The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 351 Origin Galaxy

Zhang Fan nodded and said: "You are right, the vicinity of Tian'an is suitable for our base camp, huh?"

Just after he finished speaking, Zhang Fan discovered something strange, and then smiled and said to the Brainworm and the Queens: "Haha, we have a guest."

Then, his thoughts drifted to the star system near the Tian'an Galaxy. This was Zhang Fan's base camp. He also named this area the Origin Galaxy.

Tongluo brought thousands of mechas to the galaxy of origin and discovered the prosperous scene of alien races.

Tongluo said strangely: "What's weird? Was there a higher civilization here before?"

Aluminum plate said: "Three masters do not exist. The Tian'an area has few resources and it is difficult to develop. What's more, the people of Anzhu had a big purge here in the early years."

Tongluo said: "That's strange. These guys are developing too fast. We just received notification that they have arrived near Tian'an, and they have developed like this in such a short period of time."

The alien race has more than just a galaxy of origin, so Zhang Fan developed in multiple directions in order to be able to attack as quickly as possible.

The Origin Galaxy is just an outpost, not the most prosperous galaxy.

There are five migratory planets here, and there are also more than a dozen mineral stars, but the amount of mineral stars collected by the aliens is very small.

The seemingly prosperous city can actually be pierced with fingers. They are not as impregnable as Tongluo imagined, but the number of space carpets and hive space stations really surprised Tongluo and the others.

The space carpet seemed to dye the entire galaxy purple, and the surrounding hive space stations were constantly swallowing miners.

Looking from a distance, there are other creatures on the purple carpet. Those are worker bees, and they are responsible for the expansion of the space carpet.

In addition, there are huge yawning insects surrounding the migratory planet, which are tunnel insects.

The construction of the tunnel worm has not yet been completed. Once the construction is completed, all the hive space stations will be connected one by one, but now it is a bit like a circle of flagella growing on the planet.

In addition, there are some Leviathans like big fish that are soaring in the galaxy of origin. They will stay on one planet for a period of time, then stay on another planet for a period of time, and they will also fly outside the galaxy.

Behemoth, which looks somewhat similar to Leviathan, but has a slightly larger head and a more bulky body, is orbiting around the migratory planet.

If Tongluo could take a closer look, he would find that these Behemoths were completely sleeping.

As long as they have initial velocity and the lack of friction in space, all living things can revolve around the planet.

Big guys like Behemoth were snoring in their sleep, and from time to time they would scratch themselves with the front fins, looking quite lazy.

And Nidhogg, Nidhogg with three pairs of wings appeared in front of Tongluo and the others.

Tongluo said: "These guys are really disgusting. They have a mouth full of teeth. Aren't you afraid of cutting yourself?"

Aluminum plate said: "The third master, each race has its own development rules. Look at Iron Block, doesn't he have fangs?"

Tongluo spread his hands and said, "That's all I'm saying. Don't take it seriously. Well, ask them why they are here."

Aluminum Plate nodded, then drove the mecha to Nidhogg and said, "We are the Ribot civilization. Who are you? Why do you appear near Tian'an?"

Nidhogg looked at the mecha that was about the same size as himself and opened his mouth. The densely packed teeth in the four-petal mouth looked a bit ferocious.

Aluminum Plate has been alert, he is worried that this guy will launch a sudden attack.

But at this moment, an alien wearing black armor emerged from the depths of Nidhogg's throat.

The aluminum plate was waiting for his reply, but all the black-armored aliens could see was dancing around, but no signal could be transmitted.

Aluminum Plate asked again: "Are you dumb? Don't you know how to use electronic signals?"

Hearing this, Zhang Fan sighed. It wasn't that the aliens didn't know how to use it, but that Nidhogg didn't have such equipment.

Signs from aliens among alien races generally enter directly into the brain, where the signals are quickly processed, and then fed back through strong brain waves.

Therefore, this creature must be large in size. Both Leviathan and Behemoth can transmit brain wave signals.

However, Nidhogg, who is relatively small in size, cannot emit brainwave signals and can only receive signals from others.

With no other choice, Zhang Fan had no choice but to control Nidhogg himself and forcibly transmit the signal, which might damage Nidhogg's brain.

"Uh, can you hear me?" A signal passed to Aluminum Plate's ear.

Aluminum plate said unhappily: "What's wrong with you? Is the communication system broken?"

Zhang Fan said: "We are a biological civilization, the Ingenier civilization of the space merchant. You were right before, there was an abnormality in the communication system, but it is fine now."

Aluminum plate added: "Biological civilization? Can this kind of civilization do good business?"

Zhang Fan said: "Don't underestimate biological civilization, there are many in the inner circle."

Aluminum plate said: "Don't bully me. I don't know. We have ruins and it is clearly pointed out above."

"Aluminum plate!!" Tongluo yelled with a dark face, "Don't say things you shouldn't say!"

Aluminum Plate broke out in a cold sweat, believing that there was a warning from the third master, otherwise the secret of Ruibote's civilization would be exposed.

Zhang Fan was a little surprised when he heard that, relics? What remains? Is it the same thing as the stone tablet I got?

Zhang Fan still wanted to ask, but after a moment's thought, he realized that he shouldn't pursue this matter further, otherwise it would intensify the conflict between the two clans.

He felt that it was still necessary for him to take a walk in this Fast light source. What if he came across the ruins of a higher civilization again?

Seeing that the aluminum plate was silent, Zhang Fan said: "Dear Ruibaote civilization, do you want to come and sit on our origin star? Our Ingenil civilization loves peace very much."

Tongluo whispered to the aluminum plate: "Don't be fooled by them. There was news before that they have been to the Anzhu people. They are probably as cunning as the Anzhu people, and you can tell by their appearance that they are definitely not easy to mess with. "

Aluminum plate nodded and said: "Third Leader, what you are saying is, what should we do now?"

Tongluo thought for a while and then said: "You are on standby here now. I will take five soldiers to take a look."

Aluminum Plate exclaimed: "Third Leader, this is too dangerous!"

Tongluo said: "There is no danger or danger. If we fail to understand the situation clearly, that is the most dangerous thing. Okay, let me negotiate next."

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