The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 40 Emperor Jingjing

Mosquitoes, Culicidae, were originally the most common small mosquitoes.

Like the Golden Feather Ant King, it absorbed spores with modified cells and opened up its spiritual intelligence.

But unlike the Golden Feather Ant King, Emperor Mosquito Jing didn't think about conquering anyone.

Ever since it learned that modifying cells can evolve intelligence, it has been motivated to find spores.

Go from the dirty swamp to the beautiful flower garden, but as soon as you enter the flower garden, you are attacked by bees.

It took a long time for Emperor Jie Jing to eliminate all these bees and devour the queen bee who also had wisdom.

Continue on the road to find spores.

So this is the reason why Zhang Fan has been fighting in the forest for so long without finding bees. When the bees die, the wasps lack their source of food. Emperor Jingjing also kills them by the way. It is better to die early than to die later.

While observing the forest, it discovered its first partner, the super-large King Mosquito, who is the father of the current King Mosquito and is even bigger.

But this race is born with cowardice. It looks tall and mighty, spreading its wings to cover the sky, but as long as it is a little stronger, it will be cowardly.

When you encounter large mosquitoes, they are looking for food, and few insects will pay attention to these large mosquitoes.

After talking with the boss, Mosquito King, he quickly agreed to travel with Emperor Mosquito Jing.

Emperor Mosquito Jing has been looking for spores, constantly absorbing the cells in the spores. Under the infection of Emperor Mosquito Jing, the Great Mosquito King gradually opened up a certain amount of wisdom.

In the following days, Emperor Mosquito Jing successively recovered several other mosquito kings, and he almost died when facing the Anopheles king.

Their toxins were too strong, but fortunately Emperor Mosquito Jing had a strong will and survived at the last moment, which also led to it gaining extraordinary abilities.

When he is angry, Mosquito Jingdi's whole body will turn golden yellow, his physique will be greatly improved, and his super fast movement speed can kill all living creatures in an instant.

After killing the old Anopheles King, a new Anopheles King was supported, which is the current one.

The Giant Mosquito King is different. They were saved by Emperor Mosquito Jing from the hands of the thief ants.

At that time, the strength of Thief Ant should not be underestimated, but he still could not defeat the extremely talented Emperor Jie Jing.

After expelling the thief ants, Emperor Jie Jing began a large-scale forest cleaning activity to eliminate all disobedient creatures.

In this way, it became a veritable forest overlord.

In the past, it would go to the grassland to observe the situation in the grassland, worrying that the creatures in the grassland would attack the forest, but this worry was unnecessary. No grassland creature could deal with the giant insects in the forest.

Until Zhang Fan appeared.

Emperor Mosquito Jing's mood was a little gloomy, and the mosquitoes around him looked a little frightened.

It knew that this time was the key to killing Zhang Fan, so it briefly told the mosquitoes what it had discovered while you were sick and could kill you.

The first one to explode was the Anopheles mosquito. Who could have imagined that such a powerful virus could not kill it?

Emperor Jingjing asked the mosquitoes to calm down and then put forward his own opinions.

As a result, a counterattack alliance was formed, but Zhang Fan still didn't know about these things.

What is he doing? He is busy sorting out new combat units.

This is the message that came from Adam just after he woke up. This new unit is called self-exploding mosquitoes.

Very early on, Zhang Fan proposed to Adam to build an excellent, powerful and mighty Zerg army.

This army must not only include the navy, land and air forces, but also have strategic deterrent forces.

The creep can be divided into strategic materials.

Among them, Zhang Fan also asked for a creature that could explode in the air. He transmitted the general information to Adam and told him that it was a self-exploding mosquito.

This is a suicidal attack unit that can cause tons of damage to targets in the air.

According to this pattern, Adam had been thinking about how to make a self-destructing mosquito. Finally, during the second full-scale attack, Zhang Fan gave Adam the materials needed for the self-destroying mosquito.

Now Adam had the opportunity to do research. Looking at the information report on self-exploding mosquitoes, Zhang Fan was very satisfied and asked Adam to prepare and implement it as soon as possible.

The Zerg, who have returned to normal, are still building their homes under the hard work of worker bees, but the enemy will not give them a chance to breathe.

Zhang Fan received the news of the enemy's attack immediately.

He immediately mounted his remaining troops to fight back, and the brood quickly spawned soldiers.

The two sides launched a unique battle on the grassland. Zhang Fan found no trace of mosquitoes. At most, there were only some ground creatures, and even the giant giant centipede came.

The insects in the forest were continuously driven out by the mosquito clan and headed towards Zhang Fan's base camp.

There were more and more insects, which gradually became too much for Zhang Fan.

If it weren't for the heavy losses, would you have succeeded so easily?

The flying dragons in the sky kept swallowing projectiles. The egg-shaped projectiles bounced on the insects and finally exploded. The damage caused was not particularly obvious.

In the face of land wars, the best weapon to use is still poisonous banelings. The power of the explosion is further enhanced and can block most enemies.

Hydralisks' attacks are also impressive. They target the insects' tentacles or eyes to maximize damage.

Springtails are pretty routine, scratching, gnawing, everything.

The battle situation reached a stalemate, the entire battle area turned into a meat grinder, and countless corpses were piled up into the Jingguan.

The next step is to see where it lasts, whether there are more insects in the forest, or whether Zhang Fan reproduces faster.

It was quiet in the rear. Adam was still doing a new round of research, but the Mosquito tribe was a little impatient.

The Evil Mosquito King did not obey the orders of Emperor Mosquito Jing and entered the battlefield with his subordinates. Zhang Fan discovered them.

Under the sunlight, the mosquitoes look colorful and beautiful.

But what's the point of looking good? They can't be eaten. Besides, there's no place for them to hide here.

The self-exploding mosquito has entered the final stage of research and development and will be put into production soon. Just wait, you damn mosquitoes!

The flying dragon headed towards the evil mosquito and kept spraying bombs from its abdomen, causing great damage to the evil mosquito.

They themselves are not a race good at frontal attacks, so they didn't expect to be beaten up by the flying dragon this time.

After seeing the Evil Mosquito approaching, Zhang Fan pulled the flying dragon back, and the Hydralisk shifted its target and sprayed it all towards the Evil Mosquito.

Countless beautiful mosquitoes just stayed on this land. The evil mosquito king avoided the enemy's attacks and felt very regretful for not listening to the mosquito king's words.

But the way back was blocked by flying dragons. Zhang Fan gave an order, and the flying dragons all fired at the evil mosquito, leaving it behind.

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