The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 32 Seeing the Desert Again

The combination of poisonous banelings, springtails, and hydralisk troops was like a bulldozer, constantly crushing them.

Overcoming the hills, Zhang Fan saw a world of rotten trees. These were the habitats of termites.

There were not many termites here anymore, Zhang Fan easily eliminated them, and then slowly laid the germ carpet here.

Taking into account the superior geographical environment of this place, he also established a mother nest here to continuously absorb the surrounding mineral resources.

After the construction of the mother nest is completed, the energy on the carpet is absorbed to supply the larvae. The larvae begin to hatch into worker bees when they land.

The cycle repeats itself, and soon the entire termite battlefield is replaced by worker bees.

Zhang Fan continued to move forward. There was a song that he sang well. After crossing the green mountains, you see that is the man with a bamboo hat on his head. The sea breeze blew through the coconut trees and dispersed the dust along the way. This place is like another world isolated from the busy city. Let us The tired body has been here for a long time and of course cannot stop.

After going through untold hardships, traveling across mountains and rivers, he conquered one area after another on the vast land.

Zhang Fan finally came to his first lucky place, the desert.

I still remember the first time he came to the desert and got springtails, and this time he came again.

The desert has not changed much, except that some areas with dense vegetation have turned into Gobi, and the geology has become harder.

In the Gobi, Zhang Fan also saw the corpses of sand eels, which could no longer adapt to the gradually changing desert.

Zhang Fan dug three feet into the ground and finally found the springtail from earlier.

The springtails were panicked and stared with round eyes. They didn't know why they were loving their wives and taking care of their children at home, but they were inexplicably destroyed.

Although I feel sorry for these ancestors, what can be done? Life is like this, natural selection, survival of the fittest, survival of the fittest, the strong bullies the weak.

After eliminating the springtails in the desert, Zhang Fan discovered a problem. It was difficult for the carpet to survive in this desert.

Their area is too large, the water evaporates too quickly, and they will be dried into a blanket in a short time.

The water level of the underground river is too deep, and the root system of the fungus blanket has never been able to penetrate so deeply. Although it has drought resistance, no creature has ever been said to be able to completely resist sunlight without drinking water.

Speaking of which, the first thing Zhang Fan should do is the afforestation plan.

The original intention was to conquer, but now it has become construction. Let’s build, but how to do it? Adam will figure it out.

Adam did not expect that the master would come up with such a great idea, and the difficulty of this idea was particularly high.

"Lord, your loyal subordinate Adam believes that we do not need to plant trees. What we are currently short of is water resources. As long as we transfer water from the grasslands and lakes, it will be fine." Adam answered.

Zhang Fan: "But, how to adjust it? We don't have the tools."

Adam thought for a moment and then replied: "Master, Adam doesn't think you necessarily need tools to transport water. There is a method here, but it takes a long time."

"I'm not worried about how long it will take. Just tell me what you think."

Adam: "Obey the Lord, Lord, you should have seen the river, the kind that flows from high to low. Why can't we consider building rivers ourselves?"

Zhang Fan somewhat understood what Adam said: "Are you talking about the Grand Canal?"

"Master, you are right about building a Grand Canal. This kind of canal can once and for all solve the problems we are facing now." Adam answered confidently.

Although Adam was confident, Zhang Fan still had some concerns. How long would it take to dig a big canal? Fearing that it would take a lot of time and the desert was so far away, it would be impossible to dig a river. It would be impossible to dig a river in this life. In the end, Zhang Fan rejected Adam's unrealistic idea.

Of course, if the level of science and technology improves in the future, you can also consider it.

Zhang Fan controlled the springtails to move forward in the desert, looking for some plant genes that could be used, and found many, but the operation mode did not quite match the bacterial carpet.

Zhang Fan found the iron tree again. After so many years, the iron tree was still the same. Zhang Fan asked the springtails to leave modified cells on the iron tree.

But its appearance is too strong and there is no way to pierce it.

No matter what, the iron tree must be brought back for study. Zhang Fan had a hunch in his heart that this iron tree was the key to unlocking the carpet of desert.

The springtails were ordered to start digging holes. The soil here was so solid that the claws of the springtails were somewhat broken when digging.

As a last resort, Zhang Fan had no choice but to mobilize the springtail army again.

There is strength in numbers, and there is strength in numbers of insects. He dug the iron tree day and night, and finally found the root of the iron tree. Zhang Fan was so moved that he shed tears.

The root system of the iron tree is unusually prosperous and arranged in a disorderly manner, like entangled giant pythons, stretching for hundreds of meters, and seems to have a tendency to expand outward.

After all the soil was dug up, the entire iron tree was completely exposed to Zhang Fan's eyes.

Will you change it to this way next time? The total weight of this iron tree is probably several thousand tons? Cutting and drying.

Zhang Fan decided to give it a try. The springtails got into the bottom of the iron tree's root system and lined up in a row, and then they worked together at the same time.

The entire iron tree shook for a moment, then fell again, killing several springtails.

It's definitely not possible to lift the whole thing together, you still have to use the principle of leverage.

The springtails were mobilized to one side and the pressure was reduced by lifting the tree roots on one side.

Hey, after coming out a little bit, the remaining springtails immediately stuffed the big rocks into the bottom of the iron tree.

The whole tree is slightly tilted, but this plan is feasible, so keep lifting!

The springtails kept lifting the tree and placing stones. Finally, one day passed, and the iron tree was placed by the springtails.

The entire iron tree turned sideways and hit the ground hard, making a huge roar and creating a deep pit in the ground.

The trunk of the tree was also slightly bent, but not broken.

The springtails repeated their old tricks and rolled the iron tree again, but the upside-down iron tree was like a top, and the farther it went to the center, the less it could borrow any force.

In this case, Zhang Fan used the most primitive method, dragging.

Before dragging, Zhang Fan still needs to do some preparation work.

There was still some green grass left on the grassland. Zhang Fan asked Adam to cultivate the genes of the green grass into the fungus carpet, and then purple fungi grew on the fungus carpet.

This kind of fungus contains a certain degree of toughness, and then the worker bees collect the fungus and weave it into strips of hemp rope.

The braided hemp rope was sent to the desert, and the root system of the iron tree was tied, and then the other end of the hemp rope was connected to tens of thousands of springtails.

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