The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 350 Alien Invasion

Although the new Behemoth looks unchanged on the outside, its internal structure and attack methods have been greatly improved.

Moreover, the promotion of demon cells has caused the civilization level of the entire alien civilization to rise again, reaching level 2.2 civilization.

Zhang Fan was ordering troops outside the Fast Light Source, hundreds of thousands of Behemoths, millions of Leviathans, and tens of millions of Nidhogg.

Zhang Fan is full of confidence. This army has exhausted all the resources of the alien civilization. Success or failure depends on this one move.

In addition, the alien races near Tian'an are steadily expanding.

Zhang Fan said to the brainworms around him and the Queen: "War determines the rise and fall of a civilization. Only a civilization that always wins can move towards eternity. What we are about to face is an evenly matched civilization. They have huge armies and terrifying Weapons, but we aliens are not afraid! We will definitely be able to defeat them! Do you have confidence!?"

The brainworms shouted heartbreakingly: "Yes!" Eva shook her stupid hair excitedly.

Only Elise remained silent with an unhappy look on her face.

Zhang Fan continued: "I have divided this army into ten legions, and I personally lead the first legion and the second legion. The third legion is in charge of Adam, the fourth legion is in charge of Gaia, and the fifth legion is in charge of Maya. Apocalypse is in charge of the sixth legion, and Eva is in charge of the seventh legion.”

After speaking, he turned to look at the three queens and said, "Athena's eighth legion, Elise's ninth legion, and Angela's tenth legion. Do you have any questions?"

"No problem!" everyone said in unison.

Angela raised her hand at this time, and Zhang Fan lifted her gag. Angela breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Master, you also know that I am just a scientist engaged in scientific research. You promised me before that in Ers After Xing surrenders, he will give me resources and give me time to slowly carry out scientific research. Oh, by the way, these have been completed."

Zhang Fan asked Angela to shut up again, then rubbed the acupoints on her eyes and said, "Keep your story short, we don't have that much time."

After releasing her mouth restraint again, Angela waited for a while to think about it, and then said: "I have never fought in a war, so I can't."

Zhang Fan grinned and said: "That's great. You can talk like this in the future. Also, it won't be fine. Just learn slowly. Anyway, you are also eternal life now. You are connected to the planet Erth. As long as the planet Urth survives, you will not die."

Angela nodded, and when she was about to speak, she found that she had been restrained by Zhang Fan, and Zhang Fan completely ignored Angela's resentful look.

After passing through the planetary belt of the Fast Light Source, Zhang Fan's alien army arrived at the three astronomical units of the Frontier Galaxy.

Zhang Fan said: "We are about to enter the frontier galaxy! Everyone, cheer up!"

Then he canceled the warp flight and cautiously moved towards the frontier galaxy.

However, the moment they entered the frontier galaxy, Zhang Fan's army was hit by a violent solar wind.

Zhang Fan hurriedly shouted: "What is going on? Adam, it is high-intensity radiation. How is the research on radiation protection technology going?"

Adam said: "Master, we have successfully developed it. Most of the radiation rays in the universe have no effect on us alien races."

Then Adam looked at the stellar wind in front and said: "Master, in addition Adam believes that this is not a pure radiation wave, but a mass attenuation."

Zhang Fan said strangely: "Did this star explode? There is no reason. He looked quite young before."

The army continued to fly towards the interior of the Frontier Galaxy against the stellar wind.

At this time, the stellar wind had already weakened, because the Ribots had turned off the stellar guidance cannon, were dismantling it, and then transporting it back.

Although it is still raging, its power is far less than the attack just now.

"Lord! Look!" Maya exclaimed.

This ruined world was observed through the released eyeworms.

Zhang Fan's eyes widened and he said, "What's going on? The Anzhu people's frontier star has turned into this? Who did this?"

The brainworms stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes, and they were also very confused. How tragic a war must have been for it to become like this.

There are dilapidated ruins everywhere, and those defense satellites that look down upon the world have also been turned into pieces.

Zhang Fan said: "No, you have to know why this place is like this! Keep going!"

The alien army has been activated. Of course, such a huge army cannot hide Mithril and the others.

Mithril said a little strangely: "Huh? Why is there another army?"

Tonglu said: "Second Master, this seems to be the Ingenil civilization. I have seen their monster before."

The copper furnace was talking about Leviathan, and he would never forget Leviathan's ferocious appearance.

Mithril frowned and said, "It seems like this is indeed an invader civilization."

Tonglu asked: "Second Master, what should we do now?"

Mithril said: "Don't worry, I have to think about it."

Mithril has a plan in mind. He wants to unite with the Ingenil civilization to eliminate the Anzhu civilization.

However, he was a little worried that these Ingenil civilizations would take the opportunity to rebel. He had to know that he did not understand this strange civilization at all, and he did not know their reproductive methods and social structure.

In addition, the stellar guidance cannon cannot always be used. It is a double-edged sword. It can continuously destroy a star after it is activated, and it will also generate high temperature and high pressure.

Therefore, the Stellar Guide Cannon needs a long rest period after another round of attack.

Mithril sighed and said, "Let's return first and leave them alone. There should be news from Tongluo. Let's retreat."

Tonglu said: "My brother? Okay."

The Ruibote people left this frontier galaxy, and Zhang Fan also discovered their traces. Unexpectedly, they left without saying a word. Zhang Fan guessed that it might have something to do with the previous battle.

Looking at this shabby frontier planet, Zhang Fan did not feel that it was too shabby, because even in a bad land, the aliens could survive tenaciously, and they were commonly known as the kings of bad lands.

However, there is no place to stay in the frontier galaxy now, which makes it difficult for Zhang Fan.

There used to be a frontier star, but after being ravaged by the stellar wind, the mass of the entire planet was far less than before, and there was a lot of debris floating around.

Zhang Fan was very worried, fearing that the army would destroy the planet.

Tianqi said at this time: "Sir, why don't we divide our troops?"

Zhang Fan said: "How to say?"

Tianqi said: "Leave one legion stationed here to cultivate the space carpet. Although it is a bit brittle, it can meet the daily expenses of one legion. The remaining legions will go to the base camp of Tian'an Star."

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