The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 39 Genocide Storm

He was a little nervous. He had never encountered such a difficult thing before.

Even if he faced the previously arrogant Golden Feather Ant King, he would not worry about genocide, but this time the real risk is genocide.

Zhang Fan felt like he was going crazy. The virus was still spreading outside, but there was no progress at all here.

He kept making permutations and combinations, trying to develop a new type of virus that could fight viruses. It was impossible to develop drugs under such crude conditions.

After killing the Golden Feather Ant King, I thought at first that I had the grassland in my hands and the world, but since I attacked the forest, I have really had bad luck.

First there was a fire, then they were ambushed, and now they are in danger of being wiped out by a virus.

It would be great if Adam was there at this time. A ray of thought came to Adam.

At this time, Adam had already turned a sickly red color. This was not caused by joy, but by the metabolism in Adam's body running at high speed to detoxify.

Adam could no longer speak or think, and was in a state of shock. If Adam died in this situation, it would be difficult to resurrect him, and even the embryonic cells would be infected by the virus.

Zhang Fan spread his thoughts outward and observed the current situation through Feilong's perspective.

Most of the bacteria carpet has been infected, and only the parts cut off and connected by Zhang Fan can still function normally.

But those places have also entered a stage of suspension of work due to the gradual consumption of water resources, so there is no room for him to think at a time of crisis.

Pulling his thoughts back to the evolution chamber, the culture fluid in the evolution chamber is gradually decreasing, and all he can do now is pray.

I pray that I can develop the detoxifying virus as soon as possible.

Suddenly Zhang Fan saw scientific bacteria. These bacteria were also a type of creature that reproduced very quickly. They had always been under Adam's control and had never left the evolutionary cavity.

Zhang Fan stopped what he was doing and connected his mind with Adam's brain. He wanted to find out how Adam created scientific bacteria.

After obtaining Adam's method of making scientific bacteria, Zhang Fan began to cultivate high-speed breeding medical bacteria.

The effect of these medical bacteria is very similar to that of phagocytes, which destroy all external enemies.

But medical bacteria have great advantages over phagocytes.

The first lies in the method of reproduction. Phagocytes are converted from modified cells and need to be mobilized. Their division also takes a certain amount of time. Once medical bacteria are successfully developed, they can be directly released. Like viruses, they will reproduce through nutrients.

But this medical bacteria will not cause harm to the entire Zerg race.

The second point lies in the efficiency of killing viruses. Phagocytes have a certain attack capacity and will stop working after swallowing a certain amount of viruses.

Medical bacteria are like a sword, constantly slashing at viruses and smashing them together with their genes.

This medical bacteria came from Adam's sketch, and I didn't expect it to be used today.

After continuous splicing according to the genetic structure of the sketch, the medical bacteria soon took shape.

Inject these medical bacteria into the few remaining worker bees and let them carry the bacteria to each mother nest.

The successful development of medical bacteria marks another major breakthrough for the Zerg in the goal of anti-virus, but the price is heavy.

Adam received an injection of medical bacteria, and the viruses in his body were quickly killed. His whole body became bloated. This was inflammation.

Adam was inflamed, which was a bit difficult for medical bacteria to deal with. In desperation, Zhang Fan could only control the phagocytes to clear the inflammation himself.

Soon, Adam's body returned to normal and he was panting heavily due to fatigue.

It really proves the old saying, sickness comes like a mountain and goes away like a thread. Adam's current state is very wrong. He is a little confused. It may be that the virus has damaged his brain nerves. This is a very serious problem.

Sure enough, some of the brain nerves had become pathologically pathological, and those areas were filled with a large number of medical bacteria, which hindered the repair of the brain nerves.

After removing these bacteria, Zhang Fan began to manually repair these brain nerves, which was a long process.

Worker bees carrying medical bacteria are being carried out and spread, killing large swaths of viruses wherever they pass.

Some mother nests have returned to normal operation and have begun producing worker bees. Some of these worker bees spread medical bacteria, and some stay to lay bacteria blankets.

Zhang Fan looked at the devastated land and felt hatred in his heart. These damn mosquitoes actually knew how to use viruses to turn the great rivers and mountains into this state.

One day, when I break my sword and reforge it, I will let you know how terrifying the Zerg are!

Emperor Jingjing knew that this virus crisis could bring long-term peace to the forest. After resting for a while, it seemed to have received some kind of induction and came to the edge of the forest again.

It's still the same, nothing has changed. The power of this virus is really terrifying. Should we fill up the corrosive land?

Emperor Jing Jing observed this desolate land and could not see the prosperity of the past.

"There are still fish that slipped through the net?" Emperor Jingjing saw some worker bees busy at the edge of the forest, and their bodies slowly turned golden.

A golden light flashed, and at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye, a sound like thunder appeared on the worker bee.

Between Sumeru, the worker bee was torn apart by Emperor Jingjing. Emperor Jingjing returned to his original place with a golden light, and the golden light on his body faded away.

Zhang Fan had no idea about these things. He was still busy repairing Adam, and he only knew that another worker bee had died.

Emperor Mosquito Jing continued to observe quietly. Once he found the figure of the worker bee, he would eliminate it and move it very quickly.

The further back he went, the more Emperor Jie Jing felt that something was wrong. These guys should all be poisoned to death by the virus. How come there are more and more of them?

Emperor Mosquito Jing's expression was stagnant. He knew that he was also infected by the virus. The golden light flashed again, and all the viruses on his body were wiped away.

Continuing to look at the land, it decided to start a war to nip the threat in the bud.

Zhang Fan's repair work has come to an end, and the order of the entire Zerg world has once again returned to normal.

After the repair was completed, Adam was still very weak and fell into a deep sleep.

After Zhang Fan checked Adam's body and found nothing wrong, he put down his worries.

While the reconstruction work was being carried out, Zhang Fan was worried that a similar situation would happen again, so he ordered the construction of mushroom carpet areas.

The advantage of this kind of regional construction is to prevent similar vicious incidents from happening again. Regions are still connected to each other, but this connection can be disconnected at any time in a crisis.

This novel of mine is written in volumes. If you don’t see some parts, then there’s nothing I can do about it.

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