigh of relief, and he felt his mind relaxed again.

"Well done." Zhang Fan said happily to the brainworms.

The brainworms were panting from exhaustion, but after hearing the master's praise, they all showed excitement.

Maya hurriedly said: "Master, try, try quickly, the subconscious has been separated, the subjective consciousness should be better controlled."

Hearing what Maya said, Zhang Fan raised a smile and said, "Yes, the control is indeed stronger. It should be said that it has been refined."

After saying that, the black background in the entire thinking world completely disappeared, and the brainworms were also ejected.

Zhang Fan detached the power of thought flowing from all living things and gathered his body on a wandering planet.

There is a Leviathan parked near this planet, and it is through Leviathan that it is transmitted as a medium.

Countless black auras emerged from the wandering planet, and the entire planet seemed to be covered with a black dragon.

Zhang Fan felt great as his breath kept condensing and re-condensing.

It turns out that although the power of thinking is huge, I always feel that there is some lack of control. I have also specifically explored this aspect, but I have never been able to find a way.

It wasn't until Tianqi raised the hypothesis of subconscious obstruction to Zhang Fan that Zhang Fan was finally able to condense his body as he wished.

"Is this power?" Zhang Fan opened his blood-red eyes in the black whirlpool.

He hasn't completely condensed it yet, but he can clearly feel the power to control the world.

Black whirlpools poured into Zhang Fan's body in circles.

"I need more, more! Power! It's so great!" Zhang Fan became a little crazy after feeling the violent power!

After the last trace of black thoughts gradually poured into Zhang Fan's body, Zhang Fan opened his eyes, his eyes were filled with blood, and his every move was filled with the aura of dominating the world.

Zhang Fan's current appearance is very similar to that of a person from the Dragon Emperor's civilization, and he has also condensed a former face through his thoughts.

He reached out and touched his face and said to himself: "I almost forgot what I look like."

Except for his hands and face, his whole body was covered by a large black robe. The edges of the robe were fluttering in the wind, like balls of black flames.

"You should be able to use your thinking power now." Zhang Fan successfully downgraded, his body became an entity, and his huge thinking power became his own force.

He stretched out his right hand, spread his fingers, and released his force towards the mountain in front of him.

Zhang Fan could feel that he had pinched the mountain peak, and his fingers began to exert force, but the peak only rolled down some gravel and was not crushed by him.

Zhang Fan shook his head and said, "No, it's still too weak."

After saying that, the figure dispersed and returned to the endless alien bodies again.

The brainworms felt that Zhang Fan had returned and kept asking Zhang Fan about his feelings. Zhang Fan said: "I need more power, and I can't stop conquering the world."

The brainworms felt like they were about to explode with excitement, and their big heads began to feel a little congested.

Athena's thoughts, which were stationed on the planet Erth, including her body, which was covered in bruises and was practicing on the wandering planet, knelt on the ground, worshiping Zhang Fan.

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