The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 348 Stellar Guide Cannon

Mithril shuttles between the spider spacecraft arrays like a ghost, harvesting the Anzhu people like harvesting grass.

The reinforcements had never been on the battlefield. They were afraid and began to suffer some defeats.

Mithril took this opportunity to beat up the lost dog, and beat the reinforcements into pieces. Caracalla's brows jumped. He did not expect that the 5 million army would be beaten like this.

Caracalla was very angry. He planned to propose to the leader after the war to strengthen the actual combat simulation training of the reserve defense team.

After Mithril defeated the reserve defense team, his mood did not relax. He knew that he was facing An Zhu's famous general Caracalla, and even trash could be turned into treasure.

Sure enough, after the reserve defense team withdrew, Caracalla quickly issued new instructions, allowing them to integrate with his frontier army, forming a huge team of nearly ten million.

Mithril smiled. This was the effect he wanted. After connecting with Copper Furnace and the others, Mithril said: "The war is about to end, let's evacuate as soon as possible."

Tonglu nodded, his eyes became firm, and Platinum Piece said from the side: "Second Master! I can finally see the power of the Stellar Guide Cannon again! Now I must let these Anzhu people have a taste of his power!"

Mithril smiled and said: "What nonsense! Let's go!"

After saying that, the mecha army flew towards the periphery of the frontier planet.

Caracalla watched them retreat. For some reason, the uneasiness in his heart did not stop. He looked at the big guy again, and a strong sense of crisis filled his whole body.

Caracalla said: "Safe! Don't stop the whole army! Keep moving forward! Saan!"

Mithril looked back and saw the mighty spider spacecraft rushing towards them again. He curled his lips and said, "Tsk, it's really difficult to deal with."

At this moment, the two rings of the stellar guidance cannon began to rotate. The outer ring rotated from left to right, and the inner ring rotated from top to bottom. The rotation speed was getting faster and faster.

At this time, Tinfoil shouted loudly: "Second Master! The stellar guidance cannon has been activated! Let's run!"

Mithril's heart tightened, and after confirming his position, he shouted loudly: "The soldiers of the Ribaote civilization have activated the star guidance cannon! All high-speed reactors are retreating!"

After saying that, Caracalla found that the group of mecha troops shone with golden light again, and their speed suddenly increased.

"An! Damn it! You can't catch up like this! An! Where's the warp flight technology? Didn't it come? An?" Caracalla asked.

The subordinate quickly replied: "An, no, the superiors said that they are still in the experimental stage, and the subsequent batch of reinforcements are experimental products! An."

Caracalla said angrily: "An! These misers! What do they want now! An!"

While Caracalla was cursing, the stellar guidance cannon rotated faster and faster.

Looking from a distance, the two rings seemed to be intertwined, twisting the surrounding space, and the ball in the middle gradually began to glow and heat.

After receiving the intelligence from the observer, his subordinates hurriedly said to Caracalla: "An! Commander! There is an abnormality in the surrounding gravity! An!"

Caracalla glared with red eyes and gritted his teeth and said: "Safe! The whole army postpones the pursuit! Retreat! Escape from this place first! Sasha!"

The millions of spider spaceships were stunned for a moment, then turned around and flew in another direction, seemingly heading towards the outer reaches of the star system.

Mithril was a little surprised. Originally, he wanted to ambush Caracalla, but he didn't expect to give up the chase.

"Do you think you can escape like this? It's too late." Mithril said.

Then, the mecha army also changed directions and began to escape, much faster than the spider spacecraft army.

The stellar guidance cannon twisted again, and the two rings seemed to turn into two whips, constantly beating the surrounding space.

The ball in the center seems to have turned into a small sun, shining with dazzling light.

The gravitational waves in this galaxy, and even surrounding galaxies, began to become chaotic.

As soon as the second batch of Anzhu reinforcements arrived in the Frontier System, they were forced to retreat from the warp flight.

Changes in the surrounding gravity make the curvature flight trajectory somewhat unstable.

If you continue to fly forward in a curvature, you will fly to who knows where.

The current reinforcements have become headless flies. They have no way to contact Caracalla and can only stop their advance.

The stellar guidance cannon changes the surrounding gravity. The main purpose is to change the gravity of the star.

You must know that in a star system, the mass of stars accounts for 99%, so the gravity is also 99%.

If gravity is disrupted, then the star's proper motion will also be disrupted.

Therefore, now the young star in the Frontier Galaxy has begun to violently and violently.

The corona and solar wind are rolling like a tsunami, tearing apart the world around them.

Caracalla somewhat guessed the opponent's attack method, but he did not expect that the opponent would use a star as a reference point to attack.

You know, this kind of technology is not something that the current level 2.2 civilization can achieve, not even a level 2.3 civilization.

This is definitely a product of advanced civilization. Caracalla thought in his mind: "An, has the other party discovered a new product of advanced civilization? Their luck must be so good! An!"

The star guidance cannon continued to operate, and then a ray was released from the center of the guidance cannon.

No one knows the composition of this ray. In this case, who would risk death to observe it up close? The Anzhu people and Ruibote people are warriors, not life-threatening scientists.

Their first priority now is to escape.

The rays penetrated this dark galaxy space at the speed of light, and the defense satellites floating in orbit seemed to have no obstruction at all, allowing the rays to pass through.

They discovered that this ray had no temperature or mass other than the flickering light. It seemed to appear out of thin air, completely violating the natural laws of the universe.

This ray traveled billions of kilometers and then sank into the star, seemingly without making any waves.

However, they did not know that after the rays entered the interior of the star, the core of the star began to become extremely unstable and became extremely crazy.

That ray seemed to be like a baton constantly guiding the transfer of high temperature in the core, and the entire star trembled involuntarily.

Mithril and the others had already flown to a relatively safe area. After checking the remaining troops, he said, "Where are Caracalla and the others?"

Tin foil said: "Second Master, they don't have the attack range of the spacecraft's star guidance cannon yet, and a new batch of reinforcements have just entered the frontier star."

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