The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 352 Legacy

Tongluo, who took over the communication rights, said to Zhang Fan: "Hello, Ingenil Civilization, my name is Tongluo. I am willing to visit your planet. I am very interested in it."

Zhang Fan smiled and said: "Welcome, please come with me."

After saying that, Tongluo left the team and followed Nidhogg to the nearest living planet.

Zhang Fan turned around strangely and asked, "Are you just the ones coming? Don't they come together?"

Tongluo said: "I'm sorry, you haven't gained our trust yet."

Zhang Fan nodded and understood the words.

Arriving at a nearby living planet, Tongluo discovered that this planet looked prosperous from the outside, but after entering the atmosphere, he discovered that it was all the same.

The alien buildings are placed very regularly. A hive is surrounded by an incubation pool, an evolution chamber, an air force tower, a chrysalis passage, a scorpion nest, a hydralis lair, an infection field, and a shadow tree.

The entire building complex is divided into a nine-square grid, and it looks like this nine-square grid no matter in the high school, on the mountain, or in the sky.

Tongluo asked Zhang Fan: "With you like this, can the clansmen know the clear road?"

Zhang Fan said: "Don't worry, every area has a special smell. They know where their home is, and you can see that there are tunnel bugs near these buildings that we specially use as roads."

Tongluo looked around and saw a few extremely huge tunnel worms. He originally thought that these were just used as resource transportation pipelines, but he didn't expect that they were the dedicated passages for the Yinginil tribe. How stupid a person would be to come up with such a thing. method.

The original principle was that it was open-air, and you only needed to add a foundation and then use asphalt to pave the road. But now this Yinginil tribe actually uses a creature as a road. Don't you know that this consumes huge resources?

Zhang Fan certainly knows that the consumption rate of this resource is huge, but as a planner, the role of the Tunnel Worm is not the ground channel, but the cosmic tunnel, and even the future curvature flight tunnel.

Of course Zhang Fan would not tell Tongluo about this kind of thing, whoever said so would be a fool.

The banquet has been arranged. It is completely imitating the Dragon Emperor Civilization, but the materials are somewhat different. It is completely the special food of the alien civilization and a derivative of the carpet.

Tongluo is very resistant. How can he eat alien food casually? What should he do if he gets food poisoning?

However, Zhang Fan couldn't hold back his enthusiasm and kept promoting how delicious the food of foreign civilizations was. In the end, Tongluo could only stop talking about it.

However, the moment he tasted the foreign food in his mouth, Tongluo knew that he had definitely fallen.

Why is it so delicious? Why do these Ingenil civilizations know their own tastes so well, no! I shouldn't have these taste buds!

Under the bombardment of Zhang Fan's delicacies, Tongluo felt a little like crying. He didn't know why he cried. Maybe today was the day he truly mastered happiness.

Tongluo shed tears and said to Zhang Fan: "Today is my happiest day."

Zhang Fan was speechless looking at this strong man with a green face and fangs and half of his body was a robot. Could it be that aliens don't care about food so much?

Of course he would not say such words. Zhang Fan said: "Mr. Tongluo, if you like it, eat more. There is something I want to ask."

Tongluo's mouth was full of food and he stretched out his hand to signal. Zhang Fan said: "Why do you have such hatred for the people of Anzhu?"

When Tongluo put down the food, it wasn't because he didn't feel it tasted good, but because he felt that after his emotions got up, the food was like chewing wax.

Tongluo said: "A long time ago, our Oni civilization was originally a prosperous civilization, but in the Fast Light Source dominated by the Anzhu people, our Oni civilization will never have a way to get ahead."

Zhang Fan listened quietly to Tongluo's explanation, which seemed to reveal the origins of Ruibaote's civilization.

Tongluo continued: "Look at us, we have rosy faces and two horns on our heads. I can tell you here that our Ooni civilization is the remnant of an alien civilization."

It was the first time Zhang Fan heard this kind of news, and he quickly said: "Which civilization? It actually left its descendants in this remote corner?"

Tongluo said: "No, it's not legacy, but expansion. You should know that every civilization will leave its seeds in the outside world. If one day they grow up, wouldn't it be easier to conquer?"

Zhang Fan thought about it and agreed. This was a completely bloodless way to conquer an alien planet without hurting one of his soldiers.

Tongluo continued: "The ruins show that we come from an advanced civilization, but we don't know what they are called. Sadly, we can only wait silently."

Zhang Fan felt that Tongluo had something to say, but as expected, Tongluo said: "According to the records of our main civilization, every advanced civilization will do such a thing. This is the most convenient expansion. By the way, Yinginir's main civilization which one?"

Upon hearing Tong Luo's question, Zhang Fan shook his head and said, "We do not have a main civilization. We are an indigenous civilization born and raised here."

Tongluo said enviously: "Then you are so lucky to have survived in this chaotic universe."

Zhang Fan smiled and said nothing, and Tongluo said: "Originally, our Ooni tribe was developing, but for some reason, the hateful Anzhu people carried out a brutal massacre on our tribe. In the end, only my brother and I survived."

Zhang Fan said doubtfully: "Your brother?"

Tongluo replied: "Yes, my brother, the first warrior of Ruibote civilization, Tongluo."

Of course I have heard of the name Tonglu. His words were very arrogant at that time.

Tongluo continued: "At that time, we were homeless, but the boss finally took us in."

Zhang Fan asked: "Master, who is he?"

Tongluo shook his head and said: "I can't tell you that he is the belief of our Ruibao civilization. He single-handedly supported the entire Ruibao civilization. All I can tell you is his name, Jin Chan."

Golden cicada? Are there still four masters and disciples going to the West to obtain Buddhist scriptures? Zhang Fan cursed.

Tongluo said: "It was the master who saved us, and he was able to lead the civilizations of all ethnic groups to fight against the tyranny of the Anzhu civilization."

Zhang Fan finally understood why this Ruibao civilization had such hatred for the Anzhu people.

Tongluo took two bites of the creep delicacies again and said: "I am the third leader of Ruibote civilization. I admire your Ingenil civilization very much. Let's form an alliance."

The engineer possessed by Zhang Fan smiled, and then stretched out his hand. Tongluo was stunned for a moment, and then held Zhang Fan's hand. Zhang Fan said: "Mr. Tongluo, we Yinginil people are willing to become your strongest Alliance, eradicating the tyranny of the Anzhu people, is the duty of Fast Light Source."

In this way, a common alliance was reached between the foreign civilization and the Ruibaote civilization to fight against the Anzhu civilization.

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