The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 349 Stellar Wind

"They are looking for death! Okay! Let's watch the most beautiful fireworks show together!" Mithril shouted with a smile.

"Ouch!" Everyone responded, their faces filled with the joy of victory.

The rays from the stellar guide cannon disrupt the core, and the entire star begins to grow in size.

The houses on the frontier star began to burn, the seawater began to evaporate, and the dense jungle began to wither. The apocalyptic scene shocked the Anzhu people.

The second batch of reinforcements has discovered anomalies in the star system. They must escape, otherwise they will really have no chance.

Stellar wind is a flow of material that continuously moves outward from a star. The stellar wind phenomenon is the process by which stars gradually lose mass during their evolution.

Originally, this phenomenon was an operating law of nature, just like the decay of elements, it continued very slowly.

A star like the Frontier Galaxy generally has a lifespan of tens of billions of years, but now this rule has been broken by the stellar guidance cannon.

The stellar winds began to rage, they were irregular and merciless, they were merciless disasters.

After the stellar guidance cannon was successfully guided, those stellar winds bloomed like fireworks, illuminating the entire galaxy.

Various radioactive materials are released from the star at high speed, impacting the surrounding world.

The original frontier star turned into a small fireball under the raging wind of the star, and all life ended.

Caracalla stared blankly at the place where he originally lived. For decades, he had been committed to the development of the frontier planet, turning it from a deserted planet into a prosperous city.

However, it has now been destroyed by the raging solar wind.

The expansion of the stars has not stopped, they are beasts that break out of the cage, biting everything around them.

Thousands of defense satellites were originally designed to resist foreign invasion. They never thought that the enemy would attack from the stars.

It's too late to run now, all I can do is wait silently for death to come.

As the stellar wind swept by, some electronic devices were the first to lose their function. They were interfered with at the first opportunity and lost their use.

In less than two seconds, the defense satellites began to explode everywhere, releasing high temperatures.

In an instant, the metal shell of the defense satellite melted, and countless Anzhu people were buried in molten iron. There was no pain, just for a moment.

Continuing to fly outward, the stellar wind seemed to become substantial, spreading in all directions like ripples.

Caracalla fell into despair when he discovered that the speed of these stellar winds far exceeded the speed of the spider spacecraft.

There was still a period of time, which was the time left for him to think, when Caracalla's round body began to sweat. This was not caused by heat, but by sudden cold sweat.

In the end, Caracalla decided to use defense instead of attack, so the spider spacecraft quickly formed an array and then activated their power to the maximum.

A super strong protective shield appeared in front of the spider army, glowing with light blue light.

The stellar wind swept across with a violent force, causing ripples in the protective shield. Then, under the continuous attack of the stellar wind, the energy became unstable.

The appearance of the protective shield began to change from blue to red, which was the rhythm of output overload.

Caracalla couldn't control that much anymore, so he ordered his command spacecraft to break away from this large force.

The command spacecraft turned around and took advantage of the stellar wind being blocked, and then sped towards the outer reaches of the star system.

Millions of spider spacecraft have gathered a huge amount of energy, but even such a powerful energy is still insignificant in the face of the ravages of the star.

What's more, the attack method is now dominated by stellar guidance cannons.

Finally, the protective shield was torn, and the stellar wind poured into it like sea water, filling the surroundings of every spider spacecraft.

Electronic equipment, communication equipment, and precision instruments were all unusable, and high temperatures and high pressures were generated.

The hair on the Anzhu people in the spacecraft burned and turned into fireballs.

Their miserable cries went unanswered, and only the fate of exile awaited them.


Sound cannot propagate in space, but the shock wave after the explosion can still be seen clearly.

The shock wave of millions of spaceships exploding is not something you can see every day.

At that moment, the entire stellar wind's raging trend seemed to be slowed down, just waiting for the explosion in the area to end.

The five million reinforcements on the other side could not escape the fate of death, and eventually turned into dust in space.

The entire frontier galaxy was filled with explosive flames under the raging wind of stars.

The mass of the star also began to decrease, becoming a little dim and a little old.

If this frontier star originally followed a normal trajectory and turned into a red giant and then exploded into a black hole, then now it can only become a white dwarf star at most.

The stellar wind is still spreading toward the outer reaches of the galaxy. It no longer explodes in silence, but perishes in silence. The star shows its terrifying side.

The Frontier Galaxy came to an end amidst the splendor, and the war between the Anzhu people and the Ruibote people ended.

The once prosperous world has once again become deserted.

Mithril looked at the environment of the frontier planet and shook his head and said, "Let's go, this place is no longer suitable for survival."

Tonglu said: "Second Master, is this really good? The living planet is very precious."

Mithril turned to Copper Furnace and said, "Do you want revenge or survival?"

Tongluo said without hesitation: "Revenge! I understand, the second master!"

Mithril nodded and said nothing, and then the other mechas transported the big guy back to the Ruibote people's secret base.

At this time, Caracalla was lucky enough to survive, as if centuries had passed.

Looking at the stellar wind still raging behind him, Caracalla said painfully: "An, record the situation. We lost this battle, An."

The Anzhu people in the spaceship looked depressed. Unexpectedly, an army of more than 10 million was destroyed by the opponent's blow. This was an unknown blow to the entire Anzhu civilization.

Caracalla closed her eyes and said in pain again: "An, I didn't expect the Ruibao people to have such powerful weapons. Is this the end for us Anzhu people? An."

The subordinate walked gently to Caracalla and said: "An, coach."

Caracalla interrupted him and said: "An, you don't need to speak. I want to be quiet. When I return to the capital star, I will go to a military court because I lost a frontier star. An."

Every frontier star is a strategically important location. If it wants to move to the hinterland, it will have to cede a very large piece of territory.

Caracalla seemed to see his future and fell into a deep sleep.

At the same time, Zhang Fan's Behemoth army of hundreds of thousands had gathered outside the Fast Light Source.

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