The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 31 Sea of ​​Fire

Zhang Fan felt that he was a fool for coming up with such a stupid idea. Did you see that the sun was already above your head, but the mosquitoes hadn't come yet?

The rotting flies were almost devouring the rotting meat. Zhang Fan felt that waiting like this was not an option. Just when he was about to detonate the poisonous baneling insects, a strange phenomenon happened.

A fire broke out at one end of the forest, and the raging flames scorched the air until it was somewhat deformed.

This is the first time Zhang Fan has seen flames in this world. It can be seen from the big eyeball on the nest that the flames reflect it red.

For some reason, Zhang Fan was very fascinated by this fire. Looking at the burned forest, he couldn't help himself for a moment.

"Master! Master!" Adam felt something was wrong with Zhang Fan's situation and hurriedly contacted him.

Zhang Fan came to his senses and asked, "What's wrong? Adam."

Adam continued to say anxiously: "Master! This fire is extremely large and the spread is very fierce. We must quickly mobilize the troops in the forest! Otherwise, they will all die inside!"

Zhang Fan understood and began to call back his troops, withdrawing them to the grassland.

This forest is like an incendiary bomb being thrown, constantly releasing high temperatures. Faced with this situation, the insects have only two options, either to run or to die in the sea of ​​fire.

Zhang Fan felt the coolness of the weather. It turned out that autumn was coming. Although the weather was crisp and refreshing, the withered leaves also brought hidden dangers to the weather.

Countless insects ran out of the forest, and what they were about to face was the Zerg.

Zhang Fan saw the insects running out, some of which had deep burn marks on their bodies.

"Poisonous Banelings! Detonate!" Zhang Fan had no choice but to give the order to detonate the Poisonous Banelings.

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a venom explosion in the front and a sea of ​​​​fire chasing after them. In this area, countless insects died. Some were not killed by the venom, but were shocked to death by countless poisonous baneling insect explosions.

"Master! Something is wrong! This ball of fire seems to be coming towards us!" Adam observed the entire battlefield environment through the Eye of the Brood.

Zhang Fan asked: "Is there any good countermeasures! If you get any closer, the mother nest will be destroyed!"

Adam: "Master! You are wise and powerful! Don't be anxious! Let Adam think for a while!"

Zhang Fan could only say "as soon as possible".

The number of poisonous banelings is running low, so we have no choice but to attack them first with hydralisks.

There are still many insects that are not dead, and they are still charging.

The hydralisks formed very quickly under Zhang Fan's control, with rows of hydralisks spitting continuously.

All the sounds came from his ears were sticky sounds, which meant that the venom was not very effective against insects with too high armor.

At this time, springtails could only be used to hinder their progress. Zhang Fan began to order the production of poisonous banelings in the mother nest.

Springtails and insects struggled together, and some small insects were suddenly submerged in the insect tide.

It's different for higher-level insects. They have only one word to face the insect tide: rush.

What natural disasters bring to them is fear from the bottom of their hearts. This fear will force them to have an endless desire to survive, and they dare to jump off even if the opposite side is a cliff.

The insect tide can only temporarily hinder the pace of these big guys. Coupled with the attack of the hydralisk, the harvested effect is not too great.

The first batch of poisonous banelings has been hatched, and the mineral elements in the mother nest suddenly dropped sharply. In order to continue hatching the second batch of poisonous banelings, Zhang Fan mobilized all the worker bees on the grassland back to do mining work. .

The poisonous banelings showed no fear in the face of death. Two worker bees carried a poisonous baneling and rushed in like this.

"Boom boom boom"

There were bursts of explosions, not only destroying a large number of giant insects, but also damaging their own springtail troops.

Those large insects seemed to be awakened by this blow. They shook their heads and looked at the endless tide of insects, with fear in their eyes.

But when they turned back and faced the fire again, this fear was redirected.

"Damn it! Aren't they afraid?!" Zhang Fan saw fear in the eyes of the large insects before, but this fear only fleeting, and the finger pointed at the springtails again

The flames had spread to the edge of the forest. Zhang Fan didn't know what was going on behind the forest, so it was probably a sea of ​​​​fire.

At this time, Adam's voice emerged from Zhang Fan's heart again: "Master! We can use poisonous banelings to extinguish this fire! They all contain water in their bodies. As long as we send them into the sea of ​​fire, they can be spread by the power of the explosion. go out!"

"Okay! Let's do it! But I have to kill these guys first!" Zhang Fan agreed with Adam's approach.

The second batch of poisonous banelings has hatched and exploded again just like last time. After this explosion, there were not too many large insects left behind.

Finally, gradually, they were completely submerged by the springtails, and those who were not killed by the springtails were shot through their exoskeletons by hydralisks and died.

Taking a deep breath, there were quite a lot of soldiers who died this time. Not only that, a lot of resources were also consumed.

"Adam, you will be responsible for putting out the fire." Zhang Fan said to Adam.

"Master, don't worry, Adam will complete the mission successfully." Zhang Fan released control of the poisonous baneling insects, and Adam took over.

This time, it would not be possible to rely on two worker bees to carry a poisonous baneling when entering the sea of ​​​​fire. Perhaps the poisonous baneling was detonated before it even got close to the sea of ​​​​fire because it could not withstand the high temperature.

The first thing it did was to remove the poison-enhancing elements from the poisonous baneling bugs. These were already taken into consideration at the beginning of the design.

There were poisonous banelings among them, and the abdomen began to exert force, and the entire face began to become distorted, and round black substances were excreted out of the body by the poisonous banelings.

There will be dedicated worker bees to recycle these particles. They do this to prepare for the next batch of poisonous banelings.

This time there is no enhanced venom, so even if the inner membrane is damaged, it will not cause excessive damage to the outer membrane.

The next step is to increase the dose of sodium in order to create a better explosion effect.

Although they will produce better explosive effects, they are useless if used in war. They will disperse the high concentration of venom and the output power will be reduced.

Facing the sea of ​​fire, it is inevitable to increase the power of the explosion, which can better spread the water resources.

Two worker bees rushed forward carrying poisonous baneling insects. They were very fast. After all, the worker bees were also enhanced creatures.

The temperature of the flames grew higher and higher, burning the poisonous banelings and worker bees red, like cooked crabs.

In the end, the poisonous baneling was burned so much that it became unbearable.

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