The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 437 Dark Night Divine Blade

Carlot stood up suddenly and said with excited eyes: "Really?"

Jonas took a few breaths and said, "When have I ever lied to you? Oh, I'm so exhausted!"

"Mistress! Maids! Give the Grand Duke a massage!" Carlot shouted, slamming the table.

After Jonas regained his breath a little, he said: "We contacted the patrol brigade of the Dragon Emperor Civilization. They attach great importance to this alien race."

"How did Dragon Emperor Civilization answer you?" Carlot asked anxiously.

Jonas said: "An officer from the patrol group said that they would send a squadron to support when the time comes."

"That's great! We have the support of the Dragon Emperor's civilization! If you are a foreigner, I will tell him to never return!" Carrot's heart was full of heroism.

What is Zhang Fan doing at this time?

He is studying biological mechas with the cerebrates.

Ordinary mechas, just like the applicable mechas that Zhang Fan first came into contact with from the Dragon Emperor Civilization, most of them are used as agricultural mechas.

The mechas with slightly better performance are the mechas driven by the Ruibaot civilization before. Their styles are all kinds of strange, among which Jin Chan's Strike Fighter has caused damage to the alien race to a certain extent.

Although Zhang Fan killed him by playing a trick in the end, it also made Zhang Fan understand that mechas in space battles are a kind of existence similar to special forces.

The same performance as the strike fighter is the free warrior. The Sekent civilization relied on its excellent physical fitness to perfectly resist the attack of the aliens.

If it weren't for the alien race's rapid improvement in strength, these mechas and the Sekant warships would have been really difficult to deal with.

Therefore, after the conquered Fuwu civilization obtained their seeds, Zhang Fan decided to build a mecha unique to the alien race.

The name is called Dark Night God Front.

The Dark Night God's Edge is theoretically a complete biological mecha, and there is no difference if it is regarded as another kind of creature.

And in addition to organisms and seeds, this Dark Night God's Edge will also add some other biological technologies to it.

Looking at the design of the Dark Night God, Zhang Fan was quite satisfied with its appearance.

The whole body is purple, and there are two huge sharp blades on both arms, showing a transparent light yellow color.

And the eyes of the Dark Night God are not a decoration, but a weapon launch port.

This weapon is called Death Crystal Spore, which is a brand-new spore that is combined with superconducting laser technology after the proliferating spores evolve into energy-devouring spores.

This kind of death crystal spore can multiply rapidly in Dark Night God's body, and then be fired through his eyes like an energy cannon.

Don't underestimate these death crystal spores, these spores can swallow energy.

Therefore, this is the best way to eliminate the opponent's protective shield, and because of superconducting laser technology, it is also very good in penetrating power.

In addition, in addition, the brainworms also equipped the Dark Night God with a creature that can be used in direct combat, the Doomsday Lava Beast.

The Doomsday Lava Beast is a creature composed of saturated sol liquid and fusion crystal liquid.

They have a flat shape and fit behind the Dark Night God's front, and are usually in a dormant state.

However, when the seeds in Dark Night God's body awaken, the doomsday lava beast will wake up and then wander around Dark Night God's front.

And it will also launch a doomsday lava cannon on surrounding enemies. This cannon is a form of life energy attack.

After the awakening is completed, the seed will enter a dormant period, and the doomsday lava beast will also die due to the consumption of its potential.

It can be seen from this that this kind of cannon consumes a huge amount of vitality.

At least in comparison it is no worse than the wide-area meteor cannon.

Zhang Fan was very satisfied with the Dark Night God Front, and he asked again: "What energy method do you use for the Dark Night God Front? Reactor technology?"

Adam said: "Master, you are right. So far, reactor technology is still our first choice for energy operations."

Zhang Fan thought for a moment and said, "What about our gem meat?"

Adam said with some embarrassment: "Master, it is an energy-storing creature with gem flesh. When faced with high-intensity battles, its output cannot keep up."

Zhang Fan said: "That's it."

Adam thought Zhang Fan had finished asking, but Zhang Fan added: "Use gem meat as the first energy system."

Adam was stunned and said hesitantly: "Master."

Zhang Fan said: "I understand what you are going to say, but as a biological civilization, we can have technology, but we must apply technology to living things, and I am the master."

Zhang Fan looked at Adam again and said, "I want to control every cell."

Adam understood what Zhang Fan said, and he hurriedly said: "Master! Adam understands! In addition, does the Star Protozoa's starry sky detention also require gem meat?"

Zhang Fan said: "Change, replace them all. I'll give you three months to give me a satisfactory answer."

After saying that, Zhang Fan disappeared again. He had one more thing to do, which was to find the spies scattered throughout the Sekent civilization.

The time is almost up, and the information that should be collected is almost done.

So, he said to Angela: "Angela, let the demon cells enter the Sekent civilization. It's time to harvest."

Angela nodded to express her understanding, and then let the cells enter her body just like before.

Taking advantage of the dark environment of the universe, he quietly lurked into the Sekent civilization.

She can turn into light, water, and everything in the world, so she lurks very well.

After scattering some cells in one place and allowing them to reproduce freely, they quietly came to another planet and continued to do the same thing, but it might take a little longer.

Zhang Fan can wait. He has hatched quite a few Sekent people, all of whom are independent thinkers. As long as he finds one, he will find another one like a drumbeating a flower.

After doing all this, all Zhang Fan could do was wait.

Both sides are making final arrangements. The small spiral arm is not small or big, but if it is to be completed, one year will be very tight.

Therefore, Hiava and his subordinates divided their forces into several groups, with the mission of peace reaching thousands of light sources, except for the Fuwu civilization that had been wiped out.

Marcus is always on standby, and he will move forward whenever there is a problem.

The alien civilization with two light sources can be said to be the top existence among level 2.3 civilizations. As long as Zhang Fan is willing, he can enter the level 2.4 civilization anytime and anywhere.

In this case, the distance to the Dragon Emperor's civilization is getting closer and closer.

The level 2.4 civilization is a trend. No one pays attention to the early low-level civilizations, but after entering the medium-level civilization, all the high-level civilizations in the galaxy will focus on it.

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